Martial Inverse

Chapter 132 Is Xuwu nothingness?

With Feng Hao waking up, the Haotian general also stood up abruptly, with an excited expression on his face, he had waited for countless years, and now he finally saw hope. Countless years have passed, and seeing There have been all kinds of strong people, but this is the first time to see hope.

After Feng Hao woke up, his arm shook slightly, and all the remaining extremely weak power of nothingness was immediately dissipated. He took a deep breath and looked at his hands in disbelief. .

I actually survived.

At this time, Feng Hao even had the feeling of being in a dream. During this period of time, the pain and torture he experienced almost made him collapse. If it was not for the persistence in his heart, he would not even be able to persist. up.

Fortunately, he finally completed the transformation, and he is in the true esoteric form that controls the law of time. For Feng Hao, this is equivalent to another trump card, nothingness, the real esoteric form. No one can comprehend such an ultimate form.

"You are a void god."

However, at this time, the God General Haotian next to him spoke slowly, and looked at Feng Hao with an expression of disbelief.

"Void, what is the Void Divine Body, I am the Void Martial Divine Body." Feng Hao came back to his senses, but he showed a puzzled look, but he also reacted at this time, could it be that this time he followed his own physique There is a relationship.

"No, you are not vain martial arts, but a void spirit body, otherwise, how could you have passed this test so easily." The Haotian general also said excitedly, looking Feng Hao up and down, as if he had already confirmed This little thing.

"What." Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned, the Void God Body is equal to the Void God Body, this

"It must be like this. Did you know that in the previous years, the twelve people who came in were all strong people of the human race, and three of them survived to the last step, but they failed in the end. After the final mysteries of the law of space, the remaining power of nothingness will be to reshape their physical bodies and become nothingness gods."

Haotian Shenjiang took a deep breath, and continued: "However, the three of them couldn't survive this test. Only you, you have successfully comprehended the ultimate law of space in the process of transformation. Profound Truth, you have reached that step in the end, but what makes me feel incredible is that your physical body has not been reshaped because of this, but you are also crazily absorbing the power of nothingness. Logically speaking, only the nothingness body Only then can it be done.”

Listening to the explanation of Haotian God General, Feng Hao also fell into silence, and couldn't help but frown tightly. Could it be that this is really related to his physique, the so-called Void Martial God Body is what Haotian God General said The body of nothingness.

"There's nothing wrong, because your physique is originally a void body, so these void forces did not reshape your physical body, and because of this, you can easily absorb all the void forces and achieve immortal void body."

Haotian God General laughed and said, this is definitely an unexpected surprise, and it is also because Feng Hao belongs to the void god body, so he can solve it very easily. It is very difficult for others, but for him, But it's not a problem.

The Void Divine Body, now Feng Hao is the Void Divine Physique, so he was able to complete the first level very easily.

"Xuwu, nothingness" Feng Hao also took a deep breath at the moment, he didn't know what the relationship between the two was, but no matter what, he had successfully completed the first test at this time , he remembered that Haotian God General once said that if he wanted to leave the realm of nothingness, he would have to undergo two tests!

Now that the first test has passed, the next step is the second test.

"What is the second test?" Feng Hao asked in a deep voice. Now he has no choice but to pass the second test. After all, once he breaks through the second test, he will be able to leave this ghost place.

And most importantly, the baptism of the power of nothingness in the first level brought him quite objective changes.

He felt that his cultivation had undergone obvious changes, and his physical body had also become stronger, and he had even comprehended the esoteric form of the law of time, nothingness.

The current Feng Hao even vaguely feels that he can fight the Supreme Being openly and aboveboard, and a bottleneck has also emerged in his cultivation base. Feng Hao believes that this is the face of the upper God Lord he has to face. the bottleneck.

Once he breaks through the past, then he will become a true supreme, a supreme position that no one has ever been able to achieve in the Hundred Clans Continent for countless years.

However, Feng Hao also suppressed the excitement in his heart. After all, what he has to face now is the second test. Only after passing the second test can he truly be qualified to think about this matter , once he can't even pass the second level, then he won't even have the chance to leave the realm of nothingness.

"The first level is about the test of the body, you have already passed it, then the second level, I have to remind you, it is about the test of the soul." The God of Haotian looked at Feng Hao solemnly and said: " If you are not sure, I suggest that you practice in the Tower of Nothingness for a period of time before trying again."

"The second level is very dangerous." Feng Hao frowned. He understood what the other party meant, but he didn't have much time to delay at the moment. No matter what, he had to leave this realm of nothingness as soon as possible.

"It's very dangerous. If you fail, the end is the same, that is death, and it will be more dangerous to be passed the first pass." Haotian God General said slowly, looking at Feng Hao: "It will be a hundred times more dangerous than the first pass. "

Feng Hao was silent, closed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, then opened his eyes suddenly and said: "I want to perform the second test."

God General Haotian glanced at Feng Hao and nodded. Since Feng Hao insisted so much, he would not stop him. Relatively speaking, he also very much hoped that Feng Hao could pass the second test, because Only in this way can one inherit the inheritance of the Tower of Nothingness and leave the realm of nothingness.

And Feng Hao inherited the Tower of Nothingness, so as the guardian of it, he can obviously take the opportunity to leave this place. After all, he has also been trapped here for countless years, waiting for someone who can inherit the Tower of Nothingness Appear.

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