Martial Inverse

Chapter 135: Shackles

Chapter 135 Shackles

Hearing what the Immortal of Nothingness said, Feng Hao was completely shocked that the human race actually possessed such potential, and could aspire to the level of God Lord Pangu.

"Impossible." Feng Hao shook his head again and again. On the Hundred Clans Continent, there has never been a supreme being, and no single supreme being has appeared, let alone Pangu God. Unbelievable.

"There is nothing impossible. The human race is a perfect race created by the last divine power of the Holy Empress Nuwa." The Immortal of Nothingness shook his head and said, "As you can see now, the Supreme is the strongest, that's because For the sake of the chains, "

"Shackles." Feng Hao was taken aback.

"The shackles imprisoned on everyone's heads are the shackles set by the Queen Nuwa herself." The Immortal of Nothingness shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "After the original battle of the gods, most of the powerhouses in the Supreme Realm were Fallen on the battlefield, but there are not many left, most of them are like me, barely dragging their breath, but even if they are not dead, it is almost the same."

"At that time, in order to avoid the darkness coming again, the Holy Empress Nuwa set up a shackle after creating the human race, a shackle that shrouded the blood of all races, and this shackle imprisoned the possibility of all the supreme being promoted to the god general. "

Feng Hao was completely shocked. The shackles in the blood actually imprisoned the promotion of all the supreme powerhouses. No wonder the Hongmeng Supreme once told him that there must be other realms above the Supreme, but no matter who it is, They can only be vaguely noticed, but unable to break through.

"If you want to break through this shackle, there is only one race that can do it, and that is the human race."

The Immortal of Nothingness said slowly: "Only the human race can open this shackle."

"Do you mean that only the human race can break through to a higher level?" Feng Hao said in disbelief that the human race could actually achieve that level.

"That's right, only once your human race has unlocked the shackles, can other people of all races be able to improve their realm, otherwise, no one will be able to break this bloodline shackle." The Immortal of Nothingness said slowly: "Have you ever known , this tower of nothingness, why only the human race can accept inheritance."

Feng Hao took a deep breath. What happened from the mouth of the Immortal of Nothingness today really made it difficult for him to accept for a while. For him, at this moment, he knows the truth of the real world. how.

"Therefore, in order to prevent the darkness from coming again, the human race must have someone who can break through the shackles, otherwise, unless God Venerable Pangu and Holy Queen Nuwa return in the chaos, no one will be able to save these ten thousand people. family."

The Immortal of Nothingness said in a deep voice: "I have struggled with a ray of remnants until now, in order to be able to see the appearance of people who break through the shackles."

"You mean me." Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and was a little confused at the moment.

"That's right, it's you who can completely accept the baptism of the power of nothingness, which proves that you have this potential." The fairy of nothingness looked at Feng Hao in front of him and said, "Next, as long as you complete another transformation, Only then can you truly unlock the bloodline."

"Why are you so sure it's me?" Feng Hao also took a deep breath, then shook his head and said: "Now in the Hundred Clans Continent, no one can break through to the Supreme Realm. This has lasted for countless years like a curse." generally."

"That's because of the shackles of the blood." The Immortal of Nothingness said indifferently: "And you have the aura of God Venerable Pangu on your body. If you fail, then I am afraid that no one else can do it."

"You mean the Lingzhu."

At that moment, Feng Hao's heart moved slightly, and immediately his fingers curled up with faint blue energy. This is the power of the spirit beads in his body. However, according to legend, the soul is condensed by Pangu God.

"That's right, that's it. After God Venerable Pangu entered the chaos, he emitted several rays of light, but these rays of light are spirit beads.

But apart from the Empress Nuwa who knows what these spirit beads represent, the rest of us don't know at all. "

Looking at the faint blue energy lingering in his hands, Feng Hao fell into deep thought. It seems that since he broke through to the Great Emperor, he has been in constant contact with Pangu God Venerable, including this soul, and even within the restricted area. That domineering phantom vaguely pointed to God Venerable Pangu.

Feng Hao sighed lightly, but unfortunately no one could tell him clearly about these things.

"What do you mean by the so-called blood shackles?" Feng Hao couldn't help but ask in a deep voice after being squeezed out. The explanation of this shackle, the Immortal of Nothingness, has always been ambiguous.

"When you touch it, you will know it. That is to say, when you successfully break through the Supreme, it will be unlocked and opened. At that time, the shackles of all the people of the ten thousand races will be unlocked. By then, these Supremes will probably be broken. It is to become a god general, or even a real immortal."

"However, they will never be able to become the existence of Pangu God, except for the human race. Among all races, only the human race has this kind of blood, and can become the existence of the level of Pangu God."

Feng Hao shook his head with a wry smile. This is a bit exaggerated. No matter what is going on in Penglai World or the Hundred Clans Continent, he knows best. Like a curse, it hangs over the heads of all the strong men in the Hundred Clans Continent.

In the past, even someone as strong as the Void God Lord and others did not have the ability to do it. However, although Feng Hao has confidence in himself now, once he thinks of this rumor that exists like a curse, he feels a little unacceptable in his heart.

"Just believe that you can do it." The Immortal of Nothingness said slowly, but his tone became extremely relaxed, and said: "Heirs from the human race, are you ready to accept the real transformation? .”

Feng Hao raised his head, looked at the vague figure of the Immortal of Nothingness in the mid-air, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists unknowingly, yes, he had to believe in himself, no matter what happened in the future, But he had to work hard to leave this realm of nothingness.

"Come on." Feng Hao suddenly showed a smile, obviously ready.

In an instant, the bronze-colored aura completely submerged the vast starry sky, as if it was the end of the world, everything was constantly being destroyed, and then continuously reborn, and Feng Hao was also undergoing his unprecedented transformation.

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