Martial Inverse

Chapter 136: The Resoluteness of the Immortal of Nothingness

Chapter 136 The Resoluteness of the Immortal of Nothingness

However, as Feng Hao perceived everything, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his mind, and immediately the whole person fell into a state of being unable to speak. He seemed to close his eyes tightly, But in his mind, he was experiencing extraordinary things.

It was as if there was a powerful force destroying his mind, even his soul.

However, in the face of all this, Feng Hao can only endure silently, he knows that only by persevering, can he leave alive.

At this time, after the phantom of the Immortal of Nothingness triggered the final test, his figure also suddenly became nothingness, as if he was about to disappear at any time, he silently looked at Feng Hao who was suffering from pain, Did not say anything.

The human race is the last hope of these powerful people in the past, not just Feng Hao's hope, but after doing all this, the remnants of the Immortal of Nothingness suddenly disappeared, leaving Feng Hao alone in this space silently endured.

But at this time, in the Tower of Nothingness, the Haotian God General has been waiting for Feng Hao's change, but since entering the second test, Feng Hao's aura has disappeared all of a sudden, and the Haotian God General knows that this is nothingness. The power of the tower is triggered.

However, Haotian Shenjiang suddenly raised his head, stared at a certain void, his expression was slightly excited, and a wave of familiar energy appeared.

"Meet Lord Void."

Haotian God General directly knelt down on one leg, but the next moment, the remnants of the Immortal of Nothingness also appeared in front of Haotian God General.

"Haotian, you have worked hard all these years."

The Immortal of Nothingness looked at Haotian God General and smiled and said, "This guy, I hope he can make it through. My mission has been completed."

The tone of the Immortal of Nothingness has an indescribable ease. He should have disappeared countless years ago, but for the sake of his mission, a wisp of remnant soul, forcibly relying on the power of the Tower of Nothingness, has survived until now .

"My lord, can he complete the real transformation?"

God General Haotian lowered his head and asked, Feng Hao is the only person who can complete the first test in these countless years, if he can't complete the second test, then I am afraid that in the future, for a long time, there will be no more people in the human race. hope.

"I don't know, he has the aura of God Venerable Pangu on his body, and I can't see his trajectory." The Immortal of Nothingness murmured: "I hope he can complete it."

God General Haotian remained silent, looking at the remnants of the Immortal of Nothingness, there was a sense of loneliness in his eyes, because it was triggered for the second time, which meant that the Immortal of Nothingness was about to truly disappear in this world.

"Haotian, don't be sad, I should have died early, and it is a kind of luck that I survived until now."

On the contrary, the Immortal of Nothingness sees very clearly. He raised his head and looked into the distance with deep eyes, as if he had experienced the long river of time and the obstacles of space, and saw something.

"I'm going to disappear soon, so I'll do the last thing." The Immortal of Nothingness said slowly, no one knew what he was going to do in the next moment.

"Master Void, what are you going to do?" Haotian God General suddenly raised his head, looked at Immortal Dao of Void, from his tone, it seemed to be determined.

"Sacred Pan Gu sacrificed himself, suppressed the darkness and turmoil, and saved countless years in this world. The Holy Empress Nuwa sacrificed herself to create hope for the future, and I am nothing. Even if I fall, I have to do something. "

The Immortal of Nothingness began to raise his footsteps and walked out step by step.

"Master Void,,." Haotian Shenshen was tearful, and he vaguely guessed what the Immortal of Void would do next.

"Haotian, if that kid from the human race can complete the second test, tell him that I can keep the world safe for thousands of years, and then I'll rely on him, for the sake of all races." The voice of the Immortal of Nothingness slowly echoed in the Tower of Nothingness , the next moment, he had already disappeared.

The God of Haotian will close his eyes tightly,

He knew that the Immortal of Nothingness wanted to use his last strength to keep the thousand-year peace of all races!

After the Immortal of Nothingness left the Tower of Nothingness, he was in the Realm of Nothingness, but at this time his figure was particularly ethereal, as if he would disappear at any moment. He was walking in the Realm of Nothingness like the vast starry sky, his eyes staring at the front, His steps were unusually firm.

Where the Immortal of Nothingness walked, ripples appeared in the space, and the next moment, he directly left the realm of nothingness, and at the same time, in the Penglai Continent and even the world of hundreds of clans, all the strong people felt a sudden feeling in their hearts. Surprised.

An extremely powerful coercion immediately enveloped this piece of heaven and earth, yes, no matter it is the world of Penglai, or the Continent of Hundred Clans, whether it is the Lingxiao Peak of Xuandao Valley, or the guardian clan and immortals, whether it is the old man Xuanyuan and others or the immortals. Everyone, without exception, felt a powerful coercion coming!

At this moment, the world is silent.

In the sky of Penglai World, a ray of light appeared like a scorching sun, and a figure appeared indistinctly, he was the Immortal of Nothingness.

The Immortal of Nothingness, after descending into the Penglai world, took one step down, as if he had crossed thousands of miles. He was walking, as if he was visiting everything in the Penglai world, as if he was nostalgic for countless years ago.

Before he came to the mountain gate of Xuandao Valley, everyone including Tongtian knelt down on one leg directly. The powerful coercion made them unable to lift their heads, but the Immortal of Nothingness did nothing, just After staying for a while, he left.

"So strong..." Tong Tian raised his head, his face covered in cold sweat, the coercion at that moment just now made him unbearable in his heart, and similarly, Ling Xiaofeng will naturally be the same in the next moment, no one makes rash moves, but The Immortal of Nothing left again.

Before coming to the Guardian Clan, the Void Immortal paused for a moment. The eyes of the old man Xuanyuan inside burst out with divine light, but after a while, he knelt down on his knees first, without the slightest temper.

After a while, the Void Immortal turned and left, and the old man Xuanyuan slowly raised his head, looking at the back of the Void Immortal, his expression was complicated, but finally he sighed, his face was full of sorrow after all.

Step by step, the Immortal of Nothingness came to a barren mountain range again, but he really stared at this mountain range coldly, as if there was something in this mountain range.

After a cold snort, the Immortal of Nothingness didn't move at all, and turned around to leave again.

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