Martial Inverse

Chapter 143 Fighting

In an instant, in the Tower of Nothingness, the figure of Haotian Divine General became extremely bright like a burning divine flame, and the figure of the whole person also completely became illusory, as if it would disappear at any time.

"The power of ants is also trying to defy the sky."

Responding to the actions of the Haotian general, Tiandao snorted coldly. Although it would take a lot of effort for Tiandao to get rid of the Haotian general, it doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability!

Everything in the world cannot escape the liquidation of heaven after all, even if it jumps out of the Three Realms.

At this moment, the terrifying energy fluctuations became even more boiling, tearing apart the space all at once, and the terrifying fluctuations immediately permeated the air!

Dazzling rays of light, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, descended from the sky, filling the tower of nothingness, as if to completely flatten the tower of nothingness!

However, during the battle between the Dao of Heaven and the generals of Haotian, in the realm of nothingness, Supreme Master Hongmeng and others also came to a place where the chaotic laws of space appeared to be extremely violent. The power blocked their way.

"The energy fluctuations ahead are abnormal, the chaotic laws of space fluctuate, and the extremely terrifying power of divine punishment."

At this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng also frowned slightly. If they could block their way, I am afraid that only the power of the Dao of Heaven can do it.

"It seems that someone is fighting against the way of heaven."

The Supreme Being of Good and Evil said in a deep voice: "But I didn't notice any energy of Feng Hao, it seems that he is not in it."

"No, Feng Hao is here."

At this time, Xian'er raised the jade slip in her hand and said excitedly: "The jade slip has responded!"

Supreme Master Hongmeng and Supreme Good and Evil looked at each other, and immediately saw the jade slip, which was extremely calm at first, but since approaching this area, the energy on the jade slip has transmitted a kind of not weak fluctuation, This means that Fenghao is nearby!

"We can't move forward. This time, the true body of the Dao of Heaven has descended. There is no way for the three of us to fight together."

Supreme Master Hongmeng frowned, he shook his head, the scene in front of him really made him feel powerless, there was no way to move on, the power of heaven blocked their way, and this time the power of heaven was extremely heavy Majestic, but the Supreme Being of Hongmeng is helpless.

"Heaven's real body."

Xian'er's voice trembled slightly, and soon her beautiful eyes showed some worry. If this is the case, then Feng Hao's danger level will be even more dangerous.

However, they did nothing at this time, could they just watch Feng Hao have an accident.

"Don't worry too much, it is not Feng Hao who is fighting with the power of heaven." After the Supreme Good and Evil identified it at this time, he also said in a definite tone: "It is the power of other people who is fighting Fight against Heaven."

Who exactly.

At this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the other three had this thought in their hearts. In this realm of nothingness, there must be other strong people. There is space storm, even if it is supreme, it may not be able to stay in this place for a long time.

Once the space storm appears, even the Primordial Supreme will have to stay away, let alone other people.

"It seems that we still don't know enough about the world of Penglai."

The Supreme Master Hongmeng looked at the insurmountable area and sighed. They were originally the group of people at the pinnacle of the Penglai world. No matter in terms of strength or status, they almost surpassed all living beings. It was the discovery that perhaps the world of Penglai was not as simple as they knew.

"From the appearance of that strong man who surpassed the Supreme, I knew that maybe we still haven't come into contact with the real world." The Supreme Good and Evil also laughed at himself.

"Now we can't do anything at all, we can only judge that Feng Hao is inside,

So we just have to wait. "Prime Master Hongmeng took a deep breath. There was no way to do this. For them, the invisible force in front of them couldn't break through at all.

Xian'er bit her red lips tightly, a look of worry flashed in her beautiful eyes, but she couldn't do anything, she couldn't help shaking her head at the moment, the three of them could only wait here like this.

But at this time, in the Tower of Nothingness, God Haotian burned up all the remaining divine power. As the guardian of the Tower of Nothingness, he absolutely did not allow Tiandao to attack Feng Hao at this time.

Haotian God General fought with Tiandao for a while, but in the end he was still powerless, Tiandao just dealt with him a little more troublesome, once Tiandao made up his mind to suppress him, it was a breeze.

"Nothingness is dead, so you should follow him too."

Tiandao's unpredictable face is still as calm as ever. At this time, Haotian God will be directly suppressed by Tiandao's power, and he can't move even if he moves.

"Haha, the way of heaven, heaven is not as good as man's calculation, you shouldn't, you should never, give birth to your own selfishness, once the human race appears to break the blood shackles, and grow to the level of the Pangu god, you It will be wiped out."

Although the Haotian general was suppressed at this time, he was not afraid at all. He looked directly at Tiandao, showed an indifferent smile and said: "Your real body cannot appear in the world of Penglai. This time, if you appear, I'm afraid It can't last for too long, I'm betting that you won't last that long."

The Penglai world was created by the god Pangu. The way of heaven is above all living beings, and there is a place where he should appear. It is impossible to come to the world of Penglai, because the world of Penglai has the laws of heaven and earth left by the god Pangu, even if it is the way of heaven. Ignore the means of Pangu God Venerable.

Perhaps, the law of heaven and earth was left behind to stop this scene from happening.

"Then I'll kill you."

The current situation of Tiandao seems to have been guessed, and there is an emotion in his heart that even he doesn't know how to appear, that is anger.

"Kill me, even if you kill me, you can't stop the awakening of the human race, you are finished, hahaha, God, you are finished."

However, after a while, God General Haotian seemed to have sensed something, and he also showed a crazy smile, simply ignoring the anger of heaven. He glanced at the depths of the tower of nothingness, and his face also showed a look of relief.

After guarding for so many years, I finally saw someone who could inherit the Tower of Nothingness.

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