Martial Inverse

Chapter 144 Awakening! blood shackles

Because Haotian God General felt the fluctuation coming from the depths of the Tower of Nothingness at this time, a unique fluctuation!

In the vast ocean of stars, the laws of space adorn this space like dots of stars, but at this moment, in the center, a figure stands proudly, and a layer of bronze-colored divine light gradually emerges on his body.

But at the next moment, the vast stars, which were almost unchanged from ancient times, gradually showed a change. As the bronze-colored aura on Feng Hao's body surface spread out bit by bit, it gradually spread throughout the vast expanse. of stars.

Although the naked eye can see that the bronze-colored aura is spreading very slowly, in fact, it is expanding at an astonishing speed. At this moment, Feng Hao opened his eyes suddenly, and he looked up to the sky. There was a roar!

As the bronze-colored divine light continued to expand, he felt that his entire body was undergoing an indescribable change. This change even included the soul!

Moreover, at this moment, Feng Hao's mind suddenly rang, and his body trembled suddenly, as if he saw a wider world!

This feeling is like originally in a room, you can only be in this room in this life, but suddenly, you find that you can break the wall of this room with your own strength, so you can see the outside world. world!

This feeling made Feng Hao feel a kind of excitement in his whole body! The blood flowing in the body is also boiling, as if it has some extra power! This point, Feng Hao is not clear, and he can't pursue it!

However, at this moment, he felt that his whole body was extremely relaxed, as if he had broken off some kind of shackles in the dark!

In the blink of an eye, the bronze-colored auras had already spread to the entire vastness of the stars, and the next moment, these bronze-colored auras seemed to have expanded to the end, and in an instant, they quickly shrank back, and all of them entered the space. In Feng Hao's body!

With the continuous convergence of the bronze-colored aura, Feng Hao became a bestseller. At this moment, he felt a huge energy flowing in his body! This feeling full of power made him extremely excited!

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he was accepting the crazily rising power in his body!

But what he didn't realize was that with the continuous convergence of the bronze-colored aura, the vast ocean of stars before had formed a dark and boundless emptiness, a piece of pitch black, wrapped in the bronze-colored aura. All the laws of space returned to Feng Hao's body!

This is the power of the Tower of Nothingness! After Feng Hao successfully merged, he was naturally able to obtain all the power of the Tower of Nothingness! As long as all the bronze auras return to his body, then he will experience a qualitative change again!

A real transformation!

At this time, no one could stop Feng Hao's transformation, and the Tower of Nothingness began to shake gradually, and bursts of inexplicable energy fluctuations continued to spread out, but this energy fluctuation became more and more intense, The Haotian Divine General who was suppressed by Heavenly Dao was even more excited, because he knew that no one could stop Feng Hao at this time! Even if it is the way of heaven, it will not work!

"Haha, God, you are still inferior to others after all!"

After Haotian God General confirmed the situation, he felt more at ease, and immediately smiled at Tiandao.

Tiandao's unpredictable face,

This time there is no emotion permeating the air, but relatively speaking, it may be the calm before the storm.

"The fusion of the Tower of Nothingness is completed, and it has a truly immortal body of nothingness. You can't kill him at all!"

God General Haotian doesn't care about the emotional changes of the way of heaven at all. There is not much he can do now, all he has to do is to delay the time as much as possible!

However, at this time, for Feng Hao, a change quietly occurred, which made him even unexpected. , with the last part of the bronze-colored aura that can't be returned without counting!

And his cultivation has also stopped growing, and he is stuck in the bottleneck of the God Master Realm, and he is only one step away from the Supreme!

Aware of this situation, Feng Hao slowly opened Huang, and then he also opened his eyes, but he couldn't find out why? Why did I almost break through to the God Lord and achieve what no one in the Hundred Clans Continent has been able to do for thousands of years!

"Blood shackles!"

However, at this moment, Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately heard what the Immortal of Nothingness said to him. There is a kind of shackle in the human race. It is a means of protection.

This kind of shackles, all races will exist, no matter they are strong or weak, but it is not to a certain extent, and the existence of this bloodline shackles is simply unaware!

But also because of the existence of this blood shackle, the human race has never had a Supreme! Not even one of the hundreds of clans has ever appeared one of the supreme-level powerhouses!

The next moment, Feng Hao slowly closed his eyes, his whole heart calmed down, and he entered a strange state, deep in the darkness, but Feng Hao was in this darkness, around him, However, several rays of light suddenly appeared.

These rays of light continuously penetrated together, forming a huge prison, completely imprisoning Feng Hao's divine body!

"Is this the blood shackles?"

Feng Hao didn't open his eyes, he sensed the blood shackles in his body, after the energy in his body reached a certain level, the blood shackles appeared, and he could sense him!

He is very clear that it is because of the appearance of the so-called blood shackles that he cannot continue to absorb the remaining bronze-colored aura, because the remaining part is enough for him to complete the entire transformation and thus be promoted to the real supreme territory!

But at present, it seems that in order to complete this step, he needs to break the so-called blood shackles!

With a thought in his mind, immediately in this dark space, Feng Hao's body began to permeate with violent fluctuations, since the blood shackles appeared! Then what he has to do is to use his own hands to break the blood shackles!

He doesn't know what the blood shackles are, and he doesn't need to know, he only firmly believes that his fists can break everything!

"Come on! Let me break everything!!" Suddenly, Feng Hao roared in his heart!

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