Martial Inverse

Chapter 145: Pain Before Awakening

In fact, nothing appeared around Feng Hao. These so-called blood shackles only existed in his body.

The blood shackles are invisible and intangible. No one knows what it is, even Feng Hao can't see it, but he can clearly feel at this moment that there is an invisible force in his body. bondage.

What Fenghao has to do is to use his own power to break through this shackle!

Otherwise, he would not be able to fully integrate the Tower of Nothingness at this time, let alone break the curse of countless years in the Hundred Clans Continent!

At this moment, all the power in Feng Hao's body started to work, the four spirit beads, the power of divine punishment, the law of time, and even the law of space, all started to work quickly at this moment!

The four completely different powers are indeed fused together at this moment.

These originally belonged to four different energies, but they were forcibly fused by Feng Hao at this time. It has to be said that this was an extremely painful process, because the forcible fusion of different energies caused great harm to Feng Hao's body. Big trauma.

If it can survive, that would be better. Once Feng Hao's body becomes weak, these four forces will be completely out of control, even if Feng Hao himself doesn't know what will happen .

Feng Hao groaned in pain. At this moment, streaks of blood erupted suddenly on the surface of his body. The four berserk energies were constantly circulating in Feng Hao's body, but they did not fuse together immediately.

Faced with this situation, Feng Hao has no other choice, all he can do is to forcibly fuse these four energies, otherwise, he is not sure to break these invisible shackles at all.

But fortunately, one of these four completely different energies belongs to the Lingzhu, and the energy of the Lingzhu has also exerted its corresponding ability, spreading out continuously, slowly making his overwhelmed The body has a chance to breathe.

After taking a deep breath, Feng Hao also took a deep breath, gritted his teeth forcefully, and continued to circulate. These four forces are fused together, and the power of the Lingzhu is not a problem. .

Because the power of the Lingzhu seems to be quite neutral among these four kinds of power, and it happens to be able to neutralize the rage of the power of divine punishment, but the problem lies in the law of time, and the current law of time cannot be compared with With the laws of space perfectly fused together, these two forces are like incompatible water and fire.

For such a situation, Feng Hao also has no idea. Right now, he must integrate the law of time and the law of space, otherwise, it will be difficult to break the shackles of blood.

"What exactly is needed to integrate these two laws."

Feng Hao was also very anxious in his heart. He felt the power of heaven before, and now he knew that the situation was critical. Now the power of heaven has been hovering outside the tower of nothingness. He is very clear about this, but relatively speaking, this time He was safe at the time, but the next step was hard to tell.

The Tower of Nothingness can be protected for a while, but not for a lifetime.

He must break the predicament in front of him and break the shackles of blood, otherwise, it will be difficult to completely integrate the tower of nothingness, so as to improve his own realm.

At this taboo juncture, Feng Hao's mind suddenly rang. When he was in Zhenwu Continent, he had seen it before. , and can be separated at any time.

Since the Supreme Being can do it, then he can also do it.

Forcing himself to calm down, Feng Hao slowly closed his eyes, and he continued to try. The law of space in his body is undoubtedly the most powerful force. Strictly speaking, the law of space is what he truly comprehends. The power, even to the point where he comprehends the mysteries of the law of space.

Scourge, strictly speaking,

It does not count as his own power, because it is a method he comprehends by forcibly absorbing the power in the scourge. As for the Lingzhu, although it is powerful, it still does not belong to him.

The law of time may also be regarded as a kind of power that he has comprehended, but relatively speaking, the law of time is more difficult to cultivate. Back then, he obtained the practice method of the law of time from the broken stone tablet on the battlefield of the gods.

But compared to the law of space, the law of time in his body is still quite weak. After all, the law of space has already comprehended the ultimate mystery.

If these two forces are to be fully integrated, there must be one force as the main body, and then guide the other force of law, but the current situation is that even if the law of space has been cultivated to the point of ultimate mystery, there is no way Suppress the law of time.

Because in the dark, the law of time is above the law of space, which cannot be changed by Feng Hao.

It is also because of this that these two energies cannot be completely fused together.

"I don't believe it anymore."

After trying several times in a row, Feng Hao also felt a mass of anger in his heart. In his eyes, there is no absolute power, even if it is terrible power, but it falls on a person who does not know how to use this power. It's powerful.

He has always believed that there is no most terrifying power, only the most terrifying practitioners.

Power is for controlling, not for following.

Who said that the law of time must override the law of space, as long as the law of space is strong enough to suppress the law of time!

Resisting the breath in his heart, Feng Hao also clenched his teeth, and directly used the characteristics of the law of space forcibly, and directly swallowed the law of time forcibly.

Now, Feng Hao has realized the ultimate meaning of the law of space, nothingness, what is nothingness, that is, everything will cease to exist, let alone time, when everything is terminated, there will be no time at all.

However, this kind of behavior also caused Feng Hao to fall into a kind of pain! The counterattack of the law of time is also a kind of extremely damage to his body. At this time, the law of time is like a naughty child, Running around within his body, avoiding the forced fusion of space laws.

"Fusion for me."

Feng Hao stared at his eyes angrily, bloodshot even appeared in his eyes, he clasped his hands together, forcibly mobilized the fused spirit beads and the power of divine punishment, and surrounded them in an instant!

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