Martial Inverse

Chapter 146: Breaking the Shackles

All of a sudden, the three powers swept out in an instant like a **, without giving Feng Hao the slightest chance to react, and there were bursts of tingling sensations in his body at the moment. This feeling is like wanting to make Feng Hao completely unconscious.

This time, the law of time in the body could not escape after all. Facing the forcible siege of the three forces, it was finally forcibly fused together by the force of the law of space given by Feng Hao!


In Feng Hao's body, there was a huge roar suddenly, and at the same time, unexpected changes suddenly occurred in Feng Hao's body.

The law of time, at this moment, is formed and exploded with tyrannical power, as if everything has become eternal, and all things have become solidified at this moment.

However, this state only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye. After Feng Hao came back to his senses again, he found that after a while, the four kinds of power in his body were all fused together , What flows in his meridians is a kind of appearance, but itself is a kind of dark energy that is shining with little light.

Even in this darkness, Feng Hao can still feel a kind of faint golden color appearing, this is the power of the law of time!

"Fusion Fusion succeeded."

At this time, Feng Hao also laughed, with ecstasy on his face, he had actually successfully merged.

At the same time, outside the Tower of Nothingness, there was a terrifying energy fluctuation before, but it disappeared all of a sudden. This kind of change made Haotian God General stunned, because he suddenly couldn't detect Feng Hao's attack. Energy fluctuations, together with the Tower of Nothingness, are not too strong fluctuations are being transmitted at this time!

"It seems that I don't need to take action. That human being can't even break the shackles of blood." At this time, Tiandao's moody voice slowly came out, and he naturally sensed the energy fluctuations from the Tower of Nothingness, which disappeared all of a sudden. disappeared without a trace.

"how is this possible"

Haotian God General hesitated for a while, then shook his head immediately, showing an unbelievable look, what is going on, the moment before, there was obviously Feng Hao's energy fluctuations, why after this moment, but There was no fluctuation at all, and even the Tower of Nothingness gradually calmed down.

"Since he can't break through the shackles of blood, then the things in his body belong to me."

At this time, Tiandao's voice also changed suddenly, as if he was about to make a move, after all, he didn't have much time to stay, and now he knew that this was his own chance!

"With me here, don't think about it."

The God of Haotian roared, and the surface of his body was filled again. He knew that Tiandao was taking the opportunity to attack the Tower of Nothingness. With Tiandao's ability, although it was impossible to break the Tower of Nothingness, Tiandao was in charge of the power of divine punishment. It can use the power of divine punishment to continuously refine the Tower of Nothingness, and Feng Hao inside has no way to survive, and at that time, no one can save Feng Hao.

Obviously, under such circumstances, once there is a problem with Fenghao, it will mean that the human race will not be able to appear another strong man like him for at least thousands of years in the future, and the strong men of other human races , It is undoubtedly very difficult to completely untie the shackles of blood.

That's why, Haotian God General, would rather risk his own death than see Feng Hao in an accident!

Because Feng Hao's shoulders at this time are not only the hope of the Immortal of Nothingness, but also the hope of the world. Now that the world has changed, if no one can open the blood shackles and reach the level of Pangu God, then it goes without saying. In the future, this piece of the world will completely fall into the hands of Heaven.

This is something that the Haotian God General does not want to see, because countless years have passed, since the Queen Nuwa created the human race, such a long time has passed, and it is Feng Hao who has the ability to break the bloodline. man in chains,

If Feng Hao is not successful, or dies tragically in the hands of Tian Dao, then it is not known how many years will pass before the second one can appear.

However, the God General Haotian was also being suppressed by the coercion of the Heavenly Dao at this time. Derived from it, it fell fiercely on the body of the Haotian general!

Tiandao wants to use the power of divine punishment to wipe out everything about Haotian God General!

The bright light on Haotian Shenjiang's body kept flickering, he didn't groan, and endured it silently, but at the moment he has no choice but to pray for a miracle to appear!

Under the current situation, they can only expect a miracle to appear, otherwise, once Feng Hao falls, their hope will be completely wiped out!

However, at this time in the Immortal Tower, Feng Hao also gathered all the power in his body and merged into one. This time, the energy fluctuations that diffused from his body can be called terrifying, even the Tower of Nothingness. So shake again!

"Feng Hao is fine, the energy fluctuations are still going on." At the moment, Haotian God will show a happy expression, but at this time, his phantom is gradually dimming, because the power of heaven is disappearing all the time staring at him with the intention of destroying him.


There was a loud noise, and there was a sudden roar in Feng Hao's body. The majestic energy fluctuations were almost uncontrollable in Feng Hao's body. Feng Hao's eyes glared angrily, flickering With the nine-color divine light, he knew at the moment that the fusion of the four powers alone would definitely not be able to break the invisible shackles!

He also used Kai Tian Jue to achieve a four-fold increase.

Taking a deep breath, this time the Art of Opening the Sky was activated in an instant. At this moment, Feng Hao's whole body seemed to swell, his arms became thicker, and there were many veins on them. It was so lingering that almost no one could know how terrifying this Feng Hao's blow was!


Feng Hao suddenly raised his head and looked at the empty space. Although there was nothing in front of him, he was very clear that in the invisible darkness, there was a shackle that imprisoned the blood of all races, and he All you have to do is to do your best to break this shackle.

Following Feng Hao's shot, the entire world was eclipsed, this is the strongest blow!

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