Martial Inverse

Chapter 160: Elder Zuo

"The subordinate understands."

Immediately, the group headed by Elder Zuo looked at each other, and Elder Zuo took a step forward, stood up, and set his eyes on Feng Hao.


Elder Zuo also didn't show any excessive expression, calmly said to Feng Haodong: "Maybe I was reckless, no matter what the result is, please don't hold grudges."

Feng Hao smiled slightly, and immediately clasped his fists together and said, "No problem, I can understand, it only needs to last half an hour in Elder Zuo's hands."

"Yes, half an hour."

Elder Zuo nodded, and immediately the surrounding crowd vacated a space because of this. After all, both of them are supreme-level existences. When they fight, the fluctuations created must not be too small.

"Then ask Elder Zuo to enlighten me."

Feng Hao said calmly, he didn't intend to take the initiative, but put on a defensive posture.

"Then I'll do it."

At this time Elder Zuo also said in a deep voice. When the voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, but Feng Hao moved his steps again and again, directly moving a little, turning his head slightly, almost At the same time, Elder Zuo had already appeared behind him.

The claw wind is extremely fierce, and the sound of piercing through the air is extremely sharp. A pair of claws like eagle claws appeared directly from the back of Feng Hao's head, but the attack failed, and Feng Hao was the first to notice it, and directly avoided it. Drop this attack.


Feng Hao counterattacked directly, his palm was as fast as lightning, and he wanted to hold the wrist directly, but he found that it was empty, it turned out that it was an afterimage.

"It's kind of interesting."

Feng Hao smiled slightly, then turned around immediately, the other hand was not idle, clenched into a fist, and gave a soft drink, the nine-colored light instantly filled his fist, and swung it directly forward into the empty space .

Wherever the wind of the fist passes, the space is filled with subtle space fluctuations slowly, this punch is so terrifying.

However, at this moment, a white aura suddenly appeared in the empty space, blocking Feng Hao's attack. This is Elder Zuo.

He still didn't leave the position just now, and with the help of the power of space, he was trying to find an opportunity to counterattack, but Feng Hao noticed it, and immediately counterattacked and punched.


A deep voice sounded immediately, and the white divine light that appeared at the moment also fluctuated from a distance, as if it was about to be defeated at any time.

The next moment, after persisting for a while, this white divine light suddenly turned into dots and dissipated in mid-air. However, Feng Hao's fist did not stop because of this, and he swung straight forward.


The sound of air explosions continued, but Elder Zuo's body had completely left at this moment, and Feng Hao frowned slightly at that moment, unexpectedly he didn't notice Elder Zuo's movements for a while.

This Elder Zuo is also extremely good at the way of space, and he is extremely proficient, so he should not be underestimated.


Suddenly, Feng Hao raised his head, showing a horrified look, but at this time, a huge impact suddenly came from the empty space, and Feng Hao had no defense for a while , was directly impacted abruptly!


Feng Hao's body was directly knocked into the air by a tyrannical force, and he took a few steps backwards in mid-air before he managed to stabilize himself. Feng Hao took a few deep breaths, this punch must be aimed at him. The structure can't do any harm, but relatively speaking, it can make his blood boil continuously.

Forcibly suppressing the boiling qi and blood, Feng Hao also narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately displayed the seal formula with both hands, and softly shouted: "Eternity!"

After his voice fell, it was like an instant, and the surrounding time seemed to have stopped. Of course, this feeling is just a feeling of his at present, all of a sudden,

Feng Hao's eyes were filled with a kind of nine-color divine light, sweeping towards the surrounding space.

He saw a vague voice, and he shouted angrily, and immediately he rushed out like a cannonball. At the same time, the frozen images around him began to flow again. To Feng Hao, he was just It's just using the law of time, but in the eyes of other people, it's just a matter of closing your eyes.

After they saw Feng Hao being knocked out, Feng Hao started to fight back in an instant, and the whole process was only an instant. They simply couldn't understand what happened in this process.

However, only a few people can understand it. At that moment just now, a mysterious law emerged from Feng Hao's body.

"The law of time, Patriarch, this person seems to have comprehended the profound meaning of the law of time."

At this time, an old man next to the old man Xuanyuan also said slowly, Feng Hao's performance also made his eyes shine, now Feng Hao almost locked the position of the left elder, trying to use the law of space to deal with it Feng Hao is a little whimsical.

"I don't think there is a profound meaning yet, but he has some unique understandings of his own." The old man Xuanyuan also laughed and said: "Elder Zuo is too confused. It is not good to use the law of space on anyone, but he just uses it on him."

The old man Xuanyuan didn't mean to ridicule this sentence. Others don't know, but he knows very well that one of the powers that Feng Hao is good at is the law of space!

And they still comprehended the esoteric law of space. When they use the law of space, isn't it just playing tricks.

However, at this time, there was a scene that no one expected. Originally, Elder Zuo used the power of the law of space to constantly find Feng Hao's flaws, and thus started to attack, but it was from just now. , Feng Hao seemed to be able to figure out where Elder Zuo was hiding.

The law of space is invalid!

After being found out one after another that the law of space seemed to be invalid for him, Elder Zuo was also sullen, and simply gave up using the law of space to deal with Feng Hao, because he felt that it was useless.

"Elder Zuo, half an hour has passed."

At this time, Feng Hao saw Elder Zuo finally appeared, and he couldn't help but reminded with a smile, this fight took a lot of time, the agreed time was half an hour, that is, one hour, half of the time now It had already passed gradually, and Elder Zuo's expression also gradually sank at the moment.

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