Martial Inverse

Chapter 161: Accepted

If I can't successfully defeat Feng Hao within half an hour, doesn't it mean that I and others can't prevent Feng Hao from becoming a new generation of guardians, and as he who has entered the Supreme Realm for many years, he can't Solving Feng Hao in half an hour is quite difficult for him to accept.

"Since this is the case, the old man has made a heavy hand."

At that moment, Elder Zuo also took a sudden step, and even a white aura suddenly rose from the palm of his hand, like a flame. In an instant, the surrounding space became distorted, and a wave of A heat wave is coming.

"Haha, this old guy even used the cold fire of the earth spirit, so be impatient."

Seeing Elder Zuo's behavior, the old man Xuanyuan also laughed, as if he had seen something happy, the old men next to him looked at each other, nodded and smiled and said: "Even the cold fire of the earth spirit has been used, Elder Zuo If you still can't win, then it's game over, "

"The person I choose, why be afraid of the coldness of the earth." The old man Xuanyuan shook his head, his expression was full of confidence, it was just a coldness of the earth, and it was not a threat to Feng Hao.

With the condensed light that was constantly beating like a white flame in his hand, Elder Zuo's expression became more dignified. He looked at Feng Hao and said, "Be careful, I'm the cold fire of the earth spirit, and I'm at the bottom of the eight hundred The flames extracted from the lava."

Feng Hao also smiled, nodded, and said, "Senior, please."

At the moment, Feng Hao is not afraid at all. Although he doesn't know what kind of thing this earth spirit Lenghuo is, but relatively speaking, it is not a big threat to him, and he still has many methods that he has not used yet.

Immediately, Elder Zuo let out an angry roar, and the flames in his palm rose up suddenly, gradually enveloping his whole body in it, it was as if he was covered with a layer of white flame armor!

It is even said that Elder Zuo was still holding a long spear condensed by the cold fire of the earth spirit in his hand at this moment, and he swung it away violently at that moment, a white flame like a real dragon roared out instantly, and wherever it passed , the scorching temperature is constantly rising, and the space is constantly distorted.

"Good means."

Feng Hao also gave a soft drink, and the next moment, the nine-color divine light suddenly appeared in his palm. He waved it continuously, and immediately these nine-color divine light formed a circle in front of him. shaped shield.


The white flame rushing out from the spear directly reloaded, and immediately made a loud noise, and after a while, the scattered white flames continued to float out, gradually disappearing into the space .

However, at this moment, Feng Hao took a few steps back again and again. He glanced at the light shield formed by the nine-color divine light, which was also full of cracks at this time. He couldn't help being slightly surprised in his heart. The power of Leng Huo should not be underestimated, it was able to make his nine-color divine light evenly matched.

You know, his nine-color divine light is infused with the power of divine punishment.

There was a long howl, and at this time Elder Zuo, who was wearing flame armor, was also waving a long spear, rushing over like a god of war, with continuous white flames erupting from his long spear, but these The white flame turned into a series of real dragons, attacking Feng Hao with all their strength.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao did not underestimate the enemy. He let out an angry shout, stretched out his hands suddenly, and the power of divine punishment in his body quickly turned around. The next moment, his body also showed nine-color divine light. Under the will of his mind, these nine-color divine lights also rushed out of his hands, waving them continuously.

However, Feng Hao really relied on the power of divine punishment in his body to bless his fists, and he chose to fight head-on.

Going back with punches and punches, the low-pitched bangs came out continuously, but during this process, many people were terrified. Feng Hao was so terrifying that he was able to catch it with his physical strength alone. The spirit of the earth is cold and the fire is cold.

It's kind of unbelievable.

"That kid is really unusual. Ordinary people simply can't do it so easily." Beside the old man Xuanyuan, an old man was also admiring, his eyes full of admiration.

"That's why I said, Elder Zuo, there's nothing we can do about him." Elder Xuanyuan also said indifferently: "Don't forget, Feng Hao has never taken the initiative to make a move so far."

Hearing the old man Xuanyuan's words, the few people next to him woke up in astonishment. Yes, from the beginning of Elder Zuo's attack, it seems that Feng Hao did not take the initiative to make a move. Every time he waited for Elder Zuo to make a move. Look for opportunities to defend.

However, relying on this point alone, they can compete with Elder Zuo. Once Feng Hao takes the initiative to attack, the result will be intriguing.

Indeed, Feng Hao was only defending at this time, but he didn't choose to take the initiative. He was waiting. He felt that this time, the old man Xuanyuan might want to continue to change the guardian. Some people settle down.

After all, it has inherited the strength for who knows how many years. Although it is not as invaded by immortals as in Xuandao Valley, there are bound to be two factions. Although it will not be because of this reason, there will always be times when the opposing faction will come out and let the You can't get things done smoothly.

Especially when it comes to merging the human race with the Guardian clan, these old guys from opposing factions can't sit still.

Therefore, this time, he deliberately let these elders of the opposing department come out, and at the same time let Feng Hao accept the challenge. As long as he wins completely, then these old guys will naturally have nothing to say. Having achieved a new guardian, it is also beneficial to take over the guardian family.

At present, as time goes by, the confrontation between Feng Hao and Elder Zuo is gradually heating up. However, half an hour is not long, and it will be here soon, but Elder Zuo is using Feng Hao's help nothing.

However, at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly raised his head, and a nine-color light appeared in his eyes, and at the same time said to Elder Zuo: "Elder Zuo, I have accepted."

After this sentence fell, Elder Zuo was stunned, what did he mean? However, before he could react, Feng Hao finally took the initiative to make a move for the first time. In an instant, Feng Hao's aura became heavy. surged up.

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