Martial Inverse

Chapter 164 Lingzhu!

Chapter 164 Tower of Inheritance

After Feng Hao entered the black tower, that is, the Tower of Inheritance, from the outside, the Tower of Inheritance was very tall, and even vaguely had the illusion of towering into the clouds, but after Feng Hao entered, he discovered that the Inside the Tower of Inheritance, there are not many floors, on the contrary, it is very empty.

The ground he was on was surrounded by black walls. When he raised his head, he could see a huge night pearl, like a star.

Around this inheritance tower, there are all kinds of strange runes imprinted, like a kind of practice formula, which is extremely messy. Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned. This is the inheritance tower that protects the family?

"The existence of the Tower of Inheritance has been standing here for countless years. This is a place of practice established by the Queen Nuwa."

The old man Xuanyuan said slowly: "Later, after the Queen Nuwa returned to chaos, the guardians around this tower of inheritance formed the current guardian family."

"The long passage of time has caused many strong men in the past to fall, but the events of the ancient times in the past have also been gradually forgotten by people." The old man Xuanyuan said lightly: "Actually, the Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak, These two giant powers were established by the strong men of the former Guardian Clan, and it has been too long, so long that no one even remembers them."

Hearing the words, Feng Hao also fell into deep thought. Indeed, logically speaking, after returning to chaos with the Queen Nuwa, there was only one force in the world, and that was the remaining subordinates of the Queen Nuwa. Is the most powerful existence.

But they did not interfere with the ten thousand clans, but chose to become the guardian clan. Unless there is a big change in the world, or the balance is lost, the guardian clan will definitely not come forward.

"Why did Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng let the powerhouses of the guardian clan go out to establish these two powers?" At this time, Feng Hao said all the things he wanted to ask in his heart. After all, relatively speaking, if only If you protect the clan, it will be more beneficial to the stability of this Penglai world.

Hearing Feng Hao's question, the old man Xuanyuan laughed, and immediately replied: "This is the meaning of the Queen Nuwa. Before returning to Chaos, the Queen Nuwa once said that among the ten thousand races, originally There was no struggle, but with the appearance of monsters, everything changed."

"Even if the monsters are completely suppressed later, all the existences of the ten thousand races have been affected. They have learned to fight, to calculate, and to benefit. Sometimes in order to achieve their goals, they even use everything to achieve their goals." s method."

The old man Xuanyuan sighed: "The Holy Empress Nuwa has foreseen this scene a long time ago, so she once said that if you are united for a long time, you will be divided, and if you are divided for a long time, you will be united.

Or other races, they all have their own thoughts and hearts. "

"The so-called unpredictability of people's hearts can also be used among thousands of races. If you don't do something, there will be another unstoppable chaos from the chaos of all races, so Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng will appear later. , and deliberately become an existence of opposition, side by side in the world of Penglai."

"To a large extent, it is to let the races in the Penglai world, and even the races in the Hundred Clans Continent, know clearly that no matter how much they dispute, there is a more terrifying existence above them suppressing them .”

After Feng Hao listened, he also nodded. This is indeed a method. After all, God Venerable Pangu created this world, but Holy Empress Nuwa created ten thousand races. What will the evolution of the ten thousand races look like? , no one knows better than the Empress Nuwa.

In order to prevent greater civil strife, there must be two incomparable forces sitting in the ten thousand races, balancing everything in the world. However, these two forces cannot be united, and they seem to be opposites. compete.

The real Guardian Clan, however, retreats behind the scenes, unless there is something that cannot be resolved by the two giant forces, the Guardian Clan will appear.

"I understand."

Feng Hao also clasped his hands together. The old man Xuanyuan told him this, but he was telling him that the guardian clan has the position of protecting the clan. Even if the guardian clan merges with the human race, this position must never be changed.

He is above all living beings, but he cannot intervene in the affairs of all living beings.

This is the uniqueness of the Guardian Clan.

"It's good that you understand." Seeing Feng Hao's expression, the old man Xuanyuan also nodded. What he was actually worried about was that after Feng Hao became the guardian clan, the status of the clan would be improved like never before. Under the circumstances, it is easy to cause some factors such as arrogance in Fenghao's heart.

However, as a guardian, these cannot appear.

"Do you know, what is the function of this tower of inheritance?" At this time, the old man Xuanyuan said slowly, stretched out his hands, glanced over the black stone walls around, and said: "On this, there are imprints of every generation The practice experience of the guardian."

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes, this... this Tower of Inheritance actually has such a history?

The practice experience of each generation of guardians is already a huge wealth! You know, being able to become the guardian of the guardian clan is an existence against the sky, and his cultivation is unfathomable. In front of him, he could still feel the unfathomable depth of the other party.

Not to mention the guardians of the past, the guardian family has been around for a long time, I don’t know how many generations of guardians have appeared, but some of these guardians’ thoughts on practice, the enlightenment of the world, and others, etc. For people, it is a huge wealth!

"Every new generation of guardians will practice here for a month. This is a chance. They can see the wonderful methods of the predecessors and realize the true meaning of their own." Xuanyuan said with a smile: "You are the guardian of this generation. You can also practice here for a month."

"Thank you, Senior Xuanyuan."

However, at this time, Feng Hao naturally knew how rare it is to enter the Tower of Inheritance to practice. Just the cultivation perception of the guardians of the past is already crazy to imagine, especially now that he just He has not yet understood a lot about this realm, but if he practices here for a month, he will be able to control this realm more proficiently!

"The Tower of Inheritance is 999 meters high in total. Starting from 500 meters, it is the cultivation of the God General Realm. Don't read too much. After all, you haven't reached that realm yet. Look at yourself It's no good either."

The old man Xuanyuan said slowly: "As for the practice and understanding of the guardians of the past, whether it can be useful to you or not depends on your own luck."

Feng Hao also nodded. He is only in the Supreme Realm now, but he has just been promoted to this realm. If he stays in the Tower of Inheritance for a month, then his defect can be said to be gone.

In one month, the practice experience of so many guardians of the past is enough for him to have a very deep understanding of the Supreme Realm.

"The Lingzhu you want is also here."

At this time, the old man Xuanyuan said slowly, and then he walked to a special ground, stepped on it suddenly, and then the floor in front of him was slowly pulled away, and a stone platform slowly rose and appeared in the wind In front of Hao.

However, on the stone platform, there is a blue bamboo slowly rotating on its own body, and in an instant, the four spirit beads in Feng Hao's body are also spinning in an instant!

Fifth Lingzhu!

Unknowingly, Feng Hao even subconsciously became short of breath. This is the fifth spirit bead!

In the Tower of Inheritance, there has always been a fifth Lingzhu! Now that it appears in front of Feng Hao, how can this make him not excited?

"In fact, in the early years in the world, the Lingzhu has been rumored to have the effect of immortality, but it is naturally impossible." The old man Xuanyuan said lightly: "The Lingzhu is actually left by the god Pangu. It is said that the former guardian In the handbook of a clan, after Pangu God Venerable entered the chaos, after seventy-seven forty-nine days, several faint blue rays of light burst out, which are spirit beads!"

"Because the spirit beads are scattered all over the world, the Guardian Clan only found one of them, but the whereabouts of the rest are unknown."

Feng Hao smiled and said: "Although you can't live forever, there are indeed many mysteries in this spirit bead."

The old man Xuanyuan chuckled and said: "After all, it is related to Pangu God, and it will not be a mortal thing. It's just that all the strong men of the guardian clan in the past are studying this spirit bead, but there is no guardian in the past. It can break through the mystery of this Lingzhu."

"But you are an exception. After all, you already have four spirit beads on your body. Presumably you also know some mysteries of the spirit beads. This spirit bead must be useful to you."

Feng Hao also walked forward slowly, looking at the blue spirit bead at that moment, at this moment as Feng Hao approached, the blue spirit bead also began to beat endlessly, if it wasn't for the stone platform itself With the existence of some prohibitions, confining the Lingzhu, it has already rushed over directly.

And the same Feng Hao, the four spirit beads in his body also subconsciously turned into motion, automatically appearing on his body surface, continuously rotating slowly, and seemed to have some kind of connection with the spirit beads on the stone platform a handful.

"No matter what, this Lingzhu will be handed over to you."

The old man Xuanyuan smiled faintly: "In the next month, you will stay in the Tower of Inheritance, and I am also outside preparing for the integration of the Guardian Clan and the Human Clan. I believe that when you leave the customs, It can be seen that the Guardian Clan and the Human Clan are fused together in a protective way."

"Please worry about it, senior."

Feng Hao also clasped his hands together, and said sincerely, this time, I am afraid that he is really bothering Elder Xuanyuan, and he must be in charge of it. Otherwise, it may be very difficult to solve it solely by the human race.

"Well, I will go to find the two people who accompanied you from your human race, and I will discuss it with him then."

After finishing speaking, the old man Xuanyuan nodded, scanned his surroundings, and then left straight away, leaving the Tower of Inheritance!

Feng Hao was suddenly the only one left in the huge pagoda of inheritance, and he also took out the black jade slip handed over to him by the old man Xuanyuan, and gently placed it on it, and immediately the prohibition on the stone platform was also lifted. All of a sudden it disappeared.

With the disappearance of the restriction, the spirit bead shot out instantly, surrounding Feng Hao. This scene made Feng Hao smile slightly, but he was also wondering whether this spirit bead was the first one. five?

Because according to previous experience, each spirit bead contains a unique method, which endows him with an unexpected ability, but the premise of this activation is that these spirit beads seem to have a certain ability. Sequential numbering.

If the spirit bead in front of him was not the fifth one, then he would have no way of obtaining the ability in it, and he also had a spirit bead that was not in the same order.

The first spirit bead bestowed on him the magical technique of phoenix nirvana regeneration, the second spirit bead bestowed on him the powerful soul cultivation technique, and the third lesson gave him the art of opening the heavens, which has the ability to increase combat power in multiple ways.

However, there is another one that has not been found yet.

Now there is another one in front of him, whether Feng Hao can get anything from it, it may be, it depends on his luck.

What he has to do now is to refine this spirit bead, so that he can know, if it is a suitable spirit bead, then he will obtain the same ability from the spirit bead.

"Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to it."

Feng Hao said to himself authentically, he is not in a hurry to read the cultivation insights left by the guardians of the past generations, instead he sat down straight cross-legged, preparing to refine this spirit bead, he tried it, although This spirit bead is lingering around her.

But relatively speaking, I can clearly feel that there is a sense of resistance on the Lingzhu, and only refining can eliminate this sense of resistance.

Feng Hao sat down cross-legged, slowly closed his eyes, and then took a look at the five spirit beads, which seemed to be rotating in a mysterious trajectory, and at the moment he also quietly circulated his own power, The five spirit beads in front of him are all wrapped together.

The nine-color divine light slowly spewed out from his body, gradually covering these spirit beads together, and began the process of refining the spirit beads!

This process takes a little time, after all, spirit beads are not ordinary existences, and refining them is quite exhausting.

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