Martial Inverse

Chapter 165: Practice Comprehension

However, Feng Hao was refining the spirit beads, and this process took him several hours. After several hours, the spirit beads were finally fully integrated into his body, the fifth spirit beads!

However, what surprised Feng Hao was that the fifth spirit bead didn't move at all, it just lay quietly in Feng Hao's dantian.

Faced with this scene, Feng Hao was also quite disappointed. Although this was the fifth spirit bead he had obtained, it was not the real fifth spirit bead relatively speaking. I am afraid that he had to collect more spirit beads. After the bead, it is possible to trigger the spirit bead at this moment.

Opening his eyes slowly at the moment, Feng Hao also stood up. The Lingzhu was not the fifth Lingzhu he wished for, and he was a little disappointed in his heart, but at the moment he also raised his head and looked at the wall of the inheritance tower. records above.

"It seems that it should be of great help to me,"

Feng Hao also smiled slightly, and even after he began to observe these cultivation practices, he had to say that every person who could become a guardian in the past was a heaven-shattering person, and the cultivation perception left behind is naturally It is also quite precious.

Taking a general glance at the past, Feng Hao can also feel from it that the cultivation insights of these guardians are also quite helpful to him, after all, he needs to stabilize the realm of Supreme.

From the insights left by the gods of the past, I read them one by one, and Feng Hao was immersed in them without knowing it. However, with the growth of time, although his personal cultivation base did not skyrocket, but relatively In other words, he has a deeper understanding of the supreme realm.

If it is said that the general state is beyond their comprehension, then the supreme state is the limit state that people can imagine today. At this state, the soul can last for thousands of years, even if the body is destroyed. Destruction, but as long as the soul exists, it can still exist for a long time.

Moreover, on this, Feng Hao unexpectedly discovered that among the guardians of the past dynasties, there were actually people who practiced the law of time, and they kept their own insights. Feng Hao was overjoyed, and after carefully understanding , I have to sigh, this guardian has already comprehended the ultimate mystery of the law of time, and the general direction is almost the same as what I thought.

The end of time is destruction and eternity.

The power of time is the most powerful, it can last for an instant, and it can also destroy countless people. Even the proud son of heaven, he has to bow his head in front of time.

For the rest of the time now, all Feng Hao does is comprehend the ultimate mystery of the law of time.

As far as he is concerned now, he has already comprehended the ultimate mysteries of the law of space, nothingness, and the ultimate mysteries of thunder and lightning, scourge, and the ordinary Supreme Realm powerhouse, there are generally only two kinds of laws and mysteries that can be comprehended.

Three kinds of words, although Feng Hao has never seen it before, but relatively speaking, he also knows that this is a rather difficult thing.

The simple thing is that with the growth of his cultivation base, Feng Hao has unknowingly become more proficient in controlling the law of time, and he is even only one step away from reaching the point of comprehending the ultimate mystery.

At the moment, Feng Hao is also preparing to comprehend the profound meaning of the law of time, which is what he himself calls eternity.

In the Tower of Inheritance, the majestic law of time is filled here, and the space is slowly distorted continuously. However, it seems that the flow of time can be isolated. Feng Hao sat cross-legged in this distorted space, looking like Like an illusory figure, it sometimes freezes and sometimes distorts.

This state has lasted for a long time, even Feng Hao himself is not clear, unknowingly, half a month has passed again, and the time of one month is coming soon, but this half month For a long time, he has been in this state.

Through this period of comprehension, Feng Hao has deliberately controlled the flow of time within a radius of ten meters around him,

Acceleration or deceleration by a thousand times is almost terrible for ordinary people. You must know that once Feng Hao runs the law of time with all his strength, all warriors within ten meters of his body will suffer. The influence of time velocity.

Thousands of years later, or a thousand years ago, in the area centered on himself, he can control the flow of time. This can also be used as a hole card in confrontation with the enemy, and it can be used by surprise. Effect.

After a long time, Feng Hao slowly opened his eyes, the nine-colored light flickering in his eyes, but at this moment, Feng Hao slowly stretched out his hands, and immediately made a strange handprint, with a light mouth With a drink, he said, "Ning."

After Feng Hao's voice fell, the area within ten meters with his center as the center of the circle froze in an instant. It was a feeling that even time could be frozen. He couldn't even make a slight change in his expression, but his consciousness was feeling all of this.

The method he manipulates now is to freeze, to freeze time, so as to achieve true eternity!

However, after a moment, Feng Hao's eyes moved, and everything returned to normal at the moment, and Feng Hao also sighed slowly, but in the end he still failed, and there was no way to be truly eternal. The law of time, at most, can only freeze time for a moment or so, and then it is impossible to continue to manipulate the law of time.

"The guardians of the past dynasties are able to comprehend the profound meaning of the law of time, which is really amazing." Feng Hao sighed. After half a month of practice, he was naturally able to clearly understand the profound meaning of the law of time. , it will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Even after he has comprehended for such a long time, there is no sign of it. At most, his comprehension of the law of time is much deeper. As for realizing the ultimate mystery, it seems that he is only one step away, but in fact, it is This step, however, does not know how many people have encountered difficulties.

After pondering for a while, Feng Hao also knew that it seemed that he continued to put time on the comprehension of the law of time, and it was not of much use. Immediately, he also noticed in his heart. He estimated the time, and it was a month away , There is still a little time, but he wants to use the remaining time to try to increase the power of Kai Tian Jue.

After all, the hole card he is relying on now is the Art of Opening Heaven.

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