Martial Inverse

Chapter 166: 6 Levels!

Chapter 166 Six Layers!

In the last time, the Kaitian Jue had comprehended the five-fold Kaitian Jue by chance, but now that he has been promoted to the Supreme Realm, he must be able to continue practicing the Kaitian Jue!

The limit of the entire Art of Opening Heaven is the Nine Layers, that is to say, he can exert the power of the Nine Layers if he cultivates to the extreme.

Originally, Feng Hao thought that after he was promoted to the Supreme Realm, he would be able to comprehend all the power of the Nine Layers, but now he also knows that above the Supreme Realm, there are God General Realm, and Fairy Spirit Realm, and he also Thinking about it, for him in the Supreme Realm, I am afraid that he has reached the limit of comprehension of the sixth level.

The Art of Opening Heaven has nothing to do with personal aptitude. It seems that the highest level of each state can only be realized. No matter how far you practice the Art of Opening Heaven, you will not be able to improve it, unless you can improve your own cultivation level. lift up.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao didn't start to practice in a hurry. He knew very well that Kai Tian Jue was not an ordinary skill. If he wanted to make a breakthrough, he might still need a little chance. However, this so-called chance required wind Hao himself to discover.

He set his eyes on the many cultivation insights above, perhaps this so-called opportunity was obtained from it.

At the moment, he is also continuing to observe the cultivation comprehension of the remaining guardians of the past dynasties, bit by bit, although there are no peerless minds or earth-shattering methods in it, but some are the cultivation comprehension of the guardians of the past dynasties. The perception of Dao, the exploration of oneself and so on.

Relatively speaking, Feng Hao soon discovered that in the practice perception of these guardians of the past, he found one similarity, that is, the Dao of Heaven and Earth they comprehended did not refer to the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but to the Dao of Heaven and Earth. True avenue!

What is Tao? Feng Hao has been thinking about this question all the time. He thinks that the Tao of Heaven is not the Tao. The Tao of Heaven is just a stickler created by Pan Gu, which is different from the Tao that ordinary people pursue.

Through these cultivation comprehensions, Feng Hao gradually discovered that these cultivators of all ages have vaguely reminded that the real Tao is invisible, but everyone's Tao is different, and the Tao realized by the predecessors may be of great importance to others. It is useful for others, but once one enters the Dao realized by the predecessors, it means that one cannot open up one's own Dao, nor can one step into the real peak.

Looking at the past and present, every famous peerless powerhouse, which one does not have his own understanding of the Tao, can be promoted step by step. The Tao of the predecessors can only be used as a reference, but it cannot be pursued blindly. , because this would be a dead end.

Only by opening up a new way by himself and authorizing his own way, can he be qualified to truly pursue the way.

However, after seeing the practice perceptions of many guardians of the past, Feng Hao also felt a little touched in his heart. His current situation seems to be a bit different from the Tao that the practitioners of the past have pursued. The law of space, and even the power of divine punishment, are not his way.

Through various inheritances, it is possible to integrate into one's own body, but in the final analysis, this is still the way of others!

The law of time, the law comprehended by the strong in ancient times, the law of space, a manifestation of the way of nothingness pursued by the immortal of nothingness, as for the power of divine punishment, it is a manifestation of the way of heaven.

Now, as the guardians of the past have said, he has walked into the way of others, which is not a good thing for him to go on, but at this time Feng Hao thought of it, if he abandons these things, then he will What else can you have.

The law of time, the law of space, the power of scourge, etc., are all my own means now, so it is naturally impossible to give up.

However, if you don't give up, then your future will eventually lead to a dead end, and you will not be able to break through the new way.

Feng Hao raised his head slowly, looking at this magnificent tower of inheritance, on which there are many cultivation insights left by the guardians of the past,

At this moment, Feng Hao's heart fell into a kind of peace, he slowly spread his hands, and slowly released his huge spiritual consciousness.

However, at this moment, in his mind, another scene appeared.

The perception left by the guardians of the past generations in the tower of inheritance, at this moment, phantoms are transformed into one after another phantoms, as if the real deities are present, they are constantly changing various movements, or making whispers, all of these, They are all presented in Feng Hao's mind.

The heart is extremely peaceful, and he observes all of these with his heart. The cultivation insights left by each guardian seem to contain their imprints. At this time, Feng Hao is gradually activating these imprints, as if they are These guardians are like resurrection.

After a long while, there was a sudden tremor in the Tower of Inheritance, and the luminous pearl hanging from the highest place suddenly cast a ray of light, which fell directly on Feng Hao's body. In an instant, Feng Hao's whole body His body slowly floated up.

As if there was a nameless force emanating from the Tower of Inheritance, the entire Guardian Clan could feel the changes in the Tower of Inheritance, and they were shocked. After all, such a situation is extremely rare.

Can't help but make me think about what the new guardian is going through in the Tower of Inheritance.

At this time, the old man Xuanyuan glanced at the Tower of Inheritance from a distance, smiled, and said to himself: "After all, it is Fenghao."

However, at this time in the Tower of Inheritance, Feng Hao experienced a lot. In his mind, one after another silhouettes flickered past continuously. film.

As for Feng Hao, in the process of being here, it seems that he has realized a lot, and he has a new understanding of pursuing the so-called Tao.

I don't know how long it took, but the light from the Tower of Inheritance that fell on Feng Hao slowly disappeared, and Feng Hao also opened his eyes at this moment, with a faint smile on his face, and he clenched his eyes tightly. Fist, immediately the energy in the body surged out!

Kaitian Jue sixfold.

Feeling the powerful power in his body increasing, the smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth became wider and wider, and he couldn't help talking to himself: "Tao, my way, I naturally pursue it by myself, the three thousand ways, my way , even if it is the path walked by the predecessors, I can also walk it, the real ultimate path."

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