Martial Inverse

Chapter 171 Hope

Chapter 171 Hope

"It has been recorded that the guardian of the clan used to be. In addition to the ability to create thousands of clans, the Holy Empress Nuwa had another amazing supernatural power, which was medical skills." The old man Xuanyuan said solemnly: "If I guessed correctly , What was left behind by the Holy Queen Nuwa back then is the soul of medical skills."

Feng Hao immediately kept silent when he heard the words. It was a bit too sudden, and it simply made him unacceptable for a while, the soul of medical skills, so logically speaking, wouldn't Yu Ning inherit part of Nu Wa's inheritance.

"If it is the soul of medical skills, it is understandable. It is indeed possible to have this ability." The old man Xuanyuan said lightly: "It can even be said that Yu Ning is the reincarnation of the Queen Nuwa. Although it is only a part of the power, it is also It represents the will of the Queen Nuwa."

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately said: "Take one back first, and try it out. If you can, it means that your guess is valid."

The old man Xuanyuan nodded, and he will know the result soon.

With the passage of time, Feng Hao and the old man Xuanyuan have gradually left the territory of the human race. However, in today's Hundred Clan Continent, except for the area where the human race is located, other places are almost battlefields. See a bleak.

"It's a good continent of hundreds of clans, but it's turned into this, it's simply pathetic." Feng Hao looked up, and even easily saw corpses falling across the mountains, full of blood everywhere.

"The reason why God Pangu sealed these monsters, you must understand now, if you don't stop it, once it spreads to the whole world, no one can stop it, and this piece of world will be completely fallen." Xuanyuan old man shook his head , The ancient battle of the gods also started because of this. In that battle, countless strong men fell, but everyone had only one thought in their hearts, that is to prevent these monsters from spreading into the world. Breath, but even the strong in the fairyland cannot avoid it.

"In any case, in the future, we will have to find a way to completely suppress the monsters in the restricted area." Feng Hao said in a low voice, this generation, because of various opportunities, there is no need to worry, but for future generations , The existence of the restricted area is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb.

And it is still a time bomb that does not know when it will explode. In this generation, there are people like Feng Hao sitting in the town, but the power of time is the most terrifying. After countless years, countless eras have passed. Even Feng Hao couldn't guarantee that he would exist in the world forever.

Therefore, finding a way to completely solve the problem of the restricted area can give future generations complete peace of mind.

"In the past, Pangu God Venerable was unable to deal with these demons, and the descendants are even more difficult to deal with." Xuanyuan old man shook his head with a wry smile and said: "But now that the blood shackles of your human race have been broken, if there can be a god like Pangu As far as the existence of the gods is concerned, there must be a way to completely solve the problem of the three forbidden areas."

"Perhaps, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. It is extremely difficult to become an existence like Pangu God. After countless ages, there is only one Pangu God." Feng Hao laughed, but Since the Holy Empress Nuwa created the human race, that is to say, there must be an existence like Pangu God.

Existence is inevitable, this truth, the Queen Nuwa must know, that's why all the energy was spent to create the human race.

"Actually, for me, I believe even more that you are that person." At this time, the old man Xuanyuan said with a faint smile, but Feng Hao smiled and said, "How could it be me."

The old man Xuanyuan shook his head, smiled and said nothing, and he couldn't tell the reason, but he just had this feeling.

As the speed of the two became faster and faster, they quickly discovered the target they were looking for this time.

In a mountain range in front of them, quite strong energy fluctuations erupted. The two looked at each other and went straight there.

There are indeed people fighting, and all the warriors who have been infected by monsters, both sides are fighting without emotion, and the methods are extremely cruel, and they have lost the most basic part of their hearts.

"Just grab one."

Feng Hao also frowned, and immediately shot thunderously, he was already a strong man in the Supreme Realm at this time, and it was a breeze to deal with this group of strong men who could not reach the gods, just because of the power released from his body Pressure is to make other people feel uneasy.

But even so, these people who were infected by monsters didn't care about it at all. When they saw Feng Hao appearing, they went straight to Feng Hao immediately, without thinking that they were Feng Hao's opponent.

Seeing how crazy these people were, Feng Hao also sneered and shook his head. It was just a mere palm at the moment, and a huge coercion was released, and a radius of ten miles was shrouded by a terrible coercion.


At this moment, these fighters who were infected by the breath of monsters turned into fleshy flesh. Under the pressure of Feng Hao, these people had no way to survive at all, but Feng Hao was merciful and deliberately stayed behind. two.

However, the situation of these two people was not much better, their limbs were all broken by Feng Hao, but at this time they still showed a crazy look, roaring at Feng Hao continuously, like a wild beast.

"Keep two, bring them back and let Yu Ning try them out." After Feng Hao thought for a while, he also planned to bring these two people back.

"Well, leave it to me." At this time, the old man Xuanyuan took a step forward slowly, making handprints with both hands, and immediately the energy of the world was filled with a strange wave, which quickly condensed into strange waves one after another. All the runes fell on the two warriors, and then the two warriors seemed to be bound, unable to move any more.

"This method is amazing." Feng Hao also admired the authenticity, only to see that under the method of the old man Xuanyuan, the two warriors did not have the ability to resist at all.

"This is the spirit-binding technique of the Guardian Clan. If you have time, you can learn it." The old man Xuanyuan smiled and said, "The Guardian Clan has countless years of secret techniques. The children of the human race practice."

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