Martial Inverse

Chapter 172 Strange

At that moment, the old man Xuanyuan easily used the spirit binding technique to forcibly bring the two demonized practitioners back to Shengtian Academy. At this time, all the strong people of the human race gathered together.

Back in Shengtian Academy, Feng Haocai began to look at these demonized practitioners, his eyes were red, full of madness, ferocious like wild animals, the most important thing is that they all have one thing in common, that is Between the eyebrows, there is a strange black mark.

"Is this a symbol of being infected by monsters?" Feng Hao condensedly said, pointing to the strange black mark. Under his induction, it seems that there is an extremely evil power in the mark, which can make people The mind is confused, even the strong in the God Master Realm can't resist it.

"That's right, the mark of the devil."

The old man Xuanyuan nodded, and said: "This point is exactly the same as the records in the ancient books. These imprints are all formed by the unique power of monsters. If you want to expel the breath of monsters in their bodies, I am afraid that you have to use these The imprint is removed."

Feng Hao thought for a moment, and then said to Yu Ning next to him, "I'm sorry."

The next thing is to let Yu Ning test whether Yu Ning's medical skills can have enough effect on these monsters.

Yu Ning smiled slightly, she didn't know why, but she liked this feeling very much, because it could help Feng Hao, she moved lightly with lotus steps, and then slowly stretched out her jade hand like white jade, a soft silvery white Divine light, even if it is presented in the hand.

As Yu Ning displayed her medical skills, the soft silver-white aura became more and more radiant. In an instant, it was like a bright moon in the starry sky, bright but not dazzling.

Moreover, many people present, under the infection of this silver-white divine light, gradually felt a kind of peace. It seemed that in the face of this power, all the thoughts in their hearts were thrown away, and they relaxed. Incomparable.

Feng Hao was slightly taken aback, unknowingly, Yu Ning's medical skills are so advanced, and what makes him feel strange is that, together with the fluctuations presented by the five spirit beads that quietly exist in his body , and gradually became more frequent.

However, it is not obvious. Even Feng Hao himself can't figure out the reason for the occurrence of this situation, so he can only keep this question in his heart at the moment.

At this time, everyone focused on the two demonized cultivators. The two cultivators who had been trying to struggle with hideous faces, after Yu Ning performed her medical skills, immediately It turned out to be fear.

Yes, fear, Feng Hao saw a kind of panic in the eyes of these two demonized practitioners!

As if they saw some terrible power, the two demonized practitioners continued to forcibly struggle and retreat, but they had the spirit binding technique left by the old man Xuanyuan on their bodies, which made it impossible for them to break free.

"Well, their imprints are changing."

At this time, Feng Hao's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he saw the black mark between the brows of the two demonized practitioners, which was gradually undergoing subtle changes, and if he didn't observe carefully, he couldn't see it at all.

"It seems to be effective." The old man Xuanyuan's face also became serious, but why can Yu Ning's medical power have such an obvious effect on these demonized practitioners.

Could it be that Yu Ning was really reincarnated from the soul of medical skills left behind by the Holy Empress Nuwa?

After a while, the energy condensed in Yu Ningyu's hands became more and more radiant, and the two demonized practitioners had no way to struggle, but they could only bear the shroud of this soft silver-white light!

From the initial terrified look, to being unable to resist, the terrified look turned into despair. The two demonized practitioners gradually showed extremely painful expressions, twisting their bodies constantly, but relatively speaking, in the palm of Yu Ning The divine light is getting brighter and brighter, and it simply cannot allow them to avoid it.

About a moment later, the two demonized practitioners,

However, she suddenly became quiet, her eyes were closed tightly, and she was no longer struggling. This kind of change surprised Feng Hao and others. Could it be that it really had an effect.

At this time, Yu Ning also looked dignified, not daring to relax in the slightest. Soon, the aura of these monsters in their bodies gradually weakened a lot, and even the black mark between the eyebrows began to fade.

"Be careful, these black imprints want to enter the depths of their bodies."

At this moment, the old man Xuanyuan sensed something was wrong, and suddenly, he let out a soft drink. Afterwards, after the black mark appeared in the center of the brows of the two demonized practitioners, after becoming extremely dim, it was It suddenly disappeared into the body!

Yu Ning's expression changed, and she suddenly discovered that her medical skills seemed to have lost their effect at this moment, but the change in the situation seemed to be getting worse.

"No, the aura of demonization has penetrated deep into their bones, and these auras of demonization are devouring their vitality."

Feng Hao's face changed immediately, and he directly held Yu Ning's palm, saying: "Let go."

Yu Ning shook her head, but she still wanted to continue to try, but at this moment, for some reason, the spirit beads in Feng Hao's body also started to work quickly, and they immediately appeared in the palm of her hand.

As the energy of the blue spirit beads emerged, it instantly resonated with the energy in Yu Ning's body. The two energies suddenly merged together. On the body of the warrior.

"What's going on here." For a moment, Feng Hao was also stunned, and as the energy fused by the two of them fell on the body of the demonized practitioner, their body surface began to show wisps of black Energy is constantly leaving their bodies.

The people next to them almost stared wide-eyed, watching this scene, even the old man Xuanyuan, at this moment, couldn't understand why this situation happened.

"Go on, don't stop."

The old man Xuanyuan said in a deep voice, although the current changes have exceeded their expectations, but overall, it seems that they have achieved their expected goals, and this is enough. As for the reason for this, it can only be It's time to wait and do some research.

Feng Hao and Zhuo Yu Ning looked at each other and nodded. Without thinking about it, the power of the two slowly fused together, released continuously, and landed on the two demonized practitioners.

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