Martial Inverse

Chapter 174 Seeking help

Chapter 174 Seeking Help

At present, it is almost impossible to solve the problems facing the Hundred Clans Continent with the strength of the human race.

Originally thought that the old man Xuanyuan entrusted him with something that could guide him to find the power left by the Queen Nuwa and solve this disaster.

But they didn't expect that the final result would be like this, and now they also know that the turmoil in the Hundred Clans Continent may not seem so simple this time.

The monster that seized the house seemed to be carrying out some kind of conspiracy, an extremely unusual conspiracy, and the target was naturally the three restricted areas!

Among the three forbidden areas, the monsters left over from the ancient times are sealed, and together with Pangu God Venerable, they are monsters that cannot be killed.

Once there is a problem in the restricted area, the consequences will be extremely serious.

"Now, we must seek the help of the two giant forces, otherwise, the power of the human race will not be able to quell this turmoil at all." The old man Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Is it really necessary to slaughter half of the Hundred Clans Continent?" Feng Hao raised his head slowly. Even if it was him, he thought of slaughtering half of the Hundred Clans Continent by himself. Or, one cannot stay!

Now some time ago, the disappearance of that monster has caused the Hundred Clans Continent to fall into war, and the cultivators he infected do not know how many people.

However, these people absolutely cannot stay, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Killing one person is a crime, but killing a hundred people is a hero." The old man Xuanyuan shook his head, and also said: "Someone always needs to stand up."

Feng Hao nodded, feeling quite helpless. He knew that he might have done this. Countless years later, the Hundred Clans Continent might describe him as a devil, but the current situation does not allow him to choose.

If you want to keep the Hundred Clans Continent, so what if you slaughter half of the cultivators who have been demonized in the Hundred Clans Continent, as long as you have a clear conscience, that's enough.

"Then we have to start now, and things will change later. I'm afraid this monster has other plans going on at the same time. If this is the case, I'm afraid it will be extremely troublesome."

The old man Xuanyuan also said slowly, the sooner this kind of thing happens, the better. The breath of monsters, like a plague, is rapidly permeating this continent, and no one knows how it will erupt in the end.

Afterwards, Feng Hao also turned around, and said to Yu Ning: "You have a good rest, and leave the rest to me."

"Feng Hao, I'm sorry, I couldn't help you." Yu Ning said in a low voice, with a sense of apology in her tone.

Feng Hao smiled, touched Yu Ning's long jet-black hair and said, "You can't blame me for this, don't take it to heart, it's fine."

Yu Ning's heart is kind, Feng Hao doesn't want anything to affect Yu Ning's heart, including the next thing to do, and he didn't tell Yu Ning.

Watching Yu Ning leave, Feng Hao's expression gradually became serious, and he said to Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others: "Get ready, when I come back from Penglai World, I will be ready to do it."

"Do you really want to do this?" Huang Yuntian hesitated a little, even though he had lived longer than Feng Hao, and had seen more things than Feng Hao, but it was too cold to think of such a massacre .

"For the safety of other people in the Hundred Clans Continent, this must be done." Feng Hao shook his head, looked into the distance and said, "Someone must stand up. so what."

Some strong people present were silent. What I have to say is that Feng Hao is very courageous. Just making this decision is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even though he would bear the infamy of the world after thousands of years, Feng Hao still made his choice, because he has a clear conscience.

Afterwards, after giving some instructions, Feng Hao returned to the Penglai world together with the old man Xuanyuan, and directly gathered the two masters of Lingxiao Peak and Xuandao Valley together.

Now Tongtian and Zhuo Honggu have entered the realm of gods, but their mentality has not changed much. After all, they know the meaning of the existence of the two giants better than anyone else.

"You mean, the situation in Hundred Clans Continent is so critical now." Tong Tian couldn't help but be startled when he knew that Feng Hao decided to attack all those cultivators infected by monsters.

It is estimated that it is probably millions of lives.

"If it weren't for the critical situation, and there is no solution, I wouldn't be like this." Feng Hao sighed.

"Then let's do it. Compared with these, once there is a problem with the seals of the three restricted areas, the consequences will only be more unmanageable." To redeem the contempt, it is better to be ruthless and do it directly.

"Yes, and as soon as possible, we don't have much time to procrastinate." The old man Xuanyuan also said indifferently: "If the two giant forces send out strong men, it should make the race quite easy."

Honggu and Tongtian looked at each other, and then nodded. Since the old man Xuanyuan said so, they have no objection at the moment.

"Then let's call the strong ones. This time, all the strong ones who are in the Divine Master Realm will be sent. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be of much use." Tongtian said slowly. , I am afraid that the general strong will still be unable to face it.

Only those who are strong in the God Master Realm can do it. Although Xuandao Valley has lost part of its core strength due to the infiltration of the previous immortals, there are still dozens of strong people in the God Master Realm. If they are called together now, they should No problem.

"I, Ling Xiaofeng, can send fifty people." Hong Gu also said slowly, this number is almost close to the limit of Ling Xiaofeng, after all, a part of the force is needed to guard the Penglai Continent.

"Then trouble the two of you." Feng Hao said with clasped hands at the moment, and then the two masters returned separately, summoned the strong ones, and prepared to return to the Hundred Clans Continent.

The bloodbath of monsters this time is probably quite time-consuming. With the help of these two powerful giants, it should be able to make the human race a lot easier.

After all, today's human race has already merged with the guardian clan. With the addition of the strong guardian clan, this force must be even stronger, and it is enough to deal with the cultivators infected by these monsters.

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