Martial Inverse

Chapter 175 Things Have Changed

Chapter 175 Things Have Changed

However, what Feng Hao didn't expect was that while he was waiting for the two giants to gather their strong men, amazing changes quietly took place in the Hundred Clans Continent.

"What, you said that all the cultivators who were infected by the monsters gathered in the forbidden zone at this time."

In Shengtian Academy, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others all had expressions of astonishment on their faces. Looking at the news reported by the spies ahead, they also sensed that something was wrong in their hearts.

As far as they know, cultivators infected by monsters have almost lost the ability to think, and only have crazy killing thoughts in their minds.

However, monsters in such a state would act in such an organized manner, and the meaning behind this was naturally unusual.

"It's not just the Tianjue restricted area, but also the other two restricted areas."

At this time, a piece of news came out one after another, and it turned out that there were two other restricted areas!

"Damn it, that monster must be planning something." The Supreme Good and Evil frowned, and a bad thought flashed in his heart. Under such circumstances, the monster was obviously going to attack the three restricted areas .

However, once the three restricted areas are destroyed and the power of the seal weakens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"No, we must prevent these monsters from approaching the restricted area!" The Hongmeng Supreme also made a decisive decision at the moment. Now the situation is critical, and they have to do something before Feng Hao can find reinforcements.

"Pass the order, among the human race, all the strong men in the Great Emperor Realm are on standby immediately."

Supreme Master Hongmeng held his hand for a while, and directly issued an order. Feng Hao is not around now, so he has the right to make this choice.

"A strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, will it be a little bit reluctant to deal with these monsters?" The Supreme Good and Evil said anxiously beside him.

"There's no way. If all of them are experts from the Divine Master Realm, we don't have that many people. Even if we add guardians, it won't work."

Supreme Master Hongmeng calmly said: "It can only be like this now. The powerhouses in the God Master Realm lead some of the powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm to rush to different restricted areas, while us Supreme Beings act separately."

"Huang Yuntian, Liu Canyan, you and Qingwu and others can just stay and stay with the human race."

At the moment, Supreme Master Hongmeng didn't dare to procrastinate, and directly issued one order after another. Now that the situation is urgent, he can't care too much.

"Okay." Huang Yuntian and the others looked at each other and nodded.

At present, all the powerful people of the human race have gathered together, including some elders of the guardian clan, and they must stand up at this time.

At this time, they already knew about the problems in the restricted area, and they also knew the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being of Good and Evil, so they didn't have too many polite words at the moment, and they went directly to a restricted area.

Now that Feng Hao is in Penglai World, it takes time to find support. All they have to do is to prevent these monsters from approaching the restricted area as much as possible when the reinforcements arrive!

There must be absolutely no problems in the restricted area. Even if it is a bloody battle, the three major restricted areas must be guarded.

Immediately afterwards, in Shengtian Academy, all the strong men above the Great Emperor Realm gathered together, including Feng Hao's son, Feng Xiaoyun, who also took the initiative to challenge this time.

Supreme Master Hongmeng didn't refuse, but brought him to his side. After all, he was Feng Hao's flesh and blood, so it would be best if nothing happened.

Afterwards, these powerhouses set off in batches, adding up to about hundreds of people, the powerhouses who guarded the clan, as well as the background of the human race themselves, this time, they all came out in full force!

There are three restricted areas, each of which has about 200 strong men above the Great Emperor Realm, in addition to ten strong men from the Divine Master Realm, and three strong men from the Supreme Realm.

This power, in normal times, is already very amazing!

Of course, most of the powerhouses in the God Master Realm come from the guardian clan. After all, with the power of the human race, they still don't have such a terrifying background.

There is no need for Feng Hao to find reinforcements.

However, at this time, in the world of Penglai, Feng Hao finally merged with the powerhouses of the two giants, one hundred powerhouses of the God Master Realm, and six supreme beings.

This time, even Tongtian and Honggu, the two powerhouses in the realm of the gods, also made a move together. Besides, there were also the old man Xuanyuan and Feng Hao.

This force is indeed very powerful. It can be said that it almost destroyed everything in this world. It is not an exaggeration.

However, just as they were about to return to the Hundred Clans Continent, they saw a disciple from Xuan Dao Valley rushing back.

"Master, something big happened in the restricted area."

It is said that the expressions of the group of people have become bad at the moment. Could it be that something really happened.

"Tell me, what exactly happened." Tongtian asked in a condensed voice. Now that they have summoned the strong, why is there a problem with the restricted area at this juncture.

"Hundred Clans Continent, all cultivators infected by monsters are now gathering and rushing towards the three restricted areas."

The disciple of Xuan Dao Valley immediately reported.

"What about the powerhouses from the Hundred Clans Continent?" Feng Hao also asked at this time, logically speaking, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others must have taken countermeasures for these things that happened in the restricted area.

"The powerhouses of the Hundred Clans Continent have already formed an organization, and rushed to the three restricted areas, trying to stop these demonized and infected practitioners."

Hearing this, Feng Hao's complexion has eased a lot. With such a way to deal with it, Supreme Master Hongmeng and others don't need to worry too much.

"Everyone, there is no need to delay now, and we must leave immediately." The old man Xuanyuan also said in a deep voice at this time: "We powerhouses act separately, Tongtian, Honggu, each of you will take some people to the two restricted areas, and the rest will come with me , go to the forbidden zone!"

Tongtian and Zhuo Honggu looked at each other, and nodded at the same time. This incident seemed to exceed their expectations. Those monsters really had moves and wanted to attack the three restricted areas.

Once the three major restricted areas are destroyed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Remember, none of these monster cultivators will be left behind."

Feng Hao also reminded in a cold voice that although this approach is indeed too cruel, it seems that there is no other choice at the moment.

This day, I am afraid, is a bloody massacre for the Hundred Clans Continent. Even after countless years, this event will not be forgotten.

Even if some people discussed Feng Hao's original decision in the future, relatively speaking, it was undoubtedly the most correct decision.

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