Martial Inverse

Chapter 176 Gathering in the restricted area!

At the moment, the three restricted areas all changed at the same time. Feng Hao and others could hardly guess why this happened in this restricted area.

Those cultivators who were demonized in the Hundred Clans Continent all rushed to the restricted area at the same time. No one can predict what they will do next, but no matter what, let these demons gather together In the three restricted areas, it is definitely not a good thing.

The monster that broke free from the seal was extremely powerful. In a short time, it was enough to make the entire Hundred Clans Continent so chaotic, and it also bewitched many races, turning them into monsters. exist.

Actually, the demonized cultivators at this stage are just initial changes. Feng Hao couldn't help thinking that the demonized creatures he had encountered in the restricted area, I am afraid that the demonized creatures of that level are the most difficult tricky.

There is no pain, no sanity, only a killing heart!

The monsters in that state are completely out of the category of ordinary people.

At present, Feng Hao and the old man Xuanyuan are also leading a part of the strong men, and they have already rushed to the forbidden area of ​​​​the sky. At this time, the situation near the forbidden area of ​​the sky is also very critical, but some of the strong men led by the Supreme Master Hongmeng Already the first to rush to the restricted area.

After all, these monsters also act unconsciously. They seem to be manipulated by people, and they gather directly in the restricted area of ​​​​the sky. However, they did not expect that the number of these demonized practitioners seems to exceed them. imagination.

More than 30 races in the Hundred Clans Continent suffered catastrophe and were infected by the breath of monsters. However, during this period of time, these races continued to kill each other, and the rest were all strong. The numbers are still not to be underestimated.

At this time, there are tens of thousands of demonized cultivators appearing in the restricted area of ​​Tianjue!

This number is extremely terrifying. These are at least the powerhouses above the holy rank, there are also some emperors, and a few god masters. After all, the rest of the cultivators are naturally eliminated.

This is the case in the Tianjue restricted area alone, and it is hard to imagine what it will be like in other restricted areas.

"this amount"

Together with the Supreme Being of Good and Evil, Supreme Master Hongmeng couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the dense crowd of demonized practitioners in front of him. There were only dozens of them, but they really had to face so many demonized practitioners. Thinking about it is a bit of a headache.

"There is no other way, we can only wait until Feng Hao arrives." The Supreme Master Hongmeng also took a deep breath, and immediately glanced over these monster cultivators, his face became serious, because there are three things in it. The mightiest man in the world!

"I didn't expect that after Feng Hao broke the blood shackles, some people in the Hundred Clans Continent would be able to enter the Supreme Realm, but they were infected by the demonic aura. It is really sad." Hongmeng Supreme sighed, looking at the three A strong man who respects the supreme realm.

There has never been a supreme being in the Hundred Clans Continent. This is a law that has existed since ancient times. However, as Feng Hao broke the shackles of blood last time, it was not only the human race that was affected, but also other people in the Hundred Clans Continent. Race.

As a result, other races also appeared in the Supreme Realm, but from the scene in front of them, even if they achieved the Supreme Realm, they could not escape the claws of monsters. This made Hongmeng Supreme and others guess, which monster is What kind of cultivation.

Forcibly seized the home of the Black Fire Qilin Monarch, and harmed more than 30 races in the Hundred Clans Continent, and none of the supreme realm powerhouses among these races were spared.

One can imagine how terrifying this monster is.

"You have to be careful where that monster hides. If he is in the restricted area of ​​the sky, I'm afraid we will face very difficult problems." , indeed, troublesome,

Relying on the abilities of dozens of them, they can only defend and wait for Feng Hao's support.

But the most important thing is where the monster cultivator is hiding at this time. With his ability, it is easy to deal with them.

"We can only see walking. At this time, we have no way to retreat." The Supreme Master Hongmeng shook his head, then waved his hand, and said to the dozens of strong human races behind him, "Now, we have no way to retreat. , behind you is the forbidden zone of heaven, and everyone must be very clear about what will happen to the forbidden zone once it is hit."

"We have no choice but to fight bloody to the end. Fengdi will arrive soon. What we have to do is to hold on until the arrival of support."

Supreme Master Hongmeng boosted morale. Although the overall strength of himself and the others was many times stronger than these demonized practitioners, the difference in numbers couldn't be helped. A strong man in the Great Emperor Realm is indeed The existence of holy ranks that can be easily eliminated.

But what about the ten holy ranks, one hundred, one thousand, under such circumstances, even the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm, it is quite difficult to bear this kind of consumption. They are human beings, not gods, and they will eventually feel When you are tired, but once you reach the limit, the fighters of the holy rank are also capable of destroying the emperor's realm.

This is how many ants kill elephants.

Now they have no way out, all they can do is stick to the end.

At this time, in the other two restricted areas, the situation is exactly the same. Compared with the backbone of the human race, there is a huge gap in the number of tens of thousands of demonized practitioners. Whether it is a clan or a human race, they have only one thought now, and that is to defend to the end. It is absolutely impossible to let any monster rush into the restricted area.

Now Feng Hao and others have already set off in the world of Penglai. It will take a little time for them to rush to the restricted area, but they can only pray that the strong people of the human race can wait for their support.

With the continuous rush on the road, the news from the restricted area also made De Fenghao and others look more dignified. Every restricted area has gathered tens of thousands of demonized practitioners. good thing.

"You must hold on."

Feng Hao looked forward slowly and said, now, the sky has become dark unconsciously, as if the end is coming, the whole world is filled with a depressive atmosphere, maybe this is a last stand.

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