Martial Inverse

Chapter 183: The End of the Era

Those who can make these choices without hesitation are without exception those who are in the Supreme Realm!

The Guardian Clan, Xuandao Valley, Ling Xiaofeng, some supreme powerhouses of the three giants whose strength has existed for a long time, at this time they all chose the same move without exception!

Because, since the old man Xuanyuan and Tongtian and others entered the restricted area, although the riots in the restricted area were temporarily suppressed, compared to the whole, the lack of power is not enough!

Three powerhouses of the god general state sacrificed their lives to enter the restricted area, followed by dozens of powerhouses of the supreme state, and immediately composed a tragic song for a prosperous age.

Feng Hao fell into a state of bewilderment. He looked at the gods constantly shining in the restricted area, and the majestic energy fluctuations of these strong men. Maybe this was their last time. fighting.

This represents the end of an era, and for the sake of the stability of the whole world, everyone will not hesitate.

"why why"

Feng Hao murmured, looking at the corpses all around him, he couldn't accept this fact at all. This time, it can be said that all the top forces in the three restricted areas gave their lives to prevent the explosion of the restricted areas.

Those strong men who chose to enter the forbidden area burned their last strength. There are peerless strong men like Xuanyuan old man who are famous all over the world, but there are also some unknown elders, like some elders in the guardian elders.

At this moment, they all sacrificed themselves in order to prevent the outbreak of the restricted area.

Feng Hao looked up to the sky and howled mournfully. Some of the strong human race around him were silent. The torrential rain continued, hitting everyone's faces, but they didn't make them blink. Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn and quiet. He stared at the divine light erupting in the restricted area, which was the last ray of light among the lives of many strong men.

After Feng Hao shouted, he knelt down on the ground powerlessly, lowered his head silently, he clenched his hands tightly, his nails were deep in the mud, he was very guilty, yes, if it wasn't for his choice, he wouldn't With this scene happening.

If he could have found the whereabouts of the monster before, perhaps all this would not have happened.

If he could find a way to deal with demonized cultivators, perhaps he would not sacrifice his life because of this.

There are not too many ifs, all of this is too late, unknowingly, two lines of hot tears emerged from the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, if possible, he would rather enter the restricted area like those strong men, and release Show your last light.

But he can't, because he has everyone's hopes on his shoulders.

Xuandao Valley, Ling Xiaofeng, Guardian Clan, and the rulers of the power of the three giants all chose to put their last hope on Feng Hao. No matter what, Feng Hao will continue to live with their hope .

The torrential rain continued, I don't know how long it has passed, it may be an hour, or it may be a whole day, and soon the rain began to gradually stop, the dark clouds were gradually torn apart, and a brilliant The sun shines on the three restricted areas that are like purgatory.

Feng Hao raised his head slowly, looking at the first ray of sunlight after the catastrophe, but at this moment, a strange scene happened, as the sunlight tore through the dark clouds, after an instant, the people around him The corpses of demonized cultivators scattered all over the field gradually turned into wisps of white smoke.

Constantly disappearing, as if being purified by the scorching sun, Feng Hao stood up slowly, looking at the surroundings, the white smoke rising continuously, and the many corpses he looked at, at this moment, all turned into nothingness.

A moment later, at least one hundred thousand corpses of demonized cultivators outside the restricted area of ​​Tianjue turned into nothingness at this moment, like purified evil, no longer existing in the world.

However, at this time, the energy fluctuations from within the three restricted areas have calmed down. There is no such shrill howl, no soaring demonic energy, and no longer that radiant aura.

There is no such majestic energy fluctuation, as if everything has returned to silence.

However, Feng Hao showed a sentimental expression. He knelt down on one leg directly towards the restricted area, and remained silent. The other human race powerhouses behind him did the same. The stable strong man expresses his utmost respect.

With my life, in exchange for a lifetime of stability.

Feng Hao murmured this sentence to himself, and immediately stood up slowly. The turmoil in the three restricted areas can be relieved for the time being. The sacrifices of many strong people can be regarded as suppressing the resentment of these demonized practitioners. So that the seal still exists.

However, even though he hadn't entered the restricted area, Feng Hao had sensed the seal of the restricted area when he was outside, and it was not as good as before. It can even be said that if there were no actions of the Immortal of Nothingness last time, the turmoil this time would not have happened even if it was The sacrifice of so many strong people is also useless.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao waved his hand, even though some people stayed to guard the restricted area, the rest followed him back to the Holy Heaven Academy of the human race.

But when Feng Hao returned to Shengtian Academy, he found that some experts who went to the other two restricted areas, including those from Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak, were all gathered in the human race. They are all waiting, waiting for Feng Hao to come back.

Because the last order of the two giant forces was to let the two forces merge with the human race, and no one of them dared to resist.

"See Guardian."

Seeing Feng Hao coming back, many strong men also knelt down on one leg.

"Please get up, everyone salutes like this, my heart is not at ease." Feng Hao also said in a deep voice, but these strong men shook their heads, and one of the strong men from the Divine Master Realm from Xuandao Valley said in a deep voice: "Master Those who die have their lives, and from now on, there will be no more Xuandao Valley, and everyone in Xuandao Valley will be merged into the Guardian Clan."

"That's right, the same is true for Ling Xiaofeng. We will obey the final order of the ruler."

Another Ling Xiaofeng's God Master Realm is also so authentic, obviously they have discussed it beforehand.

Feng Hao was stunned all of a sudden, this kind of situation was beyond his imagination, Hong Gu and Tong Tian entrusted their respective forces to Feng Hao at the last moment.

"This matter is absolutely impossible, everyone, please." Feng Hao shook his head quickly and said, this matter is no small matter, the two giants merged into the guardian clan, is this enough to change the whole world.

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