Martial Inverse

Chapter 184: Negotiation

"Please promise the guardian."

However, the powerhouses from the two giant forces all speak with one voice, and if Feng Hao refuses to agree, there will be absolutely no momentum.


Feng Hao was immediately caught in a dilemma. In this situation, he didn't know what to do. However, at this moment, from outside the Shengtian Academy, there were also several obscure auras coming. It turned out to be Le Huang and others.

"Le Huang, why are you here?" Feng Hao was quite astonished at the moment.

Along with Le Huang, there are also Le Tian and others, which can also be said to be the last strength of Ling Xiaofeng.

"Feng Hao, we already know the matter. This is the last order of the ruler, so you just agree." Le Huang and the others said solemnly. Undoubtedly, the chaos in the forbidden zone this time has completely destroyed the power of the two giants. The vitality of the earth was seriously injured.

The rulers died one after another, and even some powerhouses in the Supreme Realm fell one after another.

It turned out that when Honggu Tongtian and others knew that Feng Hao was going to become the new guardian, they had this kind of encounter. It coincided with the chaos in the forbidden zone, and they also thought of the worst result, that is, they and others might be the new guardians again. I can't come back, but the two giants can't disappear because of this.

To entrust it to someone who can shoulder their hopes, looking at the two giants, there are not many who can do this, even the younger generation inside Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng cannot afford this responsibility. hope.

There is only one person, and that is Feng Hao.

The person who broke the shackles of blood, the patriarch of the human race who carried the last hope, Feng Hao.

Giving Feng Hao the hope of the two giant forces, only he can carry this hope, and no one else can, so whether it is Honggu or Tongtian, they are also prepared for this.

Let Feng Hao take over the two giant forces, only in this way can continue to stabilize the extension of the two forces.

Feng Hao remained silent, and fell into deep thought after a while. This kind of thing was undoubtedly the first time for him, and he knew that once he nodded in agreement, then for him, the heavy responsibility on his shoulders would be is much more.

Not only the guardian clan, but now there are Xuandao Valley, Ling Xiaofeng, etc. These three giant forces can be said to include the entire Penglai world.

More importantly, in the Hundred Clans Continent, the Human Race has almost become the leader of the Hundred Clans Continent, and with the appearance of monsters this time, the remaining races in the Hundred Clans Continent all regard the Human Race as their last hope. In a word, as long as Feng Hao nods his head in agreement, it means that he alone has become the real master of the world.

Penglai World, Hundred Clans Continent, these two places, he is the only one who dominates!

In the previous Penglai world, even though there was a family of guardians, they did not care about world affairs, and they did not have the idea of ​​aspiring to be the supreme under heaven. However, the two giant forces, Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng, guarded and restrained each other, and it would not be a situation of one party dominating. There is also an invisible threat, that is Xian.

The situation in the Hundred Clans Continent is a little bit better. For so many years, through the efforts of Feng Hao alone, he has continuously improved his cultivation base, and with it, the status of the human race has risen, not only surpassing the previous glory, but also faintly. There are signs of the head of a hundred clans.

However, as long as he nods today, no matter the Hundred Clans Continent or the Penglai World, they will respect him.

"Feng Hao, I know you are in a difficult situation, but there is indeed no one who is more suitable than you. The masters have chosen you together without exception, which proves that you really have the ability to shoulder this hope." Le Huang said slowly. Slowly.

He glanced at many strong men present, took a deep breath and said: "The Penglai world cannot be left alone for a day, and this time the turmoil in the restricted area has greatly weakened the power of the seal. It must be to integrate us. Everyone's strength, if not, the next time there is any situation in the restricted area, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Feng Hao woke up suddenly when he heard the words, yes, Le Huang was right,

Now it seems that although the turmoil in the forbidden zone has calmed down, the price paid is that the glory of the previous generation of strong players has been ruined.

According to the situation of the seal of the forbidden area at this time, there will be no problems in a short time, but it is difficult to guarantee that after a hundred years, or even once the fairy comes to this world again, relatively speaking, the things Feng Hao will face will be even more serious. tricky.

"In this case, I can agree, but the powerhouses of Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng will not completely integrate into the Guardian Clan." After thinking for a while, Feng Hao said slowly: "Xuantao Valley and the author Although Ling Xiaofeng broke away from the guardian clan countless years ago, it has become a whole by itself."

"What I mean is, let the relationship between Xuandao Valley, Ling Xiaofeng, and the guardian clan remain unchanged. On the contrary, I will become an alliance of ten thousand clans to jointly protect the safety of the common people in the world,"

Feng Hao slowly revealed his psychological side, not that he was unwilling to accept these two forces, but once these three giant forces merged, many difficult things might happen, at this time Feng Hao knew very well , they don't have the time to face the troubles that arise during these fusions.

Now that the guardian clan and the human race are merging with each other, the problem has not been completely solved, so it is not suitable for the two giants to participate.

"As for Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng, you can choose new successors to inherit the orthodoxy left by your ancestors." Feng Hao said in a deep voice: "Only in this way can we integrate all the traditions in the shortest possible time. Strength, let’s face the problem of the restricted area together.”

Le Huang and the others looked at each other, and they couldn't find a reason to refuse for a while. The representatives headed by Ling Xiaofeng were naturally Le Huang and the others, while Xuan Dao Valley was dominated by Huangfu Wushuang. Now the two giants, The strong men of the older generation, however, have all fallen.

They have paid too much for this turmoil in the restricted area. Now the two giants are just the remaining part of the background. These powerhouses are all above the God Master Realm, but there are not many of them.

"Well, since you said that, there must be some reason." Le Huang said in a deep voice, "But this matter needs to be discussed with the rest of the elders."

Feng Hao nodded and said: "In three days, I will return to Penglai World again. At that time, the three of us can sit down and discuss it, and we will discuss the details at that time."

Le Huang and the others also left one after another, after all, the current chaos is a complete mess.

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