Martial Inverse

Chapter 185 Integrating the 0 Family

After all, the legends of the two giant powers are all fallen, and the turmoil in the restricted area has subsided temporarily. On the contrary, they can't relax. Want to take the opportunity to cause chaos.

However, what they have to do is to cut off the occurrence of these troubles.

At this time, in the Hundred Clans Continent, the situation that Feng Hao has to face will not be much better. With the battle in the restricted area, the cultivators in the Hundred Clans Continent who were infected by the breath of monsters have all died. is to disappear completely.

But as a price, more than 30 races in the Hundred Clans Continent have disappeared. This loss is extremely heavy for the Hundred Clans Continent. However, some of the remaining races in the Hundred Clans Continent have already raised their families. Migrated to the nearby area of ​​​​the human race, trying to find protection.

Under the current situation, Feng Hao felt that if the Hundred Clans Continent could not continue to be in chaos, there must be a solution.

And the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races he proposed earlier can solve this problem very well, allowing the remaining races to join this so-called Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. All members of the Alliance can get all the races in the Alliance. help.

What Feng Hao wants is that the power of the Hundred Clans Continent is completely integrated into a whole, and it is no longer like a plate of scattered sand.

If it is simply to make them submit to the human race, Feng Hao once had this idea, but he also thought of it. In the current situation, it is not difficult to ask the other races to submit to the human race, but this will be for the future. The next curse.

Today's human race has become the guardian clan, the real guardian clan, and the responsibility of the guardian clan is to protect, not to be above the hundred clans. The guardian clan has its own independence and cannot be tyrannical to intervene and merge the hundred clans. .

It would be worth the candle.

Therefore, if the alliance of ten thousand races is established, let these races join the alliance. In certain matters, such as those related to the restricted area, all races in the alliance must unconditionally obey the orders of the guardian clan, which is today's human race. Normally, they will not intervene A thing of any race.

This can not only maintain the independence of the Guardian Clan, but also avoid many troubles.

This world belongs to all races, and never belongs to a certain person, or to a certain force. Feng Hao is very clear about this, even if he can make a hundred clans surrender, and directly make a race the leader of a hundred clans , but what's the point of that.

The human race has already witnessed the glory of the past. No matter how powerful a cultivator is, it is impossible to last forever. Now Feng Hao is the pillar of the human race, and even the pillar of the Hundred Clan Continent. As long as Feng Hao is still there, Can still suppress everything.

But thousands of years later, ten thousand years later, the world will be ruthless after all. At that time, if something goes wrong with Fenghao, the Hundred Clan Continent will be completely chaotic. In order to avoid this situation, we must maintain the inertia of protecting the clan , and if you do this, you can continue to protect the human race.

After watching Le Huang and the others leave, Feng Hao immediately started his own cumbersome affairs. Now in the Hundred Clans Continent, I am afraid that there is no supreme level powerhouse. Apart from him, the only one left is the God Lord The strong of the environment.

Within the human race, there are quite a few strong men sitting in town, including a group of strong men led by Xian'er, as well as Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan. This is also a force that cannot be ignored.

At present, in Shengtian Academy, all the last forces of the human race are gathered together. Overall, the loss of the human race is not big this time. strong.

"Calculate how many races there are in the Hundred Clans Continent today."

Feng Hao also said in a deep voice, now it is king to form an alliance quickly while the situation is still under control.

"There are still sixty-five races, and there are about twenty races. The whole race has already migrated to the vicinity of the human race," Huang Yuntian said calmly at this time.

Feng Hao nodded,

Immediately after pondering for a moment, he also said: "Let someone inform the sixty-five races that each send a representative to gather at Shengtian Academy tomorrow to form the Ten Thousand Races Alliance."

Huang Yuntian and the others looked at each other, and then said hesitantly: "The Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, if we do this, I'm afraid the methods are a bit soft, and we can't suppress some thorny races."

Yes, Feng Hao's method is not considered strong, or even gentle. If it is Huang Yuntian and others, the first thought must be to directly call all the remaining races and forcibly submit to the human race. Down.

Feng Hao shook his head, and said: "Now the Hundred Clans Continent has just undergone drastic changes, and if you don't adapt to it, you will make big moves. And don't forget, the human race is not just a simple human race, but also upholds the mission of protecting the clan, so you It’s time to change your mindset.”

When Huang Yuntian heard this, his old face also turned red, indeed he hadn't thought of this.

"Of course, if some races feel that there is no need to join the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, they should ignore it and let them go on their own. However, any race that blocks the establishment of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races will be killed directly as an example."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes slightly and established the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. Although it is not a strong enough method, it does not mean that Feng Hao has no choice. The Ten Thousand Races Alliance must be established. It is fine if some races do not participate. Once there is still trouble race, he is not polite.

Huang Yuntian and others also nodded in agreement one after another. Although the power of the human race is not the strongest in the world, but looking at the continent of hundreds of races, after experiencing the chaos of monsters, they want to be able to compete with the race again, but they can't find it. up.

"I'll go and give orders now," Huang Yuntian immediately stood up and nodded. Now this matter is urgent. It's time for Hundred Clan Continent to unite and fight against the monsters.

Although there is no danger now, it does not mean that it will be like this forever. The restricted area is in turmoil. If there is any problem within a hundred years, I am afraid that no one will be able to solve it.

Feng Hao also nodded, thought for a while, and said to the others: "About the breath of monsters, I want to see if there is any record in the human race."

At this time, Feng Hao also thought of it. The existence of monsters is really a worrying thing. If there is any way to solve it once and for all, it is naturally the last, although Feng Hao thinks it is a bit uncomfortable. Reality, but he must understand the origin of the monsters.

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