Martial Inverse

Chapter 187: World of Darkness

After the respect of God Pangu returned to Chaos, the Queen Nuwa who stayed behind led the remaining powerhouses to start the final battle with those demonized practitioners. This is the so-called battle of the gods, but in that day In the middle of the station, after paying a very heavy price, the Queen Nuwa finally wiped out these demonized practitioners completely.

The powerhouses in the fairyland under him all fell one by one, and the Queen Nuwa was also heartbroken. After she left a legacy, she also returned to chaos.

The Pangu gods suppressed the creatures from the dark world, and the price they paid was to return to the chaos. The Queen Nuwa killed the practitioners who were infected by the monster's breath, launched the battle of the gods, and then returned to the chaos .

The depiction on the wall is gone here, but Feng Hao is lost in thought.

It can be said that this time he fully understood some of the mysteries of the ancient times, including the origin of these monsters, which he did not know before. It turned out to be like this, these monsters came from another so-called dark world .

At the same time, Feng Hao was also thinking. Although he knew the origin of these monsters at this time, he had no way to deal with them. At the beginning, he and God Venerable Pangu didn't have this ability. It can be seen that these monsters are really Extremely tricky.

They couldn't kill them back then, so they could only choose to form a forbidden area to seal, let alone now, unless there is another strong man like Pangu God, it can be regarded as a turning point.

"Back then, God Venerable Pan Gu chose the three major restricted areas. I am afraid there are some mysteries behind it."

Feng Hao pondered, a light suddenly flashed in his mind, maybe this is what he always wanted to know, the places of the three restricted areas are in three different positions, but God Venerable Pangu chose to open up the restricted area In such places, he must have his own ideas.

However, with the emergence of such thoughts, Feng Hao also came up with it. He went to the three restricted areas to take a good look to see if he could discover the mystery, and maybe he could find a way to deal with the monsters.

Now is not the ancient era, and it can even be said that for them, it is the worst era. The strong men of the previous generation have all fallen, but now the new generation of strong men is carried by Feng Hao alone. , there are no other outstanding young people.

Perhaps in the Penglai world, there are still some supreme beings hidden in the mortal world, but for Feng Hao, it is impossible to persuade them to join the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and it does not help.

At the moment, Feng Hao has also walked out of this cave that has been hidden for countless years. He already knows the origin of the monster, but for others, he has not been able to find a way to deal with the monster, but he can't rush to the third place right now. Great restricted area.

Because the most important thing at the moment is to integrate the situation in the Hundred Clans Continent, and even return to the Penglai world to assist Lehuang and Huangfu Wushuang in taking over the two giant forces.

Now in the world of Penglai, almost everyone is aware of the chaos in the restricted area. However, with the two giant forces, and even many powerful members of the legendary Guardian Clan, they have all fallen. The truly glorious era has passed.

Among the two giant forces, the most outstanding young generation, Huangfu Wushuang and Huangfu Jinglei in Xuandao Valley, and the two brothers Lehuang in Lingxiao Peak, plus their respective forces, must still contain a part of the background of the God Master Realm .

Although Feng Hao refused to take over these two giant powers, he still hoped that it would be best for these two powers to fall into his own hands. Huangfu Wushuang is his fiancée, there is no doubt about it. As for Le Huang, Not to mention the friendship between the two of them.

Even through the conversation just now, he has made it very clear that he supports these two people to become the new masters and take charge of the two giant forces. Logically speaking, there should be no problem.

But don't be afraid of 10,000 in everything, just in case, the whole Penglai world is in chaos now, it can even be said to be more chaotic than the Hundred Clans Continent,

Because in the Hundred Clans Continent, the power of the human race can suppress everything. On the contrary, in the Penglai world at this time, the power of the two giants can no longer deter the heroes.

Even if there is an internal dispute, the two giant forces that have been passed down for countless years will disintegrate. This is not surprising. Guarding the restricted area, how to guard this world that belongs to them.

Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Feng Hao must go to the Penglai World to help Huangfu Wushuang and Lehuang take over the two giant forces completely, and it is absolutely impossible for these two forces to make any mistakes.

Because, this is his responsibility, and it is also the hope that Tongtian and Honggu have bestowed on him.

"Next, what are you going to do." Liu Canyan also asked after seeing Feng Hao coming out with a serious face. The current situation is under control for the time being, but the restricted area will be a danger after all.

"The seal of the forbidden area can last for a hundred years at most." Feng Hao said slowly: "And as far as I know, that monster didn't really die. were sealed together."

"What I'm afraid of now is that after a hundred years, the three major restricted areas will break out at the same time, and we will have no way to fight against them at that time."

Feng Hao said worriedly. His worry was not unreasonable. Compared with the current situation of the Hundred Clans Continent and the Penglai World, if the restricted area broke out again in a hundred years, it would be a catastrophe. However, at that time , but they have no way to stop it.

"Could it be that we can only wait until a hundred years later." Liu Canyan sighed.

"Maybe, but you have to do your best in everything, and I will find a way." Feng Hao took a deep breath, he knew that everyone can give up, but he can't, because he is everyone's hope .

"Afterimage and Leng Yusen, what's going on now." Feng Hao asked suddenly, after all, these two people are also the body of the three great gods of the human race. Although he relied on various opportunities to walk in front of them, but Relatively speaking, their existence also proves that this is their era.

"The two of them are still retreating, but their aura is very strong. When the turmoil broke out in the restricted area, they were already high-ranking god masters. It is estimated that they want to break through to the Supreme and then exit."

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