Martial Inverse

Chapter 188: Ten Thousand Races Alliance


Feng Hao thought for a while, and then nodded. The two of them are the gods of the human race. Logically speaking, their aptitude should not be weaker than their own, but they have experienced many life and death tests. Chance is the first to reach the Supreme Realm.

Now the strong men of the previous generation in the world have all fallen in sevens and eighties. It can be said that it is the end of an era, but the same can also be used as the emergence of another new era.

However, there is no doubt that Feng Hao is the representative of the new generation. Similarly, besides Feng Hao, there will be other strong people showing their amazing aptitude one after another.

"Perhaps... this rare peace in a hundred years is also an opportunity for the development of the human race." Feng Hao raised his head, looked at the gradually dimming sky and murmured, indeed, relatively speaking, it is the most secure for the human race now In the early days, with the addition of the Guardian Clan, the backbone strength has increased a lot, and the background of the Guardian Clan can naturally be used as the background of the Human Race, because the two clans are no longer separated from each other.

Standing behind Feng Hao, Liu Canyan remained silent. For so many years, like everyone else, she has also witnessed Feng Hao's rise step by step. Until now, since Feng Hao entered Shengtian Academy , who would have expected that Feng Hao could go to this point.

Many ancestors of the human race in the past also failed to do things, but Feng Hao was able to do them one by one. Relatively speaking, Feng Hao also paid a lot of hard work for this.

This also means that Feng Hao needs to shoulder more responsibilities, which may put more pressure on him.

"Let's go, tomorrow will be the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance. I hope there will be no accidents. After all, the Hundred Clans Continent is seriously injured now." Feng Hao murmured, even if he left this mountain range and returned to the Holy Heaven Academy .

This night was extraordinarily speechless. The Hundred Clans Continent had just experienced a catastrophe. It was undoubtedly a scene of survival after a catastrophe. However, for many races, it seemed not so peaceful. Everything was because of The lord of the human race issued a proposal for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

Most of the races did not object to this matter, but held more favorable opinions. After all, looking at the Hundred Clans Continent, and even the Penglai World, they are all giants.

It may be a good thing to be attached to the human race, especially for ordinary people in the Hundred Clans Continent, they just want to live, it's that simple.

But for some very small races, they think that this is Feng Hao trying to rule the entire Hundred Races Continent, and they have other thoughts at the moment, trying to prevent the formation of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, but those who have this idea People quickly gathered together to discuss what the Ten Thousand Races Alliance should be like tomorrow.

Vaguely, the calm Hundred Clans Continent seems to be surging again. The small movements of these races are naturally known to the people, and this is also in Feng Hao's guess. After all, Feng Hao will not think that the rest of the Hundred Clans Continent , it will be so easy to form an alliance of all races.

There will definitely be some people who will jump out to oppose this, but this is what Feng Hao hopes to see. What he needs is not a continent of hundreds of clans like scattered sand, but a chaos of hundreds of clans that can truly unite as one and resist the chaos in the restricted area .

Perhaps it is possible to take advantage of this alliance of ten thousand races to implement some iron-fisted means to completely silence these disobedient races.

The next day, it was just dawn in the morning, and the first ray of sunlight happened to shine down completely, but the entire Shengtian Academy was extraordinarily lively, with many powerful people constantly appearing in the Shengtian Academy.

The convening of the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance is also to allow all the powerhouses of the remaining races in the Hundred Clans Continent to gather together to discuss the future of the Hundred Clans Continent.

Feng Hao appeared in Shengtian Academy early in the morning, met some acquaintances one by one,

However, Huang Yuntian approached Feng Hao quietly at this time, and said in a soft voice: "Maybe some races who are not willing to join the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will jump out today, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Feng Hao shook his head when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, let them jump out."

For these races, Feng Hao naturally has his own corresponding countermeasures, so there is no need to worry, Huang Yuntian nodded, since Feng Hao has some means, then he will not say much.

As time passed, more and more powerful people gathered in Shengtian Academy. Looking at the time, Feng Hao and others also decided that this time, the meeting of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will officially start.

Standing on the high platform of Shengtian Academy, looking around at the powerhouses of hundreds of clans, Feng Hao calmly said: "Since many people have come to my Shengtian Academy today, they must also know why they came here. I will not hide it. The establishment of the ethnic alliance is imminent, and the chaos in the restricted area, we cannot sit idly by, so we need the concerted efforts of all of you to suppress the restricted area."

What Feng Hao said was also true, and there were many echoing voices from around.

Feng Hao nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "You don't need to worry, this alliance of ten thousand races does not require you to be attached to the human race, because of the integration of the guardian race, today's human race can even be called a new guardian race .”

"The status and responsibilities of the guardian clan are not allowed to intervene in world disputes. This time it is a matter of turmoil in the restricted area. If the danger of the restricted area can be completely eliminated in the future, the alliance of ten thousand races will naturally be disbanded. By then They can still be their own races."

These words can also be said to dispel the fear in the hearts of some people, because at any rate, they are also the strong of a race. If they want to be attached to the human race, to be honest, no one is willing to do this, even the current human race. The strength is very strong.

Since the Alliance of Ten Thousand Clans was born to deal with the restricted area, it naturally made the entire Hundred Clans Continent look forward to it. The monster turmoil that appeared earlier also made them fearful. Those demonized practitioners were not them at all. creatures that can handle it.

The choice in front of them now, only if everyone is united, will they have the strength to deal with the chaos in the restricted area.

However, at this moment, representatives of some races looked at each other, stood up, and said to Feng Hao: "I would like to ask the lord of the human race, after the integration of hundreds of races, which race can control the right to speak? "

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