Martial Inverse

Chapter 189 Stupid

After these words appeared, the entire square of Shengtian Academy was naturally quieted down. However, the representatives of these races were the ones who had something to do with each other in advance, and they didn't back down at the moment, looking straight at Feng Hao and asking : "A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. If the alliance of ten thousand races is to be established, I am afraid that a strong man will be needed to command the heroes."

"Then who do you think is the best person to do this?"

Facing these races, Feng Hao smiled slightly, which was expected by him, so he was not surprised at all. He glanced at the representatives of those races, and asked softly.

"Among all of you present, there is no one more suitable for this seat than you, the leader of the human race." At this time, a strong man said loudly, but the conversation suddenly changed, saying: "But the human race is now gone. It is the Guardian Clan, and according to the status of the Guardian Clan, it is naturally not suitable to intervene in these matters, so I think we still need to choose from other races."

These words are extremely respectable, but they are vaguely referring to Feng Hao, who should not be in this position.

However, after these words fell, it caused a lot of discussion. Suddenly, Huang Yuntian and others' faces became gloomy. These races really don't know what to do.

However, Feng Hao waved his palm to signal everyone to be quiet. He glanced at these races coldly, with a strange arc on the corner of his mouth, and said, "The Alliance of Ten Thousand Races is proposed by my guardian clan." , and this time we still have to join forces with the Penglai World to participate. The Guardian Clan and the two giant forces will inevitably become the leaders of the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance. tribal alliance."

Feng Hao's words were extremely sharp, he didn't leave any room for these people, and said coldly: "A group of stupid people, what were you doing during the chaos in the restricted area, now the restricted area has finally calmed down, but you want to To try to seize power."

"Let me tell you, this Ten Thousand Clans Alliance, if you don't join, please feel free. Once the chaos in the restricted area breaks out in the future, you will be safe, and you don't need to come to my guardian clan to ask for protection."

Feng Hao's domineering attitude exceeded everyone's expectations. He simply did not give these people the slightest leeway. His attitude was obvious. Either join the Ten Thousand Races Alliance or leave.


The strong man who spoke just now was immediately annoyed by it. Feng Hao's strong words made him not know how to refute.

That's right, Feng Hao is indeed strong, and he still wants to be strong to the end, making trouble unreasonably, or bullying others, Feng Hao doesn't care about these things, for so many years, he knows a truth very well, whoever has the biggest fist, what he says is the truth.

It is unrealistic to expect to have a good talk with these people. Instead of doing that, it is better to come directly and forcefully.

"What about me, don't think I don't know what you are thinking." Feng Hao glanced at these races coldly, and said in a cold voice: "During the chaos in the restricted area, the Hundred Clan Continent was devastated, how much did the human race protect? Race, where are you?"

"The ones going to the restricted area are the strong men of my guardian clan. Where are you?"

"The ones who suppressed the restricted zone and died because of it were the children of my guardian clan. Where are you?"

A series of sharp questions immediately made everyone in the audience quiet down. Feng Hao was right. In the final analysis, if there were no human races in these restricted areas, the Hundred Clans Continent would have been worthy of the name. The consequences will be even more terrifying.

"Now that the chaos in the forbidden zone has finally subsided, you think that the Guardian Clan will control the entire Hundred Clan Continent, and you think that your racial status has been shaken?"

Feng Hao continued to sneer and said, "Stupid guy."

"If the Guardian Clan wants to lead the Hundred Clans Continent, you think we need this so-called Ten Thousand Clans Alliance. If I have all the strong members of the Guardian Clan, no one in the Hundred Clans Continent can resist."

Although this sentence is very direct, it expresses a fact, yes,

Today's human race, it shouldn't be the guardian clan, does have this ability. If it really wants to rule the Hundred Clans Continent through this, it is indeed a bit ridiculous.

All of a sudden, those who held objections didn't have much to say. At the moment, they also looked at each other, not knowing how to answer the conversation. Now they are in a rather embarrassing situation. They can't blame others. Blame it, blame them for being too stupid.

"Speaking of which, those who believe will naturally continue to believe, and those who do not believe, I will not continue to persuade you." Feng Hao continued in a cold voice: "If you are not willing to join the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, I will still say that , please leave."

"It's just that the chaos in the restricted zone will break out again in the future, and the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will not provide any help, and let it fend for itself."

This is terrible, it is tantamount to completely turning his face, this is also a sigh of relief in Feng Hao's heart, so many strong people are willing to sacrifice themselves and achieve a lifetime of stability, but these people are indeed so pathetic, they are all here At this time, he is still doing these useless things for his own desire, which really chills him.

That being the case, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance does not need these people.

Perhaps, only at this time will the people of the Hundred Clans Continent fully realize that the current human race is no longer the human race of the past. The head of the continent.

But in fact, many races do not admit it in their hearts, but because of Fenghao's strength, they can't say it, but they have forgotten that there is a guardian clan joining. Today's human race, let alone the Hundred Clans Continent, even Looking at the world of Penglai, there are not many forces that can compete with it.

"If you don't want to join the Ten Thousand Clans Alliance, or think that our human race is taking the opportunity to rule the Hundred Clans Continent, you can leave on your own. I will protect one clan and won't say a word." Feng Hao also made a gesture of invitation, Just don't say much.

Seeing this scene, many strong people of the human race in the past were secretly happy and asked you to object, but this time it will be fine, there is absolutely no room for it, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. From then on, the human race Who can shake the true dominance.

At the moment, the square of Shengtian Academy fell silent, and the strong races who held opposing opinions before did not dare to speak. After all, they could not be the blessings of the guardian clan.

Because they left the protection of the Guardian Clan, they didn't have any chance.

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