Martial Inverse

Chapter 202 Internal Troubles

"That old guy Honggu is not bad, at least he trained you two boys, unlike this unfilial apprentice, who is not up to date." Nangong Wushuang also nodded, and then glared at Nangong Wuji, obviously for this guy Very dissatisfied to leave without permission.

"Thanks to senior's praise, Wuji came to help this time, and indeed solved a lot of troublesome things." Le Huang smiled slightly.

"It seems that you, Ling Xiaofeng, have indeed encountered a lot of trouble." Feng Hao also whispered beside him: "How is it now?"

Even though Le Huangxuan's face became serious, he shook his head and said, "It's pretty stable now, and you must have encountered a lot of trouble outside Taxianlou."

Feng Hao and Nangong Wushuang looked at each other, and then asked: "What's the matter with those people? They actually joined forces with some hidden old guys to deal with Ling Xiaofeng?"

"It's a long story at this time." Le Yu also sighed and said: "That day, when we returned to Taxianlou, we were suddenly attacked, and it was too sudden, we lost part of the strong, But the attackers are too powerful, and there is no lack of Supreme among them. However, in desperation, we were forced to close the Taxian Tower and activate the restriction. Except for those who have the method to unlock the restriction of the Taxian Tower, others cannot enter at all here."

"Later, when we returned to Ling Xiaofeng through the teleportation formation, we found that there was also chaos inside Ling Xiaofeng, but we returned in time to quell the chaos."

"My sister was also seriously injured because of this, and she is still unconscious." Le Huang also said distressedly.

"Does internal and external troubles come together?" Feng Hao frowned. The combination of these things is probably a bit too ingenious. It must be unbelievable to say that there is no connection.

"Yes, after I tortured and tortured some of the strong men who caused the chaos, I realized that all of this was instigated by someone behind the scenes." Le Yu said in a deep voice, "And it's our Ling Xiaofeng's own internal people."

Hearing this, Feng Hao and Nangong Wushuang couldn't help but be quite astonished, which is a bit unreasonable, those people outside are all supreme beings hidden in the world, and they have had grievances with Ling Xiaofeng more or less, But if the person instigating them is from Ling Xiaofeng, it's a bit unreasonable, isn't it?

"Thirty thousand years ago, Ling Xiaofeng once appeared a peerless powerhouse. He was extremely talented. If nothing happened, he would become the new generation of Ling Xiaofeng's heir. He even killed his fellow disciples, which shocked the entire Ling Xiaofeng at that time, and in the end it was the ruler of that generation who took action himself, captured him, and abolished his cultivation, and expelled him from Ling Xiaofeng."

"Everyone thought he was dead. After all, in the world of Penglai, people without cultivation can't survive at all." Le Huang said slowly: "But what is surprising is that he is not dead, and he doesn't know how to pass By some means, he has recovered his own cultivation, and has been secretly developing his own power."

"Even Ling Xiaofeng hasn't noticed his existence in the past 30,000 years, and even Ling Xiaofeng's interior has been gradually infiltrated by him. What happened a while ago seriously injured Ling Xiaofeng's vitality, let him know, and feel that there is something wrong. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I want to break through Ling Xiaofeng in one fell swoop."

Le Huang's answer surprised Feng Hao, this is actually one of his own? This was quite unexpected, Nangong Wushuang pondered for a moment, then seemed to think of something, raised his head and asked: "Could it be the holy son of Lingxiao Peak, Mo Luotian?"

"Senior knows this person?"

Le Huang and Le Yu looked at each other, and immediately asked.

"That's right, if I remember correctly, he should be regarded as a martial artist of the same generation as me. At that time, he could be said to be the best young generation in the world, and even Honggu paled in comparison. "Nangong Wushuang sighed and said: "I didn't expect that he didn't die?" "Mo Luotian? What is the history of this person? "

Feng Hao also asked in a deep voice.

"Thirty thousand years ago, there was an enchanting young warrior in Ling Xiaofeng. If he hadn't practiced kung fu and went crazy, the current master of Ling Xiaofeng would not be Honggu." Nangong Wushuang said solemnly: "And Mo Luotian and the Supreme Master Hongmeng has a good relationship, and it is said that they left because the punishment of Mo Luotian was too harsh and made Supreme Master Hongmeng feel dissatisfied."

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't expect that these old things are still related in this way, it seems that this Mo Luotian is indeed not simple.

"Then what can be proved now is that Moluotian's cultivation base has not only recovered, but also improved to a higher level, even to the top Supreme Realm?" Feng Hao frowned, if this is the case, then the matter is terrible It's tricky.

Looking at the world of Penglai, it is impossible to find the top Supreme. With the fall of the Hongmeng Supreme and others, the ordinary Supreme has become a hero, let alone this kind of top Supreme.

"No... What I'm afraid of is not that he has become the top Supreme, but a realm that is more terrifying than the Supreme!"

Nangong Wushuang said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, both Honggu and Tongtian have broken through to a higher level, right?"

Feng Hao looked at Le Huang and the others, nodded and said: "That's right, that's the realm of the gods!"

"The realm of the gods? It's really a realm that people yearn for..." Nangong Wushuang also murmured, but he also reacted later, saying: "Since Honggu and the others can break through to the realm of the gods, it is inevitable that maybe , Mo Luotian can also break through to the realm of the gods."

Listening to Nangong Wushuang's words, everyone fell silent immediately. If this is the case, then there is no doubt that a strong man in the realm of the gods will have problems that they cannot solve. Maybe they don't know how powerful it is, but how weak it is to be able to surpass the Supreme Realm.

"This is a bit tricky..." Le Huang also said helplessly. If this is the case, with the current Ling Xiaofeng, it shouldn't mean that the entire Penglai world cannot stop this powerful man of the gods. Once he appears , will be able to crush everything unscrupulously, because he is a god general!

"No, I think it might be a bit strange." However, Feng Hao did think of something at this time, if the other party is really a god general, then why would he act like this and appear openly, no one can stop him.

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