Martial Inverse

Chapter 203 Time is running out

Hearing Feng Hao's doubts, Le Huang and the others looked at him rather puzzled at the moment, not knowing why.

"If he breaks through to the realm of the gods, then he doesn't need to unite with other people, just the deity descending, can solve all problems."

Feng Hao said in a deep voice: "God general, no one can stop him, not even the prohibition of stepping on the fairy tower, the restriction of Ling Xiaofeng, there is no one who can stop a god general."

"You mean." Nangong Wushuang's eyes lit up at the moment, as if he had thought of the same point.

Feng Hao nodded, and said: "That's right, if I'm not wrong, Mo Luotian has not broken through to the level of a god general, or he is on the verge of breaking through."

"That's the only way to explain why he didn't appear in person, but instigated those strong men in the world. Obviously, he may be in a stage of breakthrough, and he can't be distracted long ago. He wants to wait until he breaks through to the God General Realm before he can be sure that he can win Ling Xiaofeng." Feng Hao analyzed word by word.

"This is very likely, because Mo Luotian walked out of Ling Xiaofeng, and he knows very well that the Supreme Being alone cannot shake Ling Xiaofeng. As a giant power that has been passed down for countless years, there must be some left behind. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, he must choose to break through to the realm of the gods and reappear." Le Huang's eyes also brightened.

This explanation seems to be echoing the current situation, Feng Hao also nodded, and said: "That's true. In this way, Mo Luotian should be in a state of seclusion now."

"In other words, Mo Luotian's whereabouts will not be found in a short period of time." Nangong Wushuang also said calmly: "Is there any way to find Mo Luotian?"

The two of them looked at each other, then shook their heads immediately. They had no choice but to close the mountain gate, let alone find the whereabouts of each other.

"If he broke through to the realm of the gods, I think I should be able to sense it." Feng Hao pondered for a moment, and then said calmly. Logically speaking, breaking through to the realm of the gods must not be everything. Not to mention him, even Nangong Wushuang and the others could sense the big movement.

Just like when Honggu and the others broke through, the momentum was huge. If Mo Luotian made a breakthrough, he would definitely not be able to hide it from them.

"The most important thing now is to calm down the turmoil in Lingxiao Peak." Feng Hao also said in a low voice: "Is your sister seriously injured? Take me to see it."

At the moment, Feng Hao also brought the topic to Le Xin. He just heard that Le Xin was seriously injured. Obviously, he was also quite anxious. However, there is no way to treat her injury in Ling Xiaofeng, so maybe he can. try it.

Le Huang and Le Yu looked at each other, and immediately nodded.

"Lexin is what happened to the injury."

The group of people also walked and walked, Feng Hao's face became more serious. For him, Le Xin's injury is more important. At least the problem in Ling Xiaofeng before him has been solved, and he still has to face it. Morro days.

"Lexin was poisoned, a very strange poison, and now she is in a coma, and as the coma lasts longer, her soul power has been weakened." Le Huang also said calmly: "Now we We can only use the elixir left by some seniors in Ling Xiaofeng to stabilize the situation, but in the same way, we have no other way to solve it."


Feng Hao couldn't help frowning. If it was poisoned, the problem would undoubtedly become much more difficult.

At the moment, the group of them climbed directly to Lingxiao Peak, avoiding countless restrictions along the way, and what they saw along the way naturally made Feng Hao and others sigh. There were wounded everywhere. Once there is a turmoil in the giant power, it will almost collapse.

"How is the situation in Xuandao Valley?

" Le Huang also asked unintentionally.

"The situation will be better than yours. It's just civil strife, but I have calmed it down in the past." Feng Hao nodded, and now he also told the whole thing about Xuandao Valley. After all, the two giants Same source.

Yue Huang shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "So, don't look at how our two giants are usually, once it comes to a critical moment, it is obvious that we are all weaker."

Feng Hao was speechless. What happened this time was indeed the most serious thing that the two giants had faced since their establishment, almost breaking apart the entire force.

"After this time, the two giants will undoubtedly be reborn from Nirvana." Feng Hao could only comfort himself in this way.

"Maybe." Le Huang laughed at himself, but he didn't think about it for fun. If today's scene happened, he would directly take over the entire Ling Xiaofeng, but the situation he faced was even more difficult.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Le Huang, Feng Hao also came to a hidden place, where the cold was overwhelming, the temperature was abnormally cold, and the guards were heavily guarded.

"This is a hidden place of Ling Xiaofeng. Lexin's current situation is very unstable. She can only be allowed to enter here and then use pills to stabilize her soul, but it is not a long-term solution."

Le Huang was also full of worry.

Feng Hao nodded, and after a while, he saw that he had entered a huge space, but the temperature here was even more frightening. In the center, there was a cold jade bed, on which lay a beautiful woman.

It is Le Xin.

Feng Hao stepped forward and walked over, and saw Le Xin's pale and cold face, without any blood, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Is there a way?" Le Huang also asked in a deep voice. He was particularly concerned about his sister's injury, but he couldn't find a way to deal with it.

"Maybe I can try it." Feng Hao frowned, he was not sure, but he had to try.

"Then I'll leave this place to you." Le Huang thought for a moment, looked at Le Yu, nodded, and left here with the others. Feng Hao alone is enough here. If Feng Hao can't solve it, then Lexin's situation will be really bad.

After reaching that level, I am afraid that the only way to solve this injury is to find an antidote from Mo Luotian, but it will undoubtedly be more difficult at that time.

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