Martial Inverse

Chapter 204 Soul Gu Poison (1)

At the moment, Feng Hao is the only one left here. He also looks at Le Xin who is in a coma, and his expression is also complicated, but he knows very well that the most important thing right now is to find out Le Xin's injury, and to look for it. come up with a solution.

Feng Hao slowly released his spiritual consciousness, and put it into Le Xin's body, at that moment, he felt a chill in his spiritual consciousness!

At first, Feng Hao believed that it was caused by the environment here, but soon he realized that something was wrong. This coldness was filled with evil intentions, even Even his mind can be affected!

At the moment, Feng Hao felt astonished in his heart, what is going on?

His divine sense swept across Le Xin's body, and he immediately discovered that all the coldness seemed to come from Le Xin's dantian, and there seemed to be an evil lurking in her dantian. Creatures, these icy meanings permeate from the dantian!

"what is this?"

Feng Hao also felt a sense of surprise in his heart at the moment, he glanced directly at the dantian, but was isolated by a strong energy at the moment, it seemed that Feng Hao's consciousness was not allowed to enter Lexin Dantian.

This scene shocked Feng Hao even more. You must know that with Le Xin's cultivation, he can't stop his spiritual consciousness at all. However, the situation in front of him seems to have isolated his spiritual consciousness, which is definitely not the case The power of joy!

If it is not the power of happy heart, then whose is it?

However, at the next moment, what Feng Hao didn't notice was that Le Xin, who had kept her eyes tightly closed, quietly opened them at this moment. A pair of dark eyes flashed with a cold meaning, which was simply Not a cheerful look!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao was planning to forcibly use his own power to break the chill in Lexin's dantian. At that moment, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart. He raised his head subconsciously, but was surprised to find that Le Xin had opened his eyes.

"Happy heart..."

Feng Hao called out her name subconsciously, but Feng Hao instantly sensed that something was wrong, Le Xin at this moment gave him a strange feeling, it was like another person, there was nothing in Le Xin's eyes now A little bit of emotion, some are just chilling!


Feng Hao just wanted to ask, but the next moment, Le Xin stood up abruptly and shot Feng Hao directly!

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Feng Hao suddenly stretched out his eyes and intercepted Le Xin's offensive, Feng Hao roared anxiously: "Le Xin!!! What's wrong with you?"

Le Xin in this state now made Feng Hao feel jealous but obviously, Le Xin was indifferent, she didn't say a word, and shot again. The strange thing is that Le Xin's strength has obviously increased a lot Little, which makes Feng Hao a bit elusive.

Faced with Lexin's tyrannical attack, Feng Hao was a little embarrassed, and could only resist passively. After all, once he made a move, he might directly and seriously injure Lexin! And because of this, Feng Hao kept backing away, and the energy fluctuation between the two collided also attracted the attention of Le Huang and others outside.

"What's the matter with such a strong energy fluctuation coming from inside?" Yue Huang said in surprise, this is a bit weird,

However, Nangong Wuji said carelessly: "This is a big deal, maybe Feng Hao is saving your little sister."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

Nangong Wushuang glared at him, and immediately his face was a little dignified, because the energy fluctuations transmitted from it at this time were obviously a bit unusual, especially Feng Hao's energy fluctuations, which gave them a feeling of deliberate suppression.

Le Huang and Le Yu looked at each other, feeling rather embarrassed at the moment, not knowing how to deal with it.

"Wait a little longer. If Feng Hao is treating him, if we rush in rashly, I'm afraid it will bring unnecessary influence on him." At this time, Le Yu pondered for a moment, and said slowly.

"If it's ten minutes, if that's the case, we'll go in and have a look."

Right now, inside, Feng Hao is suffering unspeakably, this Le Xin is as if he is crazy, he doesn't make any sense at all, just shoots directly, constantly attacking Feng Hao, but Feng Hao can't fight back.

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Feng Hao's mind. He remembered that the old man Xuanyuan had used a restraint method, and now he also heard the secret technique called the Spirit Binding Curse. He felt that it seemed that this In this case, you can use it on Le Xin.

Hastily stepped back a few steps, opened the distance, Feng Hao's handprints were also changing again and again, and softly shouted: "Boot!"

Facing Feng Hao's voice, the energy fluctuations in the surrounding area were quickly condensed, and invisible energy chains directly crossed through Le Xin's body. Forcibly restrained in place, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the restraint!

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he looked directly at Le Xin and said in a concentrated voice, "Who the hell are you?!"

However, Le Xin is still expressionless, and the coldness in her eyes still makes people fear, as if she has lost her mind, but she is not crazy, just a living puppet manipulated by others!

That's right, it's a puppet. Lexin's situation is like this at this time. It seems that after being poisoned, she can be manipulated by others. This point may be extremely difficult.

However, at this time, Le Xin's calm and chilling eyes finally had some changes, a faint glow quietly emerged, Le Xin also stopped struggling at this time, looked directly at Feng Hao, and suddenly opened her mouth Open, said coldly: "Isn't the old man Xuanyuan who guarded the family dead, and there are still people who know his unique secret technique?"

Seeing Le Xin say this suddenly, Feng Hao's expression changed drastically. He looked directly at Le Xin, and said in an unquestionable way: "You are Moluotian!!!?"

The current situation is already very obvious. Lexin is poisoned, and it is not a common poison. This poison comes from the hands of Mo Luotian. He can control Lexin through the existence of this toxin! Turned Lexin into a puppet he can manipulate!

"Jie Jie, a junior actually knows my name. It seems that your identity is not simple." At this time, Le Xin's voice was particularly gloomy and cold, and she said slowly: "No matter who you are, stop my end ,only one!"

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