Martial Inverse

Chapter 216 The clue is broken!

Now, hearing that Nangong Wushuang said so, Feng Hao naturally would not have any doubts, but at this moment he raised his head, looked at the strong man, and said calmly: "Yes, I will help you untie the soul first Gu, I forgive you for not daring to play any tricks."

Hearing Feng Hao's words, the rest of the powerhouses also showed hopeful expressions.

After all, their cultivation base has reached the Supreme, but their lives are still threatened by the soul-binding Gu. For them, this is indeed an outrage, no one can be sure to undo the soul-binding Gu set by Mo Luotian, but Feng Hao seems to have a solution.

"Wait a minute, how can I believe that you can untie the soul-binding Gu for me? You know, if Mo Luotian realizes that he can't untie it, he will trigger the soul-binding Gu instead, and I will be the one who dies."

At this time, the strong man also suddenly remembered something. Looking at Feng Hao, although Feng Hao displayed a strong combat power, he actually said that he was saying something about the soul-binding Gu arranged by Mo Luotian. There is a way to solve this soul-binding Gu.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but they have seen how powerful Mo Luotian is, even if they are both supreme, but the combat power shown by Mo Luotian made them all terrified. is so easy to crack.

"The soul poison in Ling Xiaofeng is the one you put down."

However, Feng Hao raised his head slightly for these unbelieving strong men, and couldn't help showing a sneer and said: "I forgot to tell you that the soul poison has been eliminated by me, that is to say, Mo Luotian's Means, for me, do not have much effect."

Hearing Feng Hao's words, the eyes of these powerhouses were also widened, revealing incredulous expressions.

Someone actually unraveled the soul Gu poison,,.

They have followed Mo Luotian for a long time, so they naturally know how terrible the soul poison is. This kind of rumor does not belong to the world's poison, but it has been unraveled.

"It's true."

Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "In front of so many strong people in Ling Xiaofeng, do you think I have to lie?"

Of course, Feng Hao actually still has something to say, the soul poison is resolved, but it has nothing to do with him, but it seems that he is trying to figure out the whereabouts of Mo Luotian at the moment, and he will use his tricks as long as it comes from these people. If he learned of Mo Luotian's whereabouts, then things would be much easier to handle.

They could even go straight to Huanglong before Mo Luotian made a breakthrough, directly strangling Mo Luotian before he made a breakthrough.

If De Mo Luotian broke through to the realm of the gods, then I am afraid they would not be able to deal with such an existence as Mo Luotian.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao swept his sharp eyes over these powerful men in the Supreme Realm, and said indifferently: "Could it be that you just want to be controlled by Mo Luotian for the rest of your life."

"Although each of you, or have had grievances with Ling Xiaofeng, but for this grievance, put your own life on the line and become someone else's puppets, do you still have the dignity of the supreme power?

With every word, Feng Hao told these powerhouses of the Supreme Realm very directly that it was not worth it to work for Moluotian like this.

After all, one has cultivated for countless years and obtained many opportunities to achieve the Supreme Realm, and after experiencing so much wind and rain, in the end he becomes someone else's puppet, which is simply unacceptable for ordinary people.

These strong men immediately fell into contemplation. What Feng Hao said was correct, and he even talked about their hearts. When Mo Luotian found them, he indeed promised a lot of benefits, and he himself The others were also voluntarily planted with Soul Binding Gu, and became tools manipulated by Mo Luotian.

Perhaps for Mo Luotian, the role of these strong men is to be able to control them, forming a force that is not weak, and together they can deal with Ling Xiaofeng.

After all, everyone has his own dignity of a strong man. As a strong man in the Supreme Realm, how could he be so willing to be manipulated by others?

Following Feng Hao's words, some of them were also shaken.

"Okay, since you have said so, then help me untie the soul-binding Gu, and I will tell you the whereabouts of Mo Luotian."

One of the strong men stood up and said, at the moment he was also looking at Feng Hao, his eyes full of hope.

He did have old grievances with Ling Xiaofeng, but he was also tired of being a puppet of Mo Luotian. He was also a strong man in the Supreme Realm, so why should he live so suffocated.

Feng Hao nodded, and immediately signaled the others to disperse, making enough space.

Slowly covering the strong man's sky spirit cover with his palm, the power of the spirit beads suddenly spread out, and quickly condensed out from his palm. However, the strong man was still a little wary at first, but he stayed A moment later, after the gentle power of the Lingzhu poured into his body, an indescribable sense of comfort quickly pervaded.

Without any discomfort, the current strong man relaxed in a variable manner.

The power of the Lingzhu in Feng Hao's body is constantly entering the body of this strong man, but also in the dantian, he found a completely different power from his body. If he guessed correctly, this should be the binding Soul Gu.

But the mutation happened suddenly!

When Feng Hao's soul power came into contact with this soul-binding Gu, the strong man's face changed directly, and his expression became ferocious all of a sudden!

"If you dare to betray me, you will die..."

An icy voice came out from the strong man's mouth. At that moment, Feng Hao's eyes constricted, thinking something was wrong in his heart, he quickly withdrew his power and took a few steps back, but at this time the strong man was shaking all over his body. Surrounded by a kind of black energy, the whole person's expression became extremely painful.

"It's Soul Binding Gu,,."

At that moment, the expressions of the other strong men also became terrified, they could easily identify what this kind of power belonged to, it was the soul-binding Gu that they were most afraid of.

"what happened."

Feng Hao frowned, unable to comprehend the scene in front of him at all. This time, Mo Luotian noticed it so easily, but something even more ominous happened. this sign.

The soul-binding Gu power in their bodies was triggered instantly at the same time, and each of them showed a look of extreme pain. Obviously, this was Mo Luotian's method. He sensed that these people wanted to betray him. .

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