Martial Inverse

Chapter 217 Mo Luotian's Means

At the moment, all of these powerhouses are surrounded by a layer of dark aura. These auras are extremely evil. These supreme-level powerhouses actually showed stern expressions, and the wailing sounds made people tremble!

Feng Hao's face was cold, needless to say, this must have triggered the soul-binding Gu by himself, and Mo Luotian noticed it, and directly detonated the energy of the soul-binding Gu, making them all fall into this feeling that life would be worse than death .

"Help me quickly,"

However, these supreme beings put their last hope on Feng Hao while enduring this kind of pain, hoping that Feng Hao could save them.

But Feng Hao knew very well that the soul-binding Gu had already been triggered, and unless Mo Luotian stopped, he would not have any ability to prevent the outbreak of the soul-binding Gu.

In the face of these supreme beings calling for help, Feng Hao had no choice but to silently watch these strong men tortured to death.

After a while, the dark aura that appeared on them, like flames, suddenly surged out, directly burning their bodies to nothingness, not even leaving their souls behind!

After a long time, Feng Hao and the other strong men came back to their senses. This scene was simply too cruel.

"Mo Luotian is indeed cruel and merciless. These experts in the Supreme Realm will give up if they say so." Nangong Wushuang sighed.

"Because of this, he must be killed."

Feng Haohan said in a voice, he could not help but clenched his fists, as if if this guy was allowed to exist, more people would suffer. These supreme beings followed him anyway, but they were ruthlessly abandoned in the end.

"But there is no way to find his hiding place." Le Huang also sighed. If Mo Luotian is removed now, not only will their Lingxiao Summit be peaceful, but even the whole world of Penglai will be peaceful. down.

"not necessarily."

Feng Hao suddenly opened his mouth and said, looking straight in front of his eyes, at this moment, the dark aura emanating from the soul-binding Gu on these supreme powerhouses has not dissipated, it must be one of Mo Luotian's methods .

At this time, these dark auras did not dissipate because of this, but continued to gather together. At this time, other people also noticed this scene, and they all held their breath. It seemed that Mo Luotian wanted to do something.

These dark auras condensed continuously, and soon formed a cloud of black aura, gradually forming a fuzzy human face, which looked particularly terrifying, but Feng Hao knew very well that this was Mo Luotian!

"Moluotian, how dare you come out and fight."

Feng Hao took a step forward, staring directly at the blurred face, his tone was full of coldness.

"Haha, a junior actually dared to challenge me."

Mo Luotian's voice was as unpleasant as ever, and the face and mouth kept moving, making a tingling laugh.

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Don't you dare?"

Mo Luotian continued to laugh, and after a while, he said slowly: "This kind of aggressive method is useless to me."

After pausing for a moment, Moluo Genius said slowly: "Since you want to challenge me so much, then I will give you a chance."

"Three days, the remains of the glacier."

Mo Luotian's words were only such a short sentence, but it made Feng Hao's expression change drastically!

The glacier ruins, this is where Wanxin is located!

And at this time, as Feng Hao expected, Mo Luotian grinned and said: "Feng Hao, I know there is someone you care about in the glacier ruins, three days, three days I can't see you in the glacier ruins, and you don't want to see him again." I saw that person."

After saying these words, those dark auras suddenly disappeared, and Mo Luotian also disappeared at the moment.

Feng Hao's face became ugly, now he doesn't know why he let Mo Luotian know that there is Wanxin in the glacier ruins, and knowing his relationship with Wanxin, he proposed to meet at the glacier ruins!

Needless to say,

This time, I am afraid that Mo Luotian came prepared!

He took a deep breath, and within three days, it seemed that Mo Luotian was not far from the glacier ruins. Otherwise, he would not have proposed this time. You must know that going to the glacier from where Feng Hao is now The ruins, if you try your best, it will take three days.

Mo Luotian knew this very well, so he made this request.

Therefore, he had to agree right now, otherwise Wanxin would definitely have an accident!

"Feng Hao, what's the matter." At the moment Le Huang also asked in a deep voice. Although they and others didn't know what happened, but from Feng Hao's stern expression, it seemed that Mo Luotian seemed to know Feng Hao's weakness.

"I'm going to the glacier ruins, I guess I'll live and die with him there."

Feng Hao said calmly, he naturally guessed Mo Luotian's intentions, because both he and Mo Luotian knew very well that this Penglai world could only accommodate one of them.

Sooner or later, there will be a battle between the two of them, life and death, and Mo Luotian's intention is to let him go to the glacier ruins alone.

"Are you going by yourself?"

Nangong Wuji frowned, Mo Luotian's intention was obviously not that simple, if Feng Hao went alone, it would undoubtedly be the same as sending him to death.

Feng Hao nodded, he had to go by himself, otherwise, Mo Luotian didn't know what he would do to Wan Xin.

"Damn it, how did he know Wanxin was in the glacier ruins."

Feng Hao clenched his fists, cursing angrily in his heart, this Mo Luotian is simply too hateful, to threaten him with Wanxin.

But even so, he is bound to go to the glacier ruins.

"The glacier ruins are in an extremely difficult place in the Penglai world. Even if you try your best, it is still three days away from here. Mo Luotian must have a plan to deal with you if you go alone. It's a trick."

Nangong Wushuang thought for a while, but also dissuaded him.

Feng Hao shook his head, he knew what everyone was thinking, but Wanxin was in the glacier ruins, so he had to go.

"I have made a decision, if you have to go, you may as well take risks with me." Feng Hao put his hands together at this time and said: "If I go this time, either I will die or Mo Luotian will die. Three results, Mo Luotian wants to kill me, unless he breaks through to the realm of the gods."

Feng Hao is confident in himself at this time. After all, there are not many strong people in the Penglai world today, but if he wants to kill him, no one in the Supreme Realm can do it, unless he breaks through to the Divine General Realm.

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