Martial Inverse

Chapter 229 Finally Seeing Wanxin

At the moment, Feng Hao also entered the Crystal Palace, and the gate of the Crystal Palace, which had been dusty for countless years, finally opened slowly.

The moment the door opened, a vicissitudes of life came over the surface, Feng Hao stepped in, and the scene inside the Crystal Palace came into view immediately.

In front of me is a palace cast by ice crystals that penetrate the whole body. It is very simple, without any other decorations. It is just a wide palace, but there are indeed sculptures standing in it. These are all cast by ice crystals. , is exactly the same as the Ice Guard I just saw.

Counting in the past, there are about hundreds of them. However, the moment Feng Hao stepped into the Crystal Palace, these ice guards seemed to respond, and Feng Hao suddenly felt a feeling of heart palpitations. Hundreds of ice guards awakened at the same time.

However, it is clear that these ice guards did not attack Feng Hao this time, and this scheming feeling was only fleeting. However, at this moment, Feng Hao raised his head and saw the positions of these ice guards. , seems to be a bit strange.

It vaguely looks like a formation, but in the very center, there is a beautiful figure, which is definitely Wanxin!

"Don't go forward, these ice guards will attack you."

However, just when Feng Hao was about to take a step forward, that icy voice suddenly appeared, stopping Feng Hao's actions, but Feng Hao turned around in astonishment at this time, and found that behind him , but there was an extra blurred figure.

"I have seen the senior, and I would like to ask the senior's name."

Feng Hao immediately clasped his fists together, saying respectfully, he can clearly feel that the figure in front of him has a majestic aura, and he should be a strong man in the realm of gods.

"God General of the Evening Water."

That voice was so incomparable, it seemed to be so cold to others, without the slightest emotion.

"I have seen the God General Xishui."

Feng Hao thought in his heart that it was indeed the case. The guy in front of him was indeed in the realm of the gods. I am afraid he was another strong man who survived from ancient times. The realm of nothingness is like the fairy of nothingness you meet.

"You are not an ordinary person, and you have the inheritance power of other fairies."

However, at this time, the figure seemed to raise his head, staring at Feng Haodao, obviously he noticed something on Feng Hao.

Feng Hao thought for a while, and immediately replied: "In the next adventure, I will get the inheritance of the Immortal of Nothingness."

"Oh, it turned out to be Master Nihility, no wonder."

The Xishui God General seemed to know the Immortal of Nothingness, and immediately understood it clearly.

Feng Hao's eyes fell on Wanxin's body at this time, and he couldn't help but frowned, because now he noticed that although there was a unique energy fluctuation circulating in Wanxin's body, it seemed that there was no Any sign of waking up.

You know, Wanxin has been here for almost a long time. Logically speaking, how could it take such a long time to accept the inheritance.

"Who is she?" At this time, God General Xishui also asked.

"She is my wife." Feng Hao said calmly, seeing Wan Xin's state at this time, he also frowned, it could be that something happened in it.

"She is currently accepting the inheritance of the Ice Spirit Fairy, and this process will take time." Xishui also replied.

"It's been almost a hundred years since she came in to accept the inheritance. Why did it take so long?" Feng Hao asked inexplicably. After all, it took Wanxin a hundred years to enter here. The inheritance of the strong in the spiritual realm will not take such a long time.

"Her situation is quite special, because the realm she came in is too low." General Xishui also replied slowly: "When she came in, her cultivation was only at the peak of the holy rank, but the ice fairy's Inheritance, it is impossible for her to accept the inheritance as a warrior of the holy rank."

"So in this short time,

She has been practicing. "Feng Hao asked in amazement, if what Xi Shui said was true, then he could understand, after all, letting a warrior of the holy rank come into contact with the most terrifying power in the world is undoubtedly looking for death.

"How could Wanxin accept the inheritance of the ice system's laws?" Feng Hao asked after a pause.

"She has a connection with the Ice Spirit Fairy. It can be said that she is the reincarnation of the Ice Spirit Fairy." Xishui Shenjiang said calmly: "Destiny, after all, let her come back here and accept her complete inheritance."

"Then she will become the Ice Spirit Fairy." Feng Hao's brows were furrowed immediately, this Wan Xin was actually the reincarnation of the Ice Spirit Fairy.

This is not good news, especially since Wanxin is accepting the inheritance of the Ice Spirit Fairy. If she is the reincarnation of the Bing Spirit Fairy, it is easy to think that once the complete inheritance is completed, Wan Xin will transform into a true ice spirit fairy.

"how is this possible."

The God General Xishui also looked at Feng Hao, and seemed to have seen the worries in Feng Hao's heart. He, who had always looked cold, also showed a faint smile, and said: "Many fairy spirits in ancient times are dead. This point cannot be changed, unless God Pan Gu respects the present and reverses time with great supernatural powers, allowing them to return to the world again, otherwise, even if they are reincarnated, they will not be resurrected."

"She is just the reincarnation of the soul of the Ice Spirit Fairy. Strictly speaking, she is not a real Ice Spirit Fairy."

Hearing what she said, Feng Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This sounds good, but he just accepted the inheritance of power, instead of becoming a reincarnated host.

"According to the time, it's almost time for her to wake up. I'm also curious that she can get some true biography." Xishui Shenjiang also sighed at this time.

Feng Hao remained silent. For this kind of thing, it is hard to tell. Everyone has their own fate, and for him, how much inheritance Wanxin can receive is not too important. Yes, as long as Wanxin is safe enough.

After all, the inheritance of the strong in the fairyland does not mean that they want to want it. Even if they successfully accept the inheritance, they need to bear a certain degree of risk, especially when their own strength is not high. Inheritance, I am afraid that this is also risky.

However, at this moment, the inside of the Crystal Palace trembled suddenly, and mysterious energy fluctuations emanated from these ice guards.

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