Martial Inverse

Chapter 230 Awakening! supreme power

Chapter 230 Awakening! supreme power

woke up?

However, at the moment Feng Hao also cast a look of surprise, he couldn't help but look at those ice guards who were constantly filled with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"It seems to be about to wake up." Immediately, Xishui God General also nodded. According to her calculations, this period of time happened to be the time when Wan Xin could accept the inheritance and wake up.

At this time, within the Crystal Palace, the majestic ice laws continued to erupt. These ice guards seemed to come alive in an instant, and the aura they created was also extremely astonishing.

At this moment, the figure in the center of the Ice Guard trembled slowly. In Feng Hao's eyes, he could clearly see that the ice chips on that figure were constantly falling. fell down.

Here are the signs of coming to life!

Feng Hao also raised his head at this time, glanced at the Xishui general, and said, "What state can she reach when she wakes up this time?"

"I don't know. Although she is a reincarnation, she is not the real person after all. The inheritance she receives varies from person to person, but how to say, she can also reach the Supreme Realm."

Feng Hao was quite astonished when he heard the words, that he could reach Supreme? You know, before entering this place of inheritance, Wanxin was only a combat power of the holy rank, but now she is able to reach the Supreme Realm? It's incredible.

"She belongs to the human race, and the blood shackles in her body have also been opened, so it doesn't take much effort to become the Supreme."

Xishui Shenjiang slowly explained: "So relatively speaking, there is no need to worry about whether her realm will be unstable. She has entered this inheritance place for a hundred years, and she has been undergoing the essence of ice law for a hundred years. "

Feng Hao finally let go of the psychological stone. For him, as long as Wanxin is fine, that's enough.

However, being able to become the Supreme is something beyond the accident.

After a while, the dusty layer of ice on Wanxin's body gradually fell off, revealing her original appearance. Seeing the voice and smile that she had never seen before, Feng Hao's heart was slightly touched. some.

These years, he is not the only one who is working hard, on the contrary, other people are also growing together with him.

About half an hour later, Wanxin finally opened her eyes slowly. Following her awakening, the Crystal Palace was suddenly filled with majestic ice laws, like a storm, sweeping across The whole Crystal Palace!

At this moment, Wanxin's body automatically floated up. At this time, Feng Hao noticed that all of Wanxin's beautiful hair had turned white, and a touch of white appeared faintly in her eyes. Gives a very cold feeling!

When her body gradually rose to the sky above the Crystal Palace, Wanxin slowly spread her hands. In an instant, the ice laws of the entire Crystal Palace rushed to Wanxin's body, as if It has become the central eye of the storm.

Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but gasped, such a majestic ice law entered her body all at once, could this Wanxin withstand such a majestic ice law?

"Don't worry, this is her strength, and it won't cause any harm to her body."

The God General Xishui also glanced at Feng Hao at this time,

Seeing his thoughts, he immediately said calmly.

Nodding his head, Feng Hao also saw it immediately. With the continuous influx of ice laws, the energy erupting from Wanxin's body became even more terrifying, even vaguely similar to his own!

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help being surprised. If this was inherited by a strong person in the fairyland, wouldn't it be against the sky? What is a step up to the sky? Wanxin's experience at this time clearly interprets this word.

You must know that Wanxin in the past was only at the level of a holy rank, but after this time, for him, Wanxin already has the strength to be on par with him.

After a while again, the energy fluctuations in the Crystal Palace also gradually calmed down, and at this time Wanxin's body also slowly fell to the ground.


However, the first time Wanxin woke up, she saw Feng Hao, and she couldn't help showing a look of joy at the moment.

"Wanxin, it's me."

Feng Hao is also smiling and authentic. After a hundred years, he has not changed, and his beauty is still beautiful.

"Why are you here?" Wanxin was a little surprised and authentic, but she also didn't know what happened to the outside world after she entered the land of inheritance.

"Huh, my power? It's so powerful!?"

Apparently, after a while, Wanxin also noticed that her cultivation had undergone earth-shaking changes, and she couldn't help being shocked!

"Congratulations, you have accepted the inheritance of the Ice Spirit Immortal, and you should be at the supreme level of cultivation now."

At this time, God General Xishui also spoke slowly.


He was obviously very uneasy about his sudden possession of such a powerful cultivation base.

"Haha, silly girl, wouldn't it be better to become stronger?" Feng Hao also laughed.

"No, people from the Hundred Clans Continent can break through to the Supreme?" However, at this time Wanxin also suddenly came to her senses, aware of the seriousness of the problem, and was taken aback.

"I will tell you later that it has been a hundred years since you accepted the inheritance this time, and naturally many things have happened during this period." Feng Hao said with a smile, there are indeed many things that have happened in the past hundred years, especially For him, he was also a warrior at the peak of the holy rank back then, but now he has transformed into a top powerhouse in the world!

"General Xishui, do I now accept the inheritance of the fairy?" Immediately, Wan Xin also asked the general Xishui respectfully.

"That's right, you have accepted all that you can accept now, and the rest, how far you can go is up to you." God General Xishui also nodded, and said: "You can leave, remember Hold on, don't lose Crystal Palace's name."

"God General Xishui, won't you leave with us?" Feng Hao said in astonishment. He originally thought that this should be the same as the Tower of Nothingness. Accepting the inheritance is for his own use.

"I'm just a strand of soul right now. What happens to the outside world has nothing to do with me. My fate has already been decided, and I will spend the rest of my life in this Crystal Palace." God General Xishui also waved his hand and said, "It's your generation now. In this world, we old bones should not come out and be ashamed."

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