Martial Inverse

Chapter 233: Forest of Darkness

Chapter 233 Dark Forest

At the moment, after Feng Hao withdrew his divine sense, he also found that he was sweating profusely. This is also because he is developing this secret technique, which is very huge for his own spiritual consumption.

It can be said that in the state just now, Feng Hao can't last long, and the spiritual consciousness that needs to be consumed is really huge. I am afraid that Feng Hao is the only one who can last for so long.

"The black forest seems to be a certain mountain range."

After Feng Hao opened his eyes, he immediately recalled that the place he searched for with his consciousness just now felt quite unique to him, with powerful monsters and quite cold .

Presumably, in the world of Penglai, there are not many places that can have the characteristics of this concentration. When the time comes, ask Lehuang, and then search one by one, and you should be able to find that place.

Moluotian was hiding in that place. At this time, Moluotian should have been severely injured, and Moluotian, who did not have a spirit orb, would have dropped directly. If he didn't take the opportunity to solve Moluotian at this time, then It will be difficult to find such opportunities in the future.

At that moment, Feng Hao also stood up and came outside, but he found that Le Huang was waiting for him alone.

"Well, why are you waiting for me here?"

For Le Huang's appearance, Feng Hao felt quite astonished, it could be that something happened again.

"You're finally out."

At this time, Le Huang saw Feng Hao coming out without incident, and was immediately happy because of it.

Seeing Le Huang's expression, Feng Hao was also puzzled, maybe he had been in seclusion for a long time, but in his own feeling, he was only half a day's work.

"You have been in retreat for half a month."

Le Huang said seriously, looking at Feng Hao, he also smiled.

"From your fifth day onwards, the few of us were quite worried. People came to watch you every day. We wanted to force our way in, but we were afraid that we would harass you, so we never entered. Now we are far away from you. It has been half a month since you retreated,'

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help tightening his eyes, it was actually half a month later, how could it be possible, obviously in his own feeling, it was just a long time of fugue, but he didn't expect that it was actually already Half a month has passed, which is really surprising.

"You do not know."

Seeing Feng Hao's astonished expression, Yue Huang couldn't help giving him a strange look.

Feng Hao shook his head with a wry smile, then shrugged his shoulders and said: "I thought it was only half a day, but I didn't expect that it has actually been half a month."

Monk Lehuang Erzhang couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't understand what happened to Feng Hao, but it seemed that Feng Hao shouldn't have a big problem at the moment, so naturally he was fine.

"By the way, did you find anything? We found Mo Luotian's whereabouts." Le Huang also asked tentatively. After all, Mo Luotian's immortality is still a huge hidden danger for Ling Xiaofeng.

Especially this hidden danger is not an ordinary person, he was once the most outstanding disciple of Ling Xiaofeng.

"There is a clue, but I can't be sure." Feng Hao also took a deep breath, and said: "I found the approximate location through his energy breath and the secret technique of protecting the clan, but I can't be sure. Where the hell is that place?"

"Tell me and see if I can give you some answers." Le Huang also smiled and said.

"The cold forest should be a mountain range, surrounded by monsters." Feng Hao frowned, and immediately said what he sensed, hoping that Le Huang could give him some places to choose from. .

Le Huang couldn't laugh or cry at once, and at the moment he smiled wryly and said: "Brother, where you said that, there are no less than a thousand mountains like this in the whole Penglai world.

Where did you ask me to find this place for you, "

Hearing this, Feng Hao also smiled wryly. This is indeed the case for ordinary mountain ranges, but this is also something he can feel. After all, it is spiritual consciousness, which cannot be seen with his own eyes, so he cannot see what he feels. .

"Can you be more specific, or have any characteristics, so maybe we can judge based on this." Le Huang also asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, and the scene he felt with his spiritual consciousness just now reappeared in his mind, and at that moment, a flash of light flashed through his mind, darkness.

By the way, it is darkness. The place I felt with my spiritual consciousness just now seems to be shrouded in a kind of darkness. There seems to be no sunlight in that place, so it gives me a cold feeling.

"There is no light, only darkness."

Feng Hao said slowly, this is already his greatest limit, if Le Huang can't guess again, then he has no choice but to find another way, or to use this secret technique again to see if it works With a better harvest.

"Wait, darkness."

However, Le Huang immediately showed a shocked expression, and immediately seemed to think of a certain possibility.

"Well, yes, it's dark. That mountain range seems to have no sunlight, and it feels like it's always in darkness."

"I think, I probably know what that place is."

Le Huang said slowly, from the analysis of Feng Hao's words, he vaguely thought of a place that could go along with what Feng Hao said, and he couldn't find another place in the whole Penglai world.

"Where is it?" Feng Hao asked with his eyes brightened.

"Forest of Darkness."

Le Huang said word by word: "In the legend, the place where monsters descend."

Hearing Le Huang's answer, Feng Hao also constricted his eyes. This dark forest is actually so big, and it is still a place where monsters come.

"According to the rumors, the monsters did not appear in the Penglai world, but came to the Penglai world from an unknown place through a space crack, and Pan Gu, the god who created this world, was unable to kill them because they were not Creatures of the Penglai world."

"So that's how it is. Where is that forest of darkness?" Feng Hao also understood in his heart. I'm afraid this kind of place is not an ordinary place, a place where monsters come.

"You really want to go." Le Huang frowned. The Forest of Darkness, that place is not a good place, because it involves the ancient things, and the Forest of Darkness, until now, almost not many people know about it. .

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