Martial Inverse

Chapter 224 Departure

Chapter 224 Departure

"He is an uncertain factor and must die,'

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately showed a rare serious expression, which surprised Le Huang.

However, Feng Hao did not tell him that the reason why Feng Hao wanted to find Mo Luotian was to discover the reason for the change of the Lingzhu. Now it seems that it is more interesting. place, and has a relationship with Moluotian, which really makes people have to make various guesses.

"About the Forest of Darkness, whether it is Xuandao Valley or Lingxiao Peak, there are not many records. We can only provide you with the specific location, and there is no other information." Le Huang also said slowly.

This is not because Le Huang didn't tell, but because this period of history is too long. However, for the two giant forces, the Forest of Darkness can be said to be an existence that is more fearful than the restricted area. ended.

The origin of the Forest of Darkness is no longer known to the world, but only a few people know it.

This is why, Le Huang does not recommend that Feng Hao go to the Forest of Darkness, the place related to monsters, I am afraid it is not a place that can be easily broken through. In such a dangerous place, if one is not careful, it is still possible to be buried in that place.

"We've known each other for so long, it's not that you don't know my character. How could it be easy to change what I've decided." Feng Hao smiled, and then shook his head.

Wen Yan Lehuang also fell into silence for a while, finally sighed, and said: "Feng Hao, I really don't know how to thank you this time, having you as a friend is the most correct thing I have done in my life. one thing."

Indeed, for Le Huang, getting to know Feng Hao changed his fate without exaggeration. If there was no Feng Hao, then after the turmoil in the restricted area, Ling Xiaofeng would not be able to compete with Mo Luotian at all. It was because Feng Hao stepped forward that Ling Xiaofeng's crisis was resolved.

At this time, in order to eliminate the threat of Ling Xiaofeng, he entered the Dark Forest alone, trying to completely eliminate the curse of Mo Luotian.

Feng Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need to say these things. I will stand up for both public and private matters. Don't forget, I am still the patriarch of the guardian clan."

Le Huang also smiled, and immediately understood Feng Hao's meaning, and he was not pretentious at the moment, and said to Feng Hao: "Wait a moment, I will go and bring you the map of the Dark Forest."

Feng Hao nodded, and immediately signaled Le Huang to leave, he was waiting here.

Le Huang left in a hurry, and Feng Hao was also waiting here for Le Huang to bring him the map of the dark forest, but after Le Huang left, a beautiful figure also slowly came from a distance came closer.

Seeing the appearance of this beautiful figure, Feng Hao couldn't help being slightly moved by his calm expression in the ancient well, but soon he forcibly concealed it and regained his calm expression.

Because, the person who came was Le Xin.

"I've seen Brother Feng."

After Le Xin walked over, she immediately saluted Feng Hao very politely. She had forgotten Feng Hao, but it didn't mean that she didn't understand Feng Hao. From the moment she opened her eyes, what she saw was this Man, but without him, he would have died long ago.

Feng Hao nodded, and asked softly, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that Brother Feng had been in seclusion for a long time, and I was a little worried, so I came to take a look, but now that Brother Feng has left the seclusion, I naturally let go of my worries."

Le Xin said with a slight smile, expressing her intention of coming, but this sentence made Feng Hao sigh endlessly, looking at the calm Le Xin, he also suppressed the emotions in his heart, and forcibly maintained a calm voice: "Well, I'm fine, don't worry."

"In that case, I will retire."

Le Xin's red lips were about to move, as if she wanted to say something,

But after all, he still didn't come out, instead he turned around and left.

After turning around for a while, Le Xin stopped abruptly, turned her head, showed a rare serious look, looked at Feng Hao and asked, "Brother Feng, did we really know each other before?"

Feng Hao remained silent, but finally shook his head and did not speak.

Le Xin also nodded, then turned around and left. Looking at the back of Le Xin leaving, Feng Hao took a deep breath. Since Le Xin has a new start, there is no need for him to use the previous things To hinder the joy of the present.

Perhaps it would be better to forget about myself and act as if I had never appeared before.

Within half an hour, Le Huang hurried over, holding an ancient book in his hand, and handed it to Feng Hao directly: "This is the book in Lingxiao Peak that records the Forest of Darkness. Specifically, what do you want?" Take a closer look."

Feng Hao heard that even if he opened this ancient book, it might be because he hadn't been tempted to open it for many years. As soon as he opened it, a burst of dust came over the surface. No one has moved for a long time.

Looking at the estimated records, Feng Hao's eyes brightened, and he immediately had a new understanding of this dark forest.

The Forest of Darkness is located in the extreme east of the Penglai world. This forest is not located on land, but on a vast ocean. It is not an exaggeration to call it an island of darkness.

The strangest thing is that this island is not fixed, but moves everywhere in the sky, and the place where it appears is different every time. Only the place where the moon is full will appear in front of the world.

"The extreme east of the Penglai world."

Feng Hao took a deep breath, the Penglai world is so big that even he can't imagine, but he has been to the extreme north, and now he is going to the extreme east, a vast land, He didn't even know how old it was.

"Even if you have made up your mind to go, I have to remind you that the Forest of Darkness is really dangerous."

Le Huang showed a serious look, still advising Feng Hao not to go to the Dark Forest lightly.

Feng Hao smiled, patted Le Huang on the shoulder, and turned around coolly, but he carried the ancient book about the Forest of Darkness with him. He had to carry this thing with him. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to find the Forest of Darkness.

Looking at Feng Hao's leaving back, Le Huang also looked uncertain, after all, he just sighed.

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