Martial Inverse

Chapter 238: Collapsing the Void

Chapter 238 Collapsing the Void

Just now Mo Luotian was naive and wanted to use the power of the law of space to exile himself into the endless void and leave a mark on his body. Did he really think that he was powerless to fight back?

At this time, Mo Luotian's whole body was severely shaken and flew far away by Feng Hao's attack this time, Feng Hao did not stop his attack, on the contrary, he became even more vicious!

Without any hesitation, Feng Hao shot out again, and the majestic power burst out instantly.

Nine-colored divine lights appeared staggered, as if covering the dark island with a layer of nine-colored divine lights, without any delay at all, Feng Hao's attacks followed one after another without giving Mo Luotian the slightest reaction Here's your chance!

The nine-colored aura is like the sea, and the entire dark island suddenly becomes brighter, as if it is daytime, and nothing else can be seen, except the dazzling nine-colored aura, which is extremely hot, even if it is far away, but You can still feel the changes in the island of darkness.

At the moment, the entire East Pole Sea felt the changes here. Countless sea monsters became extremely panicked and stared at this side one after another. ability.

This time the nine-color divine light is like a flame, it is really very powerful, even if it is Moluotian, it is swept in it, and it makes a shrill scream, even if it is possessed by the power of the Lord of the Demon Realm, he Still invincible!

The lord of the demon world is indeed not in vain. Facing Feng Hao's nine-color divine light, which is as vast as fire, and a part of the power to seize the body, he still persists until now. If it was Mo Luotian himself, I am afraid it would have been It turned into a wisp of soot and disappeared into this world.

However, even so, the nine-color divine light enveloped the whole body of this person, even if only one head was left after being burned, he still insisted on resisting Feng Hao's power alone!

This is a manifestation of power to the extreme, even if it was someone else, they must be ashamed to see it.

Feng Hao also looked solemn. Although Mo Luotian was taken away, he was indeed very powerful at this time. He was not a simple nine-color divine light. Apart from the power of divine punishment, he was even mixed with With the power of Lingzhu!

The nine-color divine light flooded the entire island of darkness, but even though it was so terrifying, it still couldn't completely destroy Mo Luotian's body!

This level of power, if replaced by other supreme level powerhouses, there must be only one end. This is simply infinitely close to the limit of the world, and only a part of the power can make the body transcend the ordinary and become holy.

"As expected of being side by side with God Venerable Pangu." Feng Hao also muttered psychologically.

God Venerable Pangu, as the founder of this world, is the strongest. However, he was unable to completely kill the Lord of the Demon Race in the past. He could only seal him here with his strength. From this, it can be seen that he is almost It is shoulder to shoulder with Pangu God Venerable.

In the end, Mo Luotian was about to be unable to hold on any longer. Under the power of the Nine-Colored Light and the Lingzhu, his physical body gradually turned into nothingness, without any vitality. The divine flame of the pearl power is the most restrained for the creatures of the demon race. If he has no solution, death is only a matter of time.

"Destroy the sky!"

"Destroy the earth!"

"Destroy Dao!"

"Destroy yourself!"

At that moment, Mo Luotian's only remaining head also let out a cry, and the light on his whole body suddenly became brighter, and at this moment, his whole body's aura suddenly became silent , but this is only a momentary matter.

A moment later, Mo Luotian's body glowed with a black divine light, piercing through his head, but immediately after, countless black divine lights condensed together to form a body again!

In an instant, Mo Luotian's aura became violent again!


a bang,

This condensed figure just now became blurred and uncertain, but the next moment, it exploded again, turning into countless black divine lights, floating in midair.

Regarding this scene, Feng Hao widened his eyes slightly, he didn't know what kind of secret technique Mo Luotian was using at this time?

However, this change did not end so quickly, and even after that, it repeated itself three times in succession! There were four collapses in total, but after the fourth collapse, the black energy once again condensed into a more substantial body!

Although this body is as speechless as Moluotian, there is no trace of nine-color divine light on this body.

Because in the past, no matter how he got rid of it, Mo Luotian couldn't get rid of the nine-color aura brought by him, but after these four transformations, the nine-color aura on his body finally completely dissipated.

What kind of secret technique is this? It is obviously a situation that must die, but it is still possible to escape? Isn't this... just like his phoenix nirvana regeneration magic? It's just that what Mo Luotian used this time looks even weirder.

Because the nine-color divine light carries the power of the spirit beads, especially for such demonic creatures, it will not dissipate so easily, but Mo Luotian, relying on this kind of secret technique, forcibly got rid of the nine-color spirit. The power of the gods, thus gaining a new life.

"Boy, I underestimated you, and actually forced me to use the nine-turn reincarnation formula."

At this time, Mo Luotian, who had been reborn, also had a gloomy expression, staring at Feng Hao's voice full of chills.

Faced with Mo Luotian's expression, Feng Hao's expression became much more dignified. At this time, Mo Luotian seemed to have been reborn, and his strength became stronger, and he would be even more difficult to deal with!


However, at this time, Mo Luotian's body suddenly heard a slight sound, and Mo Luotian immediately heard a cold snort, and his breath suddenly weakened a lot. At this time, Feng Hao really caught At this scene, I couldn't help thinking in my heart.

Could it be... the secret technique performed by Moluotian is not complete? In other words, because of the ancient times whose power was limited, he couldn't fully perform the nine-turn wheel at this time, so there was an accident!

If this is indeed the case, then now is naturally the last chance to deal with Mo Luotian!


Naturally, Feng Hao would not give him any more chances, and immediately shot out directly, the killing intent in his heart could not be concealed, Mo Luotian must die!

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