Martial Inverse

Chapter 239 Destruction

Feng Hao didn't want to give Mo Luotian any chance, and the killing intent in his heart still couldn't be concealed. No matter how tyrannical Mo Luotian was now, he couldn't stop him from attacking. The light is like a bright divine light, illuminating the sky all at once.

At this time, some monsters appeared one after another nearby, and they rushed over one after another, trying to stop Feng Hao, but the next moment, the bodies of these monsters were instantly turned into soot.

The power of the nine-color divine light exploded to the extreme in an instant, annihilating everything, even space.

Mo Luotian gritted his teeth and glared at Feng Hao, his body once again took on a vague black posture, avoiding Feng Hao's attack once again, but hiding himself in the endless void.

Mo Luotian disappeared in the same place. Before that, he wanted to use the supreme void secret technique to exile Feng Hao into the endless void, but now he was relying on such means to escape.

Facing this scene at this time, Mo Luotian disappeared suddenly, and Feng Hao was also stunned for a moment, this dark island, Mo Luotian's figure was never seen again, and even his breath was in an instant. become inaudible.

"Where did you go?"

Feng Hao stands in mid-air right now, and glances around with his sharp eyes, but he doesn't notice anything. For him, the monsters that appear around him don't have much influence on him for the time being. Between myself and Mo Luotian's power explosion, I can't do much.

However, in this state, half an hour passed, but Mo Luotian's aura seemed to have completely disappeared, which made people wonder where Mo Luotian went.

It is impossible to use the void to escape. His body is still sealed here, and he can't run anywhere. At the moment, Feng Hao is extremely cautious. Mo Luotian may appear at any time, and he must not be careless.

There are more and more monsters appearing around, but these roaring monsters cannot break through the restriction of the sealing power around them. Perhaps, some monsters are powerful enough to break through the restriction and attack Xiang Fenghao, but In fact, before he got close, he was stunned into ashes by Feng Hao's power.

The sea-like body of the nine-color god makes it hard to imagine how powerful this Feng Hao's power is.


However, at this moment, the energy fluctuations quickly became chaotic, and a hole appeared in the void. Suddenly, a blurry black shadow broke through the void. Although the breath was unstable, it It can be regarded as re-stabilizing his physical injuries, and the energy fluctuations diffused vaguely have a peak state of recovery.

"There seems to be no problem with this reincarnation. He is worthy of being the Lord of the Demon Realm, and his supernatural powers are really incredible." Feng Hao was also amazed at this time.

This kind of secret technique is tantamount to transforming the physical body again, giving off another new physical body. Although the process is quite difficult, he still managed it, and by virtue of such means, he saved himself, and even escaped. attacked many times.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, now he has no other means, but he can only stimulate the Nine-color Divine Light in his body to his heart's content, and with the power of the Lingzhu, the Nine-color Divine Light A bright flame spread out against the wind, filling half of the sky in an instant.

Now, Mo Luotian, who has been taken away, is the most difficult opponent Feng Hao has ever met, surpassing everyone he has met in the past, but for some reason, even so, Feng Hao has not changed much. The fighting spirit gradually boiled up.

"Do you really think that my lord of the demon world shouted for nothing?"

However, at this time, Mo Luotian raised his head and roared angrily. It can be seen that he was really angry at this time. Besides, who else could make him so powerless.


At this time, Mo Luotian's body is only part of the power, but in general, Feng Hao is just a junior, and logically he would not be his opponent at all, but at this time, his body has been destroyed, and he is even forced to fight against him. It's a dead end.


Immediately, Mo Luotian wanted to continue to resist, but under his roar, he wanted to use other secret techniques. At this time, Mo Luotian looked even more terrifying, like a demon god, red His eyes were especially icy cold.

"Shut up for me, what kind of secret technique do you want to perform?"

At that moment, Feng Hao sneered again and again, and his whole figure shot out like a cannonball, without any hesitation at all, the nine-color divine light flames that filled the sky, like a storm, swept past and rushed towards Morrotian.

The mighty nine-color divine light swept past like a storm, directly making this world hot in an instant, but what Mo Luotian didn't notice at this time was that in this vast Among the nine-color divine light, there is an undetectable sharp divine light, carrying a huge destructive force, descending ferociously.


There was a loud noise, without any hesitation, it swept away directly and mightily, but the sharp edge hidden in it also directly hit Mo Luotian's head at this time.

Feng Hao's eyes tightened, he saw it this time, Mo Luotian had no chance to react at all, he was hit in the head thoroughly by his hidden attack this time, and even turned into annihilation in an instant.

This blow of mine carried the power of the spirit pearl, and completely destroyed Mo Luotian's physical body. Even if he used the reincarnation formula again, it would be of no use.

The divine light collapsed, and the black divine light was gradually annihilated in the bright nine-color divine light flames.

"I see what else you can do this time."

Even so, Feng Hao did not relax his vigilance, and continued to use his means to attack frantically. At present, his attacks continuously bombarded Mo Luotian's body, trying to train his soul It is also annihilated together.

Because the head was cut off by himself, logically speaking, the soul must also suffer a loss. Today's Moluotian is only taken away by part of the power of the Lord of the Demon Realm. As long as the body is destroyed, the Lord of the Demon Realm will be There is no other means to fight against oneself.

But in fact, under Feng Hao's continuous attack, Mo Luotian's body was directly bombed into a pile of mud without any accidents.

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