Martial Inverse

Chapter 242 Ancient Power!

Chapter 242 Ancient power.

Under this palm, the stars were disillusioned, and there was no room for Mo Luotian to resist.

Faced with such a terrifying palm, Mo Luotian didn't have time to react, and the surrounding space that was originally divided into cracks was instantly and directly annihilated.

That's right, it's annihilation. Under the power of this phantom, the surrounding space should have been under the control of Mo Luotian's secret technique, so as to divide the power that diffused from Feng Hao's body, but What Mo Luotian didn't expect was.

The opponent would be so direct, directly annihilate the surrounding space with one palm, and along with that, Mo Luotian's power would also be directly destroyed together.

That is to say, the secret technique performed by Mo Luotian completely lost any effect at this moment.

The invisible coercion descended abruptly, covering the entire dark island. The surrounding barriers were already nearly broken. At this moment, even more powerful fluctuations of power appeared again.

"Pangu god, how is it possible, you haven't returned to chaos yet,"

At that moment, Mo Luotian was also staring with anger. He had already guessed that this phantom was indeed Pan Gu, but he couldn't figure it out. It should have returned to chaos and would not appear in this world again. Why did God Venerable Pangu reappear with power?

If Feng Hao is sober at this time, he will definitely be shocked. Once the power of the Lingzhu in his body is fully activated, it will actually call out the phantom of Pan Gu, which is simply unbelievable. believe things.

However, it seems that there is no other chance for Mo Luotian to react enough at the moment, and the power of that phantom erupts is enough to suppress the heavens.

In an instant, a faint blue light filled the entire sky, a majestic force that seemed to have crossed the long river of time and descended to the present, blocked everything in the surrounding area, and even the entire dark island was trembling. From a distance, the entire island of darkness presents a faint blue aura full of divinity.

The East Pole Sea, which was originally like a dark night, suddenly transmitted unusual energy fluctuations. All the sea monsters stopped their activities and looked at the direction of the dark island in horror. They didn't know what happened. What is it, but it is a coercion originating from the fluctuations in the depths of the soul, filling the entire sea of ​​the East Pole.

All the restrictions on the dark island were activated, and the blue divine light completely sealed off the surrounding space, making it impossible for Demo Luotian to leave. However, at this time, these blue divine lights, It bound Mo Luotian like a spider's silk.

Even if Mo Luotian was as strong as he was at that time, with some of the power of the Lord of the Demon Realm, he still couldn't continue to break free from this bondage.

At this time, Feng Hao was still immersed in a strange state, and he had no perception at all of the scene he discovered now, but the phantom that appeared behind him was still moving. Down.

The seals in his hands are constantly emerging, accompanied by more powerful energy fluctuations.

Mo Luotian couldn't resist at all at this time, he uttered many miserable screams, but there was no movement at all, and after a while, it could be clearly seen that Mo Luotian, who was in the blue divine light, slowly Slowly stopped struggling.

It can even be clearly felt that the energy fluctuations transmitted from him are getting weaker and weaker, and it can even be said that it has gradually become weaker to a level that cannot be weaker anymore.

This phenomenon shows that the power on his body is weak, which means that the power of the Lord of the Demon World is being suppressed. Once it is completely suppressed, the power of the Lord of the Demon World cannot be transmitted again. There will be no action.

As for Mo Luotian, by then it will be nothing more than a lifeless corpse.

Time passed, and soon, Mo Luotian stopped struggling completely, and the crimson color in his eyes gradually dissipated,

And his whole body also turned into nothingness amidst the blue light that filled the sky, completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth as if it had been absorbed by the essence.


An unwilling roar suddenly echoed in the island of darkness, but after the roar fell, in an instant, the island of darkness returned to calm without any fluctuations, as if everything had returned to its original state.

What followed was that the faint blue divine light was like a vast expanse, covering the entire dark island. No one knew what happened inside, but the sea monsters in the entire East Pole Sea were all I felt a trembling from the depths of my soul.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the sea monsters in the entire East Pole Sea finally felt calm, and the terrifying coercion finally dissipated completely. Even so, these sea monsters watched with lingering fear. In the direction of the island of darkness.

And at this time on the island of darkness, Feng Hao slowly opened his eyes again, and glanced around in his eyes, but a daze appeared.

"what's going on."

Feng Hao was stunned, he scanned the surroundings, there was no Mo Luotian, not even the slightest breath, as if he had never appeared.

However, what surprised him even more was that the forbidden fluctuations in the surrounding area became stronger again, because at this time, the energy in his body couldn't move at all. He can't take it.

"This restriction is actually stronger than before." All kinds of lights flashed in Feng Hao's eyes. What happened in his wandering state just now? Why did Mo Luotian disappear? The prohibition of these four weeks has also become stronger.

"Could it be the power of the Lingzhu that repaired these restrictions."

At the moment, Feng Hao can only guess in this way. After all, relatively speaking, in the state just now, he is not clear at all what happened, and what puzzles him is why he There will be such a state.

Logically speaking, even if he activated the power of the Lingzhu, he would not have entered that state of mind-wandering. Although he seemed to have benefited a lot from that state, it was too weird.

After thinking about it for a while, he still couldn't come up with an answer. Feng Hao also shook his head, no longer thinking about it. The current situation doesn't seem to be bad. At least, the power of prohibition has become stronger. That is to say, it can continue to suppress the Lord of the Demon Realm.

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