Martial Inverse

Chapter 243 Return

Now that the power of prohibition has returned to its original state, Feng Hao naturally does not need to worry about other things. The so-called Lord of the Demon World has also been sealed again, at least for thousands of years, so he cannot continue to do evil. .

During this trip, Feng Hao's mission is considered to be completed. He chased and killed Mo Luotian, and accidentally continued to perfect the seal of the Lord of the Demon Realm. In the dark, there seems to be some kind of mysterious power guiding him. He moves on.

Although Feng Hao also felt that it was very mysterious, he had no choice but to do what he had experienced.

Sometimes Feng Hao calms down, perhaps thinking about whether there is really a destiny in the dark, but no matter how much he thinks about it, there is no reasonable explanation, and in the end he can only let it go.

And next, as long as he accomplishes the last thing, then his goal this time will be considered accomplished.

That is to use the heart of the genius of the Dongji family to replace a stone tablet within this restriction, and then bring the stone tablet back. In this way, he can retire with success.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao immediately glanced around, trying to find a unique stele. However, after searching for a long time, he finally found something. In the center of this area, there is an altar-like In the place, there is a section of stone monument.

This is a section, not a complete stone tablet. Feng Hao pondered for a while, and walked over directly, observing carefully.

This piece of stele gave him a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere, but Feng Hao thought for a while, but he didn't have any impression, and he shook his head, just thinking about how to give this stele to him. take away.

He observed slightly, there are many mysterious runes on this stone tablet, and Feng Hao can even feel that there is a mysterious force on this stone tablet, maintaining the restriction of this place.

Frowning, Feng Hao was also puzzled at the moment, could the thing in his hand really replace the stele.

You must know that the function of this stele is equivalent to the eyes of the array. It is a very important thing for a ban, and it is absolutely impossible to be easily replaced, but Tianjizi seems not to change himself.

After thinking twice, Feng Hao also slowly took out the spy. Sure enough, after the spy with the heart of a genius warrior from the Dongji clan appeared, Feng Hao noticed a strange fluctuation , passed from the spies, and even gave birth to many reactions with the restriction of this place.

"What's the matter."

At that moment, Feng Hao also widened his eyes suddenly, not knowing what happened to Da Da, but he closed his eyes slightly, and after careful sensing, he finally realized suddenly.

I see.

The prohibition here was indeed established by the god Pangu back then, but the things used are extremely unbelievable.

Because, this restriction was refined from the body of the genius warrior from the Dongji clan, and even included his soul. At the beginning, the Pangu God Venerable wanted to kill the genius warrior from the Dongji clan, and even destroyed him. Lost the East Pole family.

However, at the last moment, the genius martial artist suddenly realized that he had let go of such a mistake, and even caused the loss of life. He awakened, and immediately pleaded with Pangu God. The East Pole family.

He would rather use his own death to restore the entire Dongji clan.

God Venerable Pangu also softened in his heart, but someone must take responsibility for the mistakes committed by the Dongji clan, so there will be the next thing.

The martial artist of the Dongji clan sacrificed himself, his body, and even his soul, which became part of the restriction, as the core force of this restriction. The bloodlines of the Ji clan are all restricted, and they cannot leave the sea of ​​the East Pole.

However, there is a way left. After a few years, if someone can take the heart left by that genius warrior and arrive at the island of darkness in exchange for a stele, then the Dongji clan can escape from the old restrictions. come out.

Countless years have passed, and the Dongji family has no way to reach the island of darkness. After all, they have been unable to practice. , No one will come out at all.

So under such circumstances, there is no one to rescue the Dongji Clan, but by accident, the appearance of Feng Hao has become the hope of the Dongji Clan.

After thinking about the whole thing clearly, Feng Hao also let out a long sigh of relief. It seems that this matter was unexpected to him. The genius warrior of the Dongji clan back then was indeed impressive, even though he was defeated by the demon clan. I was bewitched, but at the last moment, I woke up and even sacrificed my own life to pay for the mistakes I made.

This is indeed admirable.

"Since you have already paid the price, my arrival must have been arranged in the dark, that's all, I will make a relief for you Dongji clan."

Feng Hao also took a deep breath. After so many years, the Dongji Clan once made a mistake, and naturally they were punished accordingly. After the punishment, there is no need to let other members of the Dongji Clan bear.

At the moment, Feng Hao gently placed the jar near the stele, and immediately centered on the stele, mysterious bright runes filled the air instantly, and at the same time, the jar burst automatically in an instant And open.

A bright ray of light floated out of it and directly sank into the ground. In an instant, the entire dark island trembled for a while, and the rumbling sound continued like thunder.

This scene lasted for about half an hour before it gradually calmed down. At this time, Feng Hao also noticed that the stone tablet had become loose, and it was no longer as it was just now, directly sinking into the ground.

Seeing the looseness of the stele, Feng Hao also heaved a sigh of relief. Since this is the case, he can naturally take the stele and leave this dark island. As long as the stele is handed over to the Dongji clan, Dongji A family can come out of this tens of thousands of years of curse.

Feng Hao didn't hesitate at the moment, but the next moment, a scene he didn't expect happened.

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