Martial Inverse

Chapter 245 God's Secret

Regarding Feng Hao's question, Li Xiaoyao was silent for a while, and after a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at Feng Hao and asked, "Do you have a spirit bead on your body?"

For Li Xiaoyao's question, Feng Hao was quite astonished, but he nodded immediately. There is nothing to hide. There is indeed a Lingzhu on his body. This is undeniable. He also nodded immediately. nod.

"Sure enough."

Li Xiaoyao showed a complex expression, glanced at Feng Hao, shook his head and said, "Do you know the origin of this Lingzhu?"

"Of course, the rumor is that the god Pangu turned into spirit beads after returning to chaos, scattered between the heaven and the earth, containing the secret of immortality." Feng Hao pondered for a while and said, "However, what does this have to do with you still alive?" relation."

"Back then, God Venerable Pan Gu didn't completely kill me, but used my soul as the core of the Dark Island's restriction to maintain the operation of the restriction."

Li Xiaoyao was silent for a while and said: "You have also seen that if the restriction here does not have a core force, it will not be long before it will be eroded by the power of the Lord of the Demon Realm. I don't know how long it will be. The heavenly orb landed on the island of darkness, and with the help of the power in the orb, I was able to continue to live in a different posture."

"But the good times don't last long. The power of the lord of the demon world is too powerful. Even if there is a restriction, it can't stop him. It didn't take long for the spirit beads that descended to be infected by his power. And I also lost the power of the Lingzhu and returned to the jade pendant."

"As the core force, I was also forced to fall into a deep sleep. It is conceivable that this restriction will not last long."

Speaking of this, Feng Hao immediately understood that feelings are all the means left by the god Pangu, but this is too unbelievable, it is actually one step after another, and they are intertwined. From the moment of the Lingzhu, God Venerable Pangu seemed to have expected this scene, and in the dark, when the restriction on the island of darkness was about to dissipate, he appeared on the island of darkness.

And Feng Hao's body contains other spirit beads, so naturally he can easily awaken the restriction here, and continue to suppress the Lord of the Demon Realm again, and the premise is that Li Xiaoyao's lack of power and falling into a deep sleep is also Woke up again.

"That's how it is." Feng Hao suddenly understood, and he couldn't help but praise him at the moment. God Venerable Pangu is worthy of being the number one person in ancient and modern times. Even if he is sitting down, he can predict the future. out relative to the arrangement.

"What kind of person is Pangu God, the person who opened up this world, his supernatural powers are beyond our imagination." Li Xiaoyao also shook his head, maybe he is one of the few people who has come into contact with Pangu God.

Feng Hao fell silent, and nodded slightly. In fact, it is the same. No matter whether it is God Venerable Pangu or Queen Nuwa, their means and supernatural powers are beyond what they can imagine. Even if they are no longer, their power still exists .

"Do you know why the Lingzhu appeared?"

At this time, Li Xiaoyao asked slowly, and gave Feng Hao a strange look.

"I don't know, isn't this Lingzhu derived from the power of God Venerable Pangu?" Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a look of confusion.

"Of course, the rumors are true." Li Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Do you know that it is not ordinary people who can possess this spirit orb, what's more, like you, you actually have a lot of spirit orbs on your body."

Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders. He had doubts about this point before, but he couldn't think of anything, and no one told him, so he simply didn't take it to heart.

"Do you really think that God Venerable Pangu has returned to chaos as rumored?"

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao said suddenly.

Hearing this, Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, he didn't know why Li Xiaoyao asked such a question suddenly,

However, a ray of light suddenly flashed in my heart, as if I had caught something, but it was indeed extremely obscure, and I didn't think it through right away.

"Living bodies like ours are full of mysteries. Even though they are the Pangu gods who created this world, or even the Queen Nuwa, they will understand the mysteries of life better than us." Li Xiaoyao also said slowly. He said slowly: "You also know that in the past, I lost myself and made a lot of big mistakes, but it was during that period of time that I came into contact with some hidden meanings of life from the demon world."

"The profound meaning of life." Feng Hao widened his eyes, he vaguely sensed that he understood, it seemed that in front of his eyes, there appeared a field that he had never touched before.

"The so-called mysteries of life, that is, how to live forever in our mouths. Of course, people in a state like mine are not really immortal, but just a strand of soul." Li Xiaoyao said slowly: "And the problem comes, like us These kinds of existences can survive in another form, so compared to such tyrannical existences like Pangu God Venerable, how can they be truly dead."

Suddenly, Feng Hao's mind roared, yes, why has he never thought about this question, what kind of characters are Pangu God and even the Nuwa Holy Queen, who created all things and opened up the supreme existence of heaven and earth , How could it be because of the cycle of life and death.

So at the moment, it seems that some questions have come to mind. If God Venerable Pangu did not really die, how would the Lingzhu appear? What is the significance of the existence of the Lingzhu?

Frowning, Feng Hao felt more and more difficult at this time. In the dark, it was like a chess game, but everyone including him was just a pawn in this chess game.

"Even if it is the way of heaven, it cannot get rid of the will of the god Pangu, because this world was created by the god Pangu. As long as this world is not destroyed, the god Pangu will naturally be immortal, and the same is true for the Queen Nuwa, who created Thousands of races, as long as not all races perish, the Nuwa Holy Empress will still exist forever."

Li Xiaoyao said excitedly: "This is what I have figured out for so many years. The Pangu God and the Nuwa Holy Empress must not have died in the true sense."

Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Because of the Lingzhu, now it seems that the Lingzhu seems to have many origins with him, and if this is the case, it means that he is already Involved in this chess game.

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