Martial Inverse

Chapter 246 I'm laughing at myself

"Even so, so what."

After thinking for a while, Feng Hao slowly raised his head, smiled and said, "What does this have to do with me?"

"You still don't understand, you have so many spirit beads, don't you think about it?" Li Xiaoyao said slowly, looking directly at Feng Hao, as if he wanted to see through Feng Hao directly heart.

However, Feng Hao also smiled, shook his head and said: "To put it bluntly, matters of that level are related to me. Even if I want to care about it, I don't have the ability. Even if I am in a chess game, I must either follow God's will or go against it God will do."

"Then your choice is." Li Xiaoyao was taken aback when he heard such a strange answer, and then looked at Feng Hao suspiciously. Logically speaking, at Feng Hao's age, how could he have such vicissitudes? view.

"From the moment we set foot on the road of cultivation, we have started the road against the sky." Feng Hao did not answer directly, but used this sentence to express his attitude. It has nothing to do with him, because he doesn't have that ability, even if he is really involved in some things in the future, then he can only talk about it at that time.

Even the powerhouses in the Immortal Realm may not be able to guess the matter of Pangu God and Nuwa Holy Queen. After all, the two of them are like gods.

"Your idea is very unique. Even in the past, when facing some powerful people in the fairyland, they may not have your awareness." Li Xiaoyao said indifferently at this time. Although Feng Hao's cultivation base is not very high, of course, the supreme The environment, for a living fossil like him, is indeed a bit worse.

"Things are impermanent, I am laughing at myself." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, then glanced at Li Xiaoyao, and asked: "After you wake up, you still need to continue guarding this dark island."

Li Xiaoyao was silent for a moment, then thought for a while and said: "No need, now that the power of your spirit orb continues to strengthen, I don't need to continue guarding here."

"Then what are your plans?" Feng Hao was also slightly moved and asked.

Hearing Feng Hao's question, Li Xiaoyao also raised his head at the moment, obviously showing a dazed look, yes, where should he go, where can he go.

"If not, I'll take you back to the Dongji Clan." Feng Hao thought for a while, and then said to Li Xiaoyao.

Hearing the name Dongji Clan, Li Xiaoyao's expression obviously changed a lot, as if his heart was moved, but he quickly put away this expression, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'm a sinner , if it wasn't for me back then, the Dongji clan wouldn't have suffered these things, let alone bear the curse for me for so many years."

Li Xiaoyao's words made Feng Hao silent, but in any case, these are all in the past. Although what Li Xiaoyao did back then was indeed seeking skin from a tiger, he finally came to his senses from the darkness, and even sacrificed If he took his own life, all these sins will disappear in smoke.

"Actually, you want to go back, but are you afraid that you won't be able to face the current clansmen?" Feng Hao quickly thought of the crux of the problem.

Li Xiaoyao nodded, indeed, as Feng Hao said, he can't even face his clansman now, although the clansman back then is no longer there, but anyway, to other people, he is the member of the Dongji clan Sinner, if it weren't for him, the Dongji clan would not have endured so many years of pain.

"In fact, after so many years, the mistakes you made should have disappeared." Feng Hao smiled, then thought for a moment and said: "Well, I will take you back to the Dongji Clan, you don't need to expose it , this way, it can satisfy your wish, and secondly, you don't need to feel embarrassed."

Hearing Feng Hao's words, Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up at the moment, even then he frowned, looked at Feng Hao suspiciously, and said: "Boy, it's too late for no benefit, I'm afraid you will help me like this." Do you need me to promise something?"

Feng Hao chuckled lightly,

Shaking his head, he said: "Senior, you misunderstood me, I am a human race, Feng Hao, why do I need such means, senior can rest assured, I will never impose any demands on you, if you don't want to, just treat me as me Never said that."

At the moment, Li Xiaoyao fell into silence, as if he was thinking about it. He really wanted to go back to the Dongji Clan to take a look. After all, that was his race, but various reasons made it difficult to get rid of his knots.

Feng Hao was not in a hurry either, and just looked at Li Xiaoyao from the side. He did not need any benefits in this matter as he said. Now that he has reached his level of cultivation, and even his status, it is very rare in the world. Few things can enter his eyes.

Li Xiaoyao is a strong man, but it is only a ray of soul. He has survived by relying on some special methods. Although he was once very strong, that was only in the past.

He just felt sorry for the Dongji clan who had endured the curse for so many years, and at the same time, he had a feeling of admiration for Li Xiaoyao, who had fallen into demonization but was able to awaken himself.

That's why he wanted to help Li Xiaoyao and fulfill his wish.

After a while, Li Xiaoyao finally raised his head, looked at Feng Hao with a serious expression, and said, "You are really willing to help me."

"It's nothing to deceive." Feng Hao was speechless for a while, Li Xiaoyao's vigilance must be too high, how could such a person have strayed into the magic way back then.

"Okay, then I'll thank you here first, I just want to go back and take a look at my race quietly." Li Xiaoyao also took a deep breath, and actually bowed to Feng Hao, seeing this scene, Feng Hao's complexion changed drastically immediately, and he made a move to stop it.

But Li Xiaoyao is a spirit body, so he can't really stop it.

"I said senior, what's the matter with you." Feng Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

"This is a great favor, whether it is for me or for the Dongji family, you can afford it." Li Xiaoyao said sincerely.

Feng Hao smiled and did not speak. Of course, he did not point out that the reason why he helped the Dongji clan this time was largely because of the Lingzhu. If Tianjizi hadn't promised to tell him the whereabouts of a Lingzhu , he naturally would not take such a risk.

This time, the island of darkness can be said to kill two birds with one stone. The hidden danger of Moluotian has also been completely eliminated, which is good news for the Penglai world. It is also an unexpected harvest to continue to improve the restrictions here.

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