Martial Inverse

Chapter 250 Interception

Chapter 250 Interception

At the moment, Feng Hao also raised his head, looked at Hongxiu, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that the so-called Alcatraz Island has something to do with your sea monsters?"

Hong Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then said directly: "Yes, the existence of Alcatraz Island is the reason why our sea monsters cannot leave the sea of ​​the East Pole, but we cannot get close to Alcatraz Island, let alone log in. Among them, this time I learned that you appeared on Alcatraz Island, so the four giant monsters in the East Sea are all paying close attention to you."

"Do you want to get something about Alcatraz Island from me?" Feng Hao pondered, and immediately understood in his heart that these sea monsters really had plans.

"To be precise, I want to know how to let the monsters in the East Pole Sea leave this sea." Hongxiu couldn't help but lowered her voice, and said calmly: "We, and even many of our ancestors and ancestors , They are all trapped in this sea of ​​the East Pole, even if they are cultivated to the sky, they still cannot leave the Sea of ​​the East Pole."

"So you want to get something on Alcatraz Island." Feng Hao also smiled slightly, no wonder these sea monsters valued themselves so much, it turned out that there was such an important reason.

"Yes, this time it is our Jiaolong clan who took the first step, otherwise, you will not meet me now." Hongxiu also smiled slightly apologetically: "Although it is a bit offensive, please don't mind it, sir."

Feng Hao shook his head, indicating that he doesn't care. In fact, he also needs some help from the Jiaolong clan, but now it seems that he has no ability to help these monsters in the East Pole Sea.

"Haha, sister Hongxiu, why didn't the guests on Alcatraz Island tell me that I am a brother?"

However, at this moment, a loud laughter sounded like thunder, and Feng Hao raised his head quite unexpectedly. It seems that things are not so simple. Deal with these sea monsters.

"Oops, it's the guy who hates the sky."

Immediately, Hongxiu also cursed softly: "Why did he rush here? This place is still some distance from Shenlong Island, so it's a bit tricky."

Hearing Hongxiu's words, Feng Hao raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Girl Hongxiu, is there some accident?"

At this time, Hongxiu also sighed lightly and said, "You should remember that I said that the four race giants in the East Pole Sea are all monitoring Alcatraz Island, especially the energy fluctuations some time ago. Now they seem to have found it."

"Then what kind of person is this so-called Changhentian?" Feng Hao asked. Although Hongxiu's cultivation base is not high, it is better than the average one. At this time, she also showed such a horrified expression, which can't help but make people suspicious , What kind of person is this Changhentian?

"Changhentian is the descendant of the nine-eyed jade toad among the other three giants of the race. He is extremely amazing, and his cultivation is unfathomable. However, his personality is extremely weird, and he is very vicious." Hongxiu Said with a gloomy face.

"Haha, sister Hongxiu, how could you say that about me in front of distinguished guests?"

At this moment, a faint laugh reminded that there was a slight ripple in the space in front of the two of them, and a moment later, a figure in black robe also emerged, also in the form of a sea monster.

Changhentian, the descendant of the Nine-Eyed Yuchan, one of the four giant monsters in the East Pole Sea.

Chang Hentian in front of him has long purple hair, strange green eyes, and extremely pale skin. He looks very frightening, but there is a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Eternal Hentian, this place is the domain of my Flood Dragon Clan. You seem to have come here for no reason, so there must be something wrong." Hongxiu was very familiar with Changhentian, and said unceremoniously at the moment.

As for Feng Hao, when he looked at Chang Hen Tian, ​​he was also suspicious in his heart. It seems that the sea monsters in the East Sea Sea are also at odds.

There are also disputes among the four major race giants, which can be seen from the performance between Hongxiu and Changhentian.

"Sister Hongxiu, how can you say that? It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much, so I just came here." Chang Hentian had a thick skin, and said such frivolous words, But there was no change in his complexion, on the contrary Hongxiu's face showed a little coldness.

"Don't be so familiar, the dragon clan doesn't welcome you, let's go, I will hate you forever."

Hongxiu directly issued the order to expel the guest, but Chang Hentian didn't appreciate it. He set his sights on Feng Hao, couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth, and said with a weird smile: "Sister Hongxiu, let's stop talking nonsense, I What is the purpose of coming, you are also very clear."

"This is the Jiaolong family, please leave."

Hongxiu frowned, stared at Chang Hentian, and said coldly, "This is not the domain of your Nine-Eyed Jade Toad, so you can't do anything foolish."

"Haha, sister Hongxiu, you are still too naive."

Chang Hentian laughed, and after a while, he stopped laughing slowly, but his expression disappeared from the smile just now, replaced by a kind of coldness, looking directly at Feng Hao and said: "He, with I'm leaving, it's that simple."

"Eternal hate, don't overthink it, you don't even think about whose position you are standing on." Hongxiu was furious immediately.

"So what." Chang Hentian said indifferently: "This place is still some distance away from Shenlong Island, even if there is a battle between you and me, you can be defeated by the strong people of Shenlong Island, but when they arrive, Do you think I can't handle you?"

When Chang Hentian said these words, his expression was full of confidence, which was his strength. On the contrary, Hong Xiu showed a dignified expression, apparently quite afraid of what Chang Hentian said.

"So, sister Hongxiu, I don't want to take action against you, you'd better leave him to me." Changhentian said with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao also sighed in his heart, he really is a weird person, but he seems to be too arrogant, he wants to take him away without asking his client's opinion, he really treats him as transparent Is it?

However, at this time, Hong Xiu also took a deep breath, glanced at Feng Hao, and immediately said leisurely: "Eternal hate, okay, I will give it to you."

Changhentian heard the words, his eyes lit up, this red sleeve is actually so knowledgeable about current affairs, then there is no need to waste his time, it's not bad.

"But the premise is that he himself agrees to go with you."

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