Martial Inverse

Chapter 251 Who are you?

Chapter 252 Who Are You?

As soon as Hongxiu said this, Chang Hentian was stunned for a moment, looked at Feng Hao suspiciously, shook his head involuntarily, and said with a light smile: "Sister Hongxiu, this is your fault, in this East Pole Hai, there are not many people who can disobey me."

"Really, then I'll wait and see." Hongxiu said coldly, and immediately turned around, looking at Feng Hao with an apologetic expression, as if asking for Feng Hao's forgiveness.

Feng Hao is also quite helpless, it is obvious that Hong Xiu deliberately left this mess to himself, but he also understands in his heart that it is very likely that Hong Xiu is very afraid of Chang Hen Tian, ​​and even speaking, it is the Nine-eyed Yuchan who is afraid Race.

After all, both of them are giant sea monsters in the East Pole Sea, and the relationship between them must be quite delicate.

Even Hongxiu wanted to avoid getting entangled with Chang Hentian as much as possible.

As for this matter, if he wanted to take Feng Hao away, Hong Xiu would naturally refuse, but what Chang Hentian said was right, there is still a distance from Shenlong Island, but Chang Hentian can definitely fight against the strong in Shenlong Island. Deal with yourself before rushing over.

Hongxiu knows very well that he is definitely not Chang Hentian's opponent, because Chang Hentian is very strong, really strong.

Since she was not willing to let Feng Hao be taken away, the clever Hongxiu directly threw the issue to the person concerned. She believed that Feng Hao would not follow Chang Hen Tian, ​​but with the character of Chang Hen Tian, ​​how could he? It is to allow Feng Hao to resist him.

Although Hongxiu couldn't see through Feng Hao's cultivation, he was very clear that Feng Hao would definitely not be a simple person. How could a person who could land on Alcatraz Island be a weak person?

Feng Hao also shook his head slightly, and sighed lightly. Although Hong Xiu's approach was a bit tricky, he would not be offended. At that moment, he raised his head slightly, glanced at Chang Hen Tian, ​​and said lightly: "Whether you are What kind of people, don't block my way."

The tone of Feng Hao's words was particularly calm, but it was not very comfortable for Chang Hentian's ears.

Who is Changhentian? The descendant of the Nine-eyed Yuchan clan is quite famous even among the four giant races of the Dongji clan. He has never been disobeyed, because no matter who it is, in the face of his strength or identity , all you can do is surrender!

"Do you know who you are talking to?" As Hongxiu had expected, Chang Hentian became gloomy, his expression became extremely weird, and he stared at Feng Hao.

"Then who are you?"

Feng Hao couldn't help being a little funny, this long-suffering naivety really takes himself too seriously, even if you are the descendant of the Nine-eyed Jade Toad clan, so what?

"I am the descendant of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad, I will never hate the sky! How dare you disobey me!!!"

Chang Hentian's expression changed very quickly, and immediately he was furious, looking directly at Feng Hao and said: "Now you have only two choices, one, follow me back obediently, two, I will break your legs and take you back !"

When Chang Hentian said these words, his expression was particularly ferocious, full of killing intent. It was so different from the expression he had just waited for, which was a bit unimaginable.

"Sure enough, he has a weird temper."

Feng Hao shook his head involuntarily, and immediately said indifferently: "So what? It has nothing to do with me, and I have to remind that I still have a third choice.


When Feng Hao said this, his expression was very serious. It didn't seem like he was joking at all, and he asked with an excuse: "What is the third choice?"

"That's breaking your legs!"

Feng Hao spoke every word and every word, with a serious expression on his face, looking at Chang Hentian solemnly, but Hong Xiu covered his mouth and smiled lightly, this Feng Hao was really too interesting, he was actually playing tricks in front of Chang Hentian , but it's interesting.

For so many years, it seems that in this sea of ​​the East Pole, no one has ever said such words to Chang Hentian.

Chang Hentian was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses. He couldn't help but glared at Feng Hao angrily, and said angrily, "How dare you say that about me!!!"

"Let's talk about you, so what!"

Feng Hao also smiled coldly: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are the descendant of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad. Let me tell you, let alone in this world of Penglai, even if you look at the sea of ​​the East Pole, if you don't have that identity , who would take you seriously?"

Feng Hao's words are too straightforward. In fact, although Chang Hentian's cultivation base is not weak, it is really nothing in the eyes of a real strong man. It is estimated that his reputation in the East Pole Sea is also Because of his identity as the descendant of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad.

However, other people are afraid of this, but Feng Hao is not afraid at all!

So he doesn't need to be jealous and hate the sky forever! This Everlasting Hentian wanted to take him away, thinking too much, did he really think he was invincible?

However, Chang Hentian also has a very weird personality, at the moment he just looked at Feng Hao coldly, and the next moment, he shot without warning, and his whole figure burst out like a phantom.

Facing Changhentian, Feng Hao couldn't help but frowned, the next moment, his figure suddenly trembled slightly, even if he avoided this attack directly, but Changhentian was not hesitant, Feng Hao was simply not given a chance to breathe, and the storm-like offensive was still continuous.

"I told you not to be presumptuous, but you still don't believe me!"

Feng Hao also sneered, he couldn't hold his breath anymore, he just took a step forward, and some nine-colored lights flickered in his eyes, and the phantoms that kept flickering in front of him overlapped in an instant. He accurately judged the location of Changhentian.

"Small tricks, but dare to make a fool of yourself!"

Feng Hao flipped his wrist, and immediately stabbed directly like a thunderbolt, and immediately grabbed Chang Hentian's wrist.

Chang Hentian was caught suddenly, and he was taken aback immediately, no one expected at the moment that he would be broken by Feng Hao all of a sudden, since such things are inconceivable. Because Changhentian couldn't feel Fenghao's breath at all.

As if in an instant, Feng Hao appeared directly, leaving him without any means of defense.

"That's all."

Feng Hao looked at Chang Hentian whose expression was changing. Although he had some strength, after all, he was still far behind for a person who had already entered the realm of God with half a foot. Perhaps it was the real strength of Nine-eyed Jade Chan. Only the appearance of the latter can make him feel dignified.

"You're still too weak, go away."

Feng Hao spoke calmly, but filled with contempt.

,--! ! !

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