Martial Inverse

Chapter 262 1 to 300 years

Wuliang Jue, just like its name, Wuliang, if you practice this secret technique, you can open up a new world!

Of course, this is only possible if one's own cultivation and supernatural powers reach the level of Pangu Shenzun. Feng Hao was shocked, and he understood it at this time. I am afraid that this infinite formula is the secret technique used by Pangu Shenzun to create the Penglai world in the past. .

These three kinds of secret techniques can be said to be absolute forbidden techniques!

The first type of Yin-Yang Curse is already very against the sky. This method is equivalent to controlling a puppet. As long as the other party intends to betray him, he will immediately be burned into nothingness by the Yin-Yang Curse. This may be a good idea for Feng Hao. s things.

Qianlijue, this is not an ordinary space displacement technique. After practicing Qianlijue, as long as it leaves a mark on the place where he has stayed, no matter where he is, he can go back and forth autonomously without being affected by space. limit.

Of course, this also requires the cultivation base of the practitioner. Generally speaking, beginners can only locate three places. The place.

This kind of secret technique naturally makes Feng Hao's heart flutter. With this kind of secret technique, for example, he is in the world of Penglai, but after a serious problem occurs in the Hundred Clans Continent, he can be Returning to the Hundred Clans Continent in the Penglai world will not be hindered by space.

The third type, Wuliang Jue, is a forbidden technique to create a world. Although Fenghao's cultivation is definitely not as capable as Pangu God Venerable, he can directly create a space side by side with the Penglai world, but it can make him Get in touch with this aspect of things.

And most importantly, apart from these forbidden techniques, the majestic energy contained in these three spirit beads has already made him enter the realm of the gods!

When thinking of this, Feng Hao became slightly excited when he noticed the vastness of stars in his body. Now he has surpassed those past predecessors in the Penglai world, and with the blood of the Hundred Clans Continent, he has achieved what he is today. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would dare to believe it.

Unknowingly, Feng Hao also withdrew from his own sea of ​​consciousness. Now he is also aware of his situation. He has successfully obtained the three forbidden techniques, and he has achieved the state of the gods. To him, this is already It's an amazing opportunity.

"I don't know how long it has been, I'm afraid Xuanyuan Bupo was worried."

Feng Hao also smiled slightly and said to himself, he did not notice the passage of time during the long period of time, but he could tell from the dust on his robe that he seemed to have passed a very, very long time .

As for how long it will be, he can't predict it, and he can only know it after he goes out and meets Xuanyuan Bupo.

Taking a deep breath, the energy in his body turned with his thoughts, Feng Hao trembled slightly at the moment, the dust on his robes disappeared with the wind, his whole body seemed to be completely new, and he walked out of the valley step by step.

However, when Feng Hao stepped out of the valley, within a moment, there was a majestic energy aura in the distance, approaching quickly, Feng Hao didn't need to think too much, this aura was naturally unbreakable.

"Haha, you are finally out of customs."

At that moment, a hearty laughter came, and Feng Hao recognized it. It was indeed Xuanyuan Bupo's voice, but it sounded like a lot of vicissitudes.

It took almost a breath, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Feng Hao's eyes, and it was Xuanyuan Bupo.


Seeing Xuanyuan Bupo appear, Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, now Xuanyuan Bupo has quietly appeared a little gray hair, and the whole person seems to be much older, compared with the last time he met, there is a kind of Quite a big gap.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you were injured?"

Feng Hao asked in surprise.

Regarding Feng Hao's inexplicable question, Xuanyuan Bupo immediately came to his senses,

He smiled and said, "Do you know how many years you have been in retreat?"

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help pondering for a while, feeling that he would only have a year's time at most, and immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "It's no more than three years at most, and about a year at least."

"Haha, three years?"

Right now Xuanyuan Bupo seemed to have heard something very funny, so he couldn't help laughing. After a while, he said with a smile on his face: "Three hundred years have passed since your retreat!"

Three hundred years!

Hearing this number, Feng Hao's eyes tightened, and he was extremely shocked. He has been in seclusion for three hundred years?

My God, it's simply unbelievable. Although I can't feel the flow of time when I'm in seclusion, such a long time is indeed beyond Feng Hao's imagination. That's all, but who would have expected that it would be three hundred years at a glance.

"Don't be too surprised. After all, it's a retreat. Your client may not feel anything, but we have a deep understanding. For three hundred years, you have been in retreat for three hundred years!"

Xuanyuan Bupo patted Feng Hao on the shoulder and said, "But seeing you go out, you must have gained something, right?"

Feng Hao sighed unceasingly, he had been in seclusion for 300 years, no wonder Xuanyuan Bupo even had a little white hair, and it seemed that he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes. At first, he thought that Xuanyuan Bupo had suffered some kind of injury. It caused this situation, but I don't know that this is just a trace left by time.

"If there is no accident, I am now considered a strong man in the realm of the gods."

Feng Hao also came back to his senses, and said with a slight smile, his face showed absolute confidence, only when he broke through to the realm of the gods, can he be sure to win the other spirit beads in the sea of ​​the East Pole, as long as he gets the remaining After the two spirit beads, return to the Dongji clan to obtain the whereabouts of the last spirit beads.

Then, he has obtained all the spirit beads, but then some unbelievable situations may occur to him again.


Feng Hao is also not clear about this, but he is very clear that if he wants to obtain the inheritance of Pan Gu, it seems that he must obtain all nine Lingzhu.

"God's Realm? That's great."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Bupo also laughed and said: "God General Realm, in this way, the two of Nine-Eyed Jade Chan can finally shut up completely. For the past three hundred years, they have been stationed here Near Shenlong Island."

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