Martial Inverse

Chapter 263 Meet Again

see you again

Hearing this, Feng Hao was also stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised that after three hundred years, Nine-eyed Yuchan and others are still near Shenlong Island. years.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, this is also a bit tricky, the nine-eyed jade toad actually defended himself for three hundred years, isn't it just abolishing Changhentian, as for waiting for a rabbit for three hundred years.

"In the past three hundred years, there has not been a younger generation in the Nine-eyed Yuchan clan who is similar to Changhentian. Do you think that old guy hates you?"

Immediately, Xuanyuan Bupo seemed to have guessed what Feng Hao was thinking, and couldn't help but smiled and said: "And you have a special meaning in existence, no matter what, that old guy will never let you go."

"In that case, let's go meet him."

Feng Hao was also full of smiles, he really wanted to see the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad who had been waiting for him for three hundred years, thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

"Are you sure?" Xuanyuan Bupo asked with some doubts.

"It's okay, I'm already in the realm of the gods now, even if I face the Nine-eyed Jade Chan, I may not lose." Feng Hao raised his head, showing a look of pride, which can also be understood as self-confidence. Afterwards, he was deeply convinced that he could truly compete against the powerhouses in the realm of the gods. There was no other reason, because he was already in the realm of the gods.

"Then let's go." Xuanyuan Bupo also took a deep breath at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited. After waiting for so many years, what many sages of Shenlong Island hoped to do, he was about to see it with his own eyes. Witness how it calms him down.

Now that Feng Hao's cultivation base has reached the realm of the god general, the past worries can naturally be cast away, and he can truly face the cooperation between the nine-eyed jade toad and the seven-color demon fish.

This time, the nine-eyed jade toad and the seven-color demon fish had to obediently hand over the spirit beads in their hands.

The appearance of Feng Hao made many people in Shenlong Island look sideways at him, because they remembered Feng Hao many years ago, but he disappeared for 300 years, and it was also because of the appearance of this young man that this At that time, the situation in the East Pole Sea has undergone subtle changes.

After all, the people of Shenlong Island will not forget the Nine-Eyed Yuchan and others who have been staring at the vicinity of Shenlong Island for three hundred years.

"Feng Hao, you are finally out."

At this time, a young woman in a red dress came in front of her, and she had red sleeves.

"Hongxiu, I haven't seen you in three hundred years, you are even more beautiful."

Feng Hao also just came out of customs, and he was in a good mood, so he couldn't help but make a joke at the moment.

It's just that a blush suddenly appeared on the red-sleeved pretty face, and she directly hid behind her father and lowered her head.

When Xuanyuan Bupo saw this scene, he also smiled without saying a word, but his eyes were shining brightly, as if he had some plans in his heart, Feng Hao didn't notice the change in Xuanyuan Bupo's expression at all.

At this time, Feng Hao and Xuanyuan Bupo, and behind him there are a group of strong people from Shenlong Island, who also slowly appeared at the entrance of Shenlong Island. Just noticed something bad happened.

"Hurry up and tell the patriarch, that guy has appeared."

One of the strong men, even the whispering Hedao, had already recognized the presence of Feng Hao in the crowd, and his tone became much more ferocious. After all, because of him, so many people have stayed here for three hundred years, which is amazing. Not a good thing.

Even if someone left quickly, it seemed that they had notified Nine-Eyed Jade Chan by other means. However, after that, a few strong men walked out of this group of people, with majestic breath and supreme state. of cultivation.


These six people directly surrounded the entrance of Shenlong Island, the intention was obvious, to stop Feng Hao.

Facing this group of people who were staring at them, Feng Hao couldn't help but chuckled, glanced at the six people and said: "Don't worry, I'm coming out, naturally I don't intend to leave, let the Nine-eyed Yuchan come to see me.


"Presumptuous, how can the name of the head of my family allow you to shout and shout,'

At the moment, one of the strong Nine-eyed Jade Toad couldn't help it, and shouted angrily, because Feng Hao was alone, they had spent three hundred years here, and they were holding their breath in their hearts, let alone Other things, just this point, let the anger in their hearts burst out directly, pointing the finger at Feng Hao.

"Nine-eyed jade toad, am I wrong." Feng Hao shook his head, but he didn't care about these six people. After all, his realm is very different now. If he was in the past, maybe he would still be more jealous. But now that he is already an existence in the realm of the gods, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

"Hmph, then I'll teach you how to respect."

At that moment, the strong man also stepped out suddenly, and the majestic energy in his body roared out like a vast ocean, full of momentum, wanting to crush the heavens, and came straight to Feng Hao.

The other party made a move suddenly, the eyes of the red sleeves tightened, and subconsciously tugged Xuanyuan Bupo's sleeve, intending to stop Xuanyuan Bupo with his hand. After all, this is also an attack of the Supreme Realm. Although Feng Hao is very strong, it is far from enough to be able to Ignores attacks from opponents of the same level.

But Xuanyuan Bupo's face remained calm, he just smiled at Hongxiu's little move, a supreme being who made a move in front of the God General Realm, isn't that courting death?

Facing the sudden attack of this strong man, Feng Hao also shook his head. Facing such a terrifying and real attack, he raised his palm calmly and stretched out his hand like this. finger.

However, just such a finger made the world seem to calm down in an instant, just like the freeze frame of time, the majestic momentum, the terrible energy fluctuations, all disappeared in this instant, the name The strong man who attacked Feng Hao maintained a fixed posture at this time, and his whole person was suspended in mid-air like this, even the expression on his face was frozen, which looked particularly ridiculous.

However, before everyone could react to all this, Feng Hao turned his head, moved his fingers, and said with a smile: "Now you are not qualified to do anything to me."

After the voice fell, the body of the strong man suddenly shot out, as if he was directly thrown out by some terrible force, he had no ability to resist at all, and even the strong man next to him hadn't reacted to this process. Come, it's over.


There was a deathly silence, and a group of Shenlong Island powerhouses including Hongxiu were speechless.

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