Martial Inverse

Chapter 270 The 8th Lingzhu!

Chapter 270 The Eighth Spirit Orb!

"When you leave, take my Seven-Color Demon Fish Clan with you."

Unexpectedly, the conditions of the seven-color demon fish would be like this, Feng Hao was quite astonished, nodded his head immediately, and said in a deep voice: "As long as you hand over the Lingzhu to me, there will be no problem."

"However, let me explain in advance that I am sure that I can get all the spirit beads, but I don't guarantee that it will make you leave this plane."

Feng Hao also replied truthfully at the moment, there is no need to deceive people about this, not only the seven-color demon fish, but also the requirements of Xuanyuan Bupo and others.

"Okay, then I will hand over the Lingzhu to you."

The seven-color demon fish finally chose to give in. He is not the nine-eyed jade toad. In fact, he has no grievances with Feng Hao. Besides, the Lingzhu can't play any role in his hands. What's more, if the Lingzhu is handed over to If it was given to Feng Hao, then the seven-color demon fish family can also leave this plane.

In the final analysis, none of the monster races in the East Pole Sea belonged to this plane. After coming to this plane, they were forcibly sealed in this sea area by Pan Gu, unable to go out. For so many years, They have been looking for a way to leave.

However, unless God Venerable Pangu is revived, even if they are all strong in the realm of gods, they will not be able to do this.

Now the appearance of Fenghao can be described as a turning point, because Fenghao has done something that others cannot do, he can refine spirit beads, and there are more than one, which shows that Fenghao's origin is extraordinary, and The seven-color demon fish is also very clear that he is definitely not Feng Hao's opponent.

Rather than end up with Nine-Eyed Yuchan, it's better to sell Fenghao's favor.

Immediately after the voice fell, the seven-color demon fish also slowly handed over his spirit orb. Although he felt reluctant, after all, the spirit orb was involved in the secret of eternal life, but he was still very clear about the trade-off in front of him.

If you want to survive, then hand over the Lingzhu.

Seeing the eighth Lingzhu in his hands, Feng Hao was also slightly excited. Now he has obtained eight of the nine Lingzhu, and the remaining one is in the hands of Tianjizi from the Dongji clan. .

Now, as long as he returns to the Dongji clan and learns the whereabouts of the last Lingzhu from Tianjizi, then he can collect enough Lingzhu, and he has no way of knowing what will happen after that.

But now he also knows that no matter what happens next, he will have to collect all the spirit beads, and whether the cause and effect between Pan Gu and him exists will be known immediately.

"The Lingzhu has been entrusted to you, I hope you can do what you say." At this time, the Seven-color Demon Fish had nothing to say, and what he did today seemed to be showing weakness because he was afraid of Feng Hao.

"Don't worry, in time, if I can let you leave here, then I will definitely let you go." Feng Hao also received the Lingzhu into his hands, and said with a smile on his face.

The seven-color demon fish nodded, then turned around and left with a gloomy expression. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Watching the departure of the seven-color demon fish, Feng Hao also showed a slight smile on his face, and then glanced at those strong men from the Nine-eyed Jade Toad clan, but these people were not seen by Feng Hao, after all, for him As far as this kind of existence is concerned, the powerhouse at the supreme level can no longer pose any threat to him.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The Nine-eyed Jade Toad is dead. As long as you don't provoke me in the future, I will naturally ignore you." Feng Hao also said indifferently, waving his hands and saying: "Go Come on, don't force me to take another shot."

The powerhouses of the Nine-eyed Yuchan clan all looked at each other, although they were angry, they didn't dare to make any mistakes and could only leave resentfully.

"Haha, Feng Hao, I really didn't misread you."

Seeing a crisis at this moment, Xuanyuan Bupo and the others heaved a sigh of relief as they resolved it like this. They originally thought that they were going to have a life-and-death struggle with two giant races of monsters today.

Relying on Feng Hao's means at the moment, the battle was easily resolved.

This is also a good thing for everyone in Shenlong Island.

"He killed the Nine-Eyed Jade Chan so easily, he really is an unusual person." Ji Wushuang also smiled faintly.

Hearing the praise from the two seniors, Feng Hao also smiled slightly at the moment, and said modestly: "I'm overwhelmed, it's just luck."

"By the way, Feng Hao, what kind of power is the power you used just now?"

At this time, Xuanyuan Bupo pondered for a moment, and then asked in a deep voice, they were too palpitated about the power that Feng Hao used just now, if they figured it out, they would feel better.

"Forget it, if you don't say it, then forget it, we won't continue to ask." Ji Wushuang glanced at Feng Hao and said the same.

Feng Hao shook his head, then said with a smile: "Could it be that the two seniors haven't heard of Heavenly Scourge."

"God damn."

Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang looked at each other, and immediately said in confusion.

"The scourge of heaven is the power of the way of heaven. Normally, as long as you are advancing to the realm, there will be a scourge of the sky. If you can overcome the scourge of the sky, you can be promoted smoothly. Otherwise, it will be transformed into the power of heaven and earth a speck of ashes in between."

Feng Hao explained slowly: "I am different, because of some chances, I can have this kind of power."

"So that's the case." Xuanyuan Bupo also nodded, this is indeed a bit novel to them, after all, there has never been such a power in the East Pole Sea, but from Feng Hao's mouth, it seems that In the outside world, this power is very common and visible.

"Don't worry too much." Feng Hao smiled slowly: "Among the heavens and the earth, it seems that I am the only one who can manipulate this kind of power."

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If so, then it would be better. At least only Feng Hao can possess this kind of power. If many people outside can manipulate this terrifying power, then they are a little too worried.

However, at this time, Feng Hao also thought in his heart that he seemed to face the scourge of breaking through the realm of the gods. At this time, he was in the sea of ​​the East Pole, so there was no need to worry, but once he left the sea of ​​the East Pole, he would face the scourge of God. , it would be extremely terrifying.

Therefore, what he has to face right now is how to deal with the divine scourge that will appear next. If he can't think of a way to deal with it, then I'm afraid he can only continue to stay in the sea of ​​the East Pole.

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