Martial Inverse

Chapter 271 Contemplation

Chapter 271 Contemplation

At the moment, Feng Hao is also in deep thought, and what he has to face now is the divine punishment of his own god general.

"Feng Hao, what are your plans next?"

Xuanyuan Bupo also asked at this time.

"Get the ninth Lingzhu."

Feng Hao pondered for a while, and immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Are you sure?" Ji Wushuang asked, looking at each other.

Feng Hao shook his head, Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang were taken aback, Feng Hao was not sure.

"What I mean is, before I can find the ninth Lingzhu, I still have to face the scourge of being promoted to the realm of gods."

Feng Hao sighed and said, this is the most troublesome thing for him right now, none of them.

"It's the terrifying power you manipulated. Logically speaking, you have already manipulated this kind of power, so there is nothing to be afraid of." Xuanyuan Bupo said doubtfully.

"Although I can manipulate the power of the scourge, but I have a special constitution, and I have a spirit orb in my body. Tiandao has wanted to deal with me for a long time. He has no way to do it directly. He can only deal with me through the scourge. Every time I face Scourge is very scary, so this time, I am quite worried."

Feng Hao knew that these things would not be explained for a while, so he said slowly at the moment: "In short, the scourge I need to face will be more than a hundred times more powerful than the scourge I can control."

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang were also stunned at the moment. This is simply unbelievable. From the power used in Feng Hao's body, they have already felt the horror, but at this time it is From Feng Hao's mouth, I learned that they have to face a hundred times more terrifying divine punishment. Is this the power they can face in this realm.

Although the God General Realm is strong, it is not invincible. There is only one truly invincible strong man from ancient times to modern times, and that is God Venerable Pan Gu!

But for so many years, there has only been one Pangu god, and no one can match it.

For a while, both Ji Wushuang and Xuanyuan Bupo fell silent, which was unacceptable to them. If so, wouldn't it mean that as long as Feng Hao left the East Sea, he would have to face the terrible force.

According to what Feng Hao said, Feng Hao is simply incapable of dealing with this level of scourge, and is undoubtedly just sending him to death. If this happens, their hard-won hopes for many years will be shattered again.

"Is there no way?" Xuanyuan Bupo was also caught in a dilemma. He originally thought that seeing Feng Hao's appearance meant that they saw the hope of returning to the plane, but now the reality is in front of them, and Feng Hao has broken through the realm , but he is not sure to deal with the scourge.

"Let me think about it, maybe there is a way."

Feng Hao also frowned, and now he can only think carefully, because as soon as he steps out of the East Pole Sea, he will face the punishment of God.

Tiandao, this potential enemy, has always wanted to put himself to death, but every time he was overcome by himself, but now as his realm is getting stronger and stronger, the power Tiandao can use to deal with him will also is more powerful.

"If I reach the Immortal Realm, maybe I can have the power to fight against the Dao of Heaven."

This crazy idea also passed away in Feng Hao's mind. For some reason, he also had a faint hope in his heart. Maybe if he reached the fairyland in the future, even the Dao of Heaven would not be able to stop him.

Of course, this idea is just a thought, Feng Hao is very clear that he is just entering and leaving the realm of the gods, and he still doesn't know when he wants to reach the fairyland.

In fact, after he reached the God General Realm, he already knew a lot of things invisibly in his mind. For example, he knew that starting from the God General Realm, the promotion of cultivation base can no longer be accomplished by simple cultivation, In many cases, it is necessary to look at opportunities and understanding.

If the opportunity comes, then breaking through the realm will naturally come naturally,

Without this comprehension and opportunity, even if you practice hard for a thousand years, you may not be able to advance.

What Feng Hao didn't know was that in ancient times, there was no shortage of amazing legends of strong men. There are many examples of them being able to break through the realm of gods and become immortals late. Of course, in general, this There are still too few people of this type, and the ones who can do it are all evildoers among evildoers.

"Is there a restriction in the sea of ​​the East Pole, preventing you from returning to the original plane?" At this moment, a light flashed in Feng Hao's heart unintentionally, and he seemed to have thought of a certain possibility.

"Yes, there is a restriction placed by Pan Gu in the East Pole Sea, which cuts off the possibility of us leaving the East Pole Sea."

Hearing this, Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, and tried to use the spirit beads in his body to sense the entire East Pole Sea, and soon in his perception, he found that there was an invisible force covering the entire sea. Covering the entire sea of ​​the East Pole, this kind of power is very subtle, if not for the spirit beads, Feng Hao would not be able to detect it at all.

Although this force is obscure, it has a mystery, completely cut off all contact with the outside world, but Feng Hao thought in his heart that the restriction of the East Pole Sea may not be so simple, vaguely let him There is a feeling that the prohibition here is not all prohibition.

Because similar restrictions also exist in the East Pole family.

"Maybe I have undid the restriction of the East Pole Sea, and you can't leave." Feng Hao slowly expressed his understanding.

Hearing this, the expressions of Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang changed drastically.

"Don't be nervous, I haven't finished yet." Feng Hao also burst out laughing, and said: "Outside the sea of ​​the East Pole, there is actually a layer of restriction, which also prohibits the departure of a race. They are the same as you. unlucky."

Feng Hao said quietly: "If I'm not wrong, the restriction here should be related to the restriction outside, simply breaking the restriction of the East Pole Sea, there should be no way for you to leave, and it is even more necessary to break it. Outer restrictions, only in this way will you have the ability to leave this plane."

"Isn't it that we are hopeless?" Xuanyuan Bupo also said dejectedly, this fact is a bit shocking.

"No, I am absolutely sure that the outer layer of restriction can be untied. I have an idea, but I don't know how feasible it is." If you take it back, you will naturally untie it. This is not a big problem.

Then he only needs to solve the restriction here, then it is enough.

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