Martial Inverse

Chapter 272: Whimsy

Chapter 272

"Then what do you think?"

At the moment, Xuanyuan Bupo also heard from Feng Hao's tone that Feng Hao seemed to have a solution, and it was not difficult for him to ignite some hope again.

"That's how it is. Since this place has the restrictions placed by God Venerable Pan Gu, it must be very majestic. I wonder if I can use the power of restrictions here to resist my scourge."

Feng Hao's eyes flashed with a little bright light, and he also had some plans in his heart.

"You mean to use the forbidden power of the East Pole Sea to help you resist the scourge." Ji Wushuang also understood immediately, and asked directly.

Feng Hao nodded, and said directly: "That's right, only in this way can I have the greatest confidence and be able to overcome my own scourge."

"But the restriction here was arranged by God Venerable Pangu, you can be sure." Xuanyuan Bupo also asked.

"It should be. From my perception just now, I found that I can respond to the restriction of this place." Feng Hao also pondered, and under the induction just now, he also had a feeling that the restriction power of the East Pole Sea, There was a little connection with the Lingzhu in his body.

Under such induction, Feng Hao came up with such a whimsical idea, using the restraining power of this place to defend himself against the idea of ​​divine punishment.

The idea seems to be feasible.

Ji Wushuang and Xuanyuan Bupo looked at each other, and they were extremely shocked. They had seen the power of the divine punishment from Feng Hao, but they knew better about the tyranny of the prohibition here.

The four races of the East Pole Sea, since they came to this plane, have been thinking of ways to break the restrictions here, but unfortunately, countless years have passed. Among the four monster races, the strongest Generation after generation, still does not have this ability.

Because the restriction here belongs to the power of God Venerable Pan Gu!

It is only possible unless someone can reach the level of Pangu God.

It's just that characters like Pangu God Venerable only appeared once.

Although Feng Hao's thoughts at the moment are crazy, in fact, after thinking about it, it is not impossible. The restraining power of the East Pole Sea here also belongs to Pangu God. Contend against the power of divine punishment.

After pondering for a while, Feng Hao also felt that what he needs to do now is to refine the two spirit beads in front of him, so that he can have enough confidence.

The Lingzhu must have resonance with the power left behind by the Pangu God Venerable. Although Feng Hao can sense it now, he still doesn't have much confidence unless he refines more Lingzhu.

If he refined the two spirit beads in front of him, it would be equivalent to refining eight spirit beads.

The eight spirit beads are already infinitely close to the nine spirit beads, which is equal to the power inheritance of all Pangu gods. It must be that something unexpected by Feng Hao will happen at that time.

Afterwards, Feng Hao also pondered for a while, then raised his head and said to Xuanyuan Bupo: "Senior, I need to use the valley to retreat again."

"You still have to continue refining the spirit beads." Xuanyuan Bupo raised his eyebrows and said.

"That's right, I can only be sure if I have refined the last two spirit beads." Feng Hao smiled and said, "I'm afraid I will continue to trouble the senior again this time."

"Needless to say, since you want to do this, then I, Shenlong Island, will naturally not refuse." Xuanyuan Bupo smiled and said: "It's okay, you can refine the spirit beads again later."

"The day I leave customs is when I break through the restriction."

Feng Hao also said with a hearty smile, now the monsters in the sea of ​​East Pole are pinning their hopes on him.

Ji Wushuang and Xuanyuan Bupo looked at each other, but they also smiled wryly and were speechless. This Fenghao retreat, maybe how many years will have to pass again, the last time has passed 300 years, but this time I don't know if it will take another 300 years .

But even so, they are willing to wait,

Because Feng Hao is their last hope to return to the plane.

Similarly, they are also very clear that if it fails this time, Feng Hao's end will be very sad. If he can't use the restraining power here to resolve the scourge, then Feng Hao's end will only be one, and his body and spirit will be wiped out.

Time is precious, Feng Hao didn't have too many thoughts, he also nodded at the moment, directly returned to the valley again, and continued his own retreat.

Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang stayed to clean up the mess. Compared to them, the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad among the four major races died, so the monsters or other things of his clan needed to be sorted out.

No matter what, the East Pole Sea at this time must be under their control, and there cannot be any mistakes.

In the valley, Feng Hao took out two spirit beads again and fell into deep thought. These are the seventh and eighth spirit beads. Undoubtedly, after comprehending the spirit beads this time, his cultivation base There will be no weak improvement.

It can even be raised to another level because of this.

Above the generals are the immortals.

In the fairyland, at this time in the world, a strong man in the realm of gods and generals is already at the pinnacle. Once he reaches the fairyland, he will truly be unparalleled in the world.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao also closed his eyes again, forced himself to calm down, and started refining the spirit beads.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, since Feng Hao entered the valley this time, two hundred years have passed again in a trance, but the Sea of ​​the East Pole has also completely formed the three major monster races from the four major monster races.

The Nine-eyed Jade Toad clan has completely disappeared.

"Father, how long do you think he will last this time?"

Outside the valley, Hongxiu looked at the valley calmly. There was a forbidden area inside. Although there were no traces, there were strict guards all around, especially after Feng Hao entered the retreat, the guards around him were undoubtedly strengthened by several times. times.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"I don't know. The matter of retreat depends entirely on chance. If the chance comes, you can come out." Xuanyuan Bupo smiled and said.

"Can he really lead us out of here?" Hong Xiu asked with a confused face.

"Whether he can or not, at least he is our last hope." Xuanyuan Bupo did not answer directly. I am afraid that he himself does not have a relative answer to this question. It can only be decided by time, as long as Fenghao comes out in the future. Off, you can know.

If they succeed, they can leave this plane. If they fail, they will be trapped here forever, and Feng Hao will also disappear.

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