Martial Inverse

Chapter 284 Returning to the old place

Chapter 284 Revisiting the old place

There is not much time left for Feng Hao, and Feng Hao did not stay too much at the moment. In the early morning of the next day, even the younger generation who were going to Yanshen Mountain with the human race left directly, because Feng Hao The news of Hao's return is only known to those who have been trapped in Shengtian Academy.

The news of Feng Hao's departure this time was not told to others.

Even among the younger generation of Shengtian Academy who went on this trip, there are only a few people who know Fenghao's identity.

The whole journey was safe and sound, and the group arrived at Yanshen Mountain directly. At that moment, Feng Hao came back to his hometown again. Feng Hao himself was deeply moved, but he didn't have too much time to sigh, so he directly chose to enter!

Logically speaking, there is a restriction in Yanshen Mountain, and those who have already entered will never have the ability to enter again, but at this time Feng Hao did not encounter any obstacles at all, and directly chose to enter this place.

The moment he stepped into Yanshen Mountain, there was a clear sound in Feng Hao's mind, as if something in Yanshen Mountain was calling him to go, and at the same time, there seemed to be something in Feng Hao's body. Another wave of energy is just around the corner.

This force is unprecedentedly fierce, and it is the fairy house that has been hidden in his body!

Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, he was already in Yanshen Mountain at this time, he had no choice but to walk over by relying on the inexplicable energy fluctuation in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, he didn't know how long he had been walking, or even what direction he was going, Feng Hao stepped forward step by step. Originally, some rising stars among the human race deliberately followed Feng Hao at this time, But soon discovered that they simply had no ability to follow Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's speed was so fast that he even disappeared from their field of vision very quickly. In this Yanshen Mountain, somewhere in the dark, there seemed to be some kind of power isolating them from following.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Feng Hao stopped, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had come to the edge of the cliff, and there was a willow tree planted on this side.

Willow tree, this is where the ninth Lingzhu that Tianjizi said is located.

A breeze blew over, and the willow tree swayed continuously, and all kinds of inexplicable lights flowed, which seemed to be more spiritual.

However, at this time, the fairy mansion that had been sleeping in Fenghao's body also awakened in an instant, and the eight spirit beads in the body also circulated in unison, and appeared on the surface of the body. An ancient force!

However, everyone in Yanshen Mountain at this time felt it at the same time, but in an instant, the entire Yanshen Mountain was under a kind of hazy power.

"You finally came."

However, when Feng Hao was confronting Yang Liushu, a faint voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed, and he raised his head subconsciously, but at this moment he saw a very strange scene, a phantom slowly appeared on the willow tree shrouded in divine light.

Even though it was a phantom, it made Feng Hao lose any ability to resist in an instant. It was a phantom. Although it was like an ordinary old man, Feng Hao noticed it. , but has a huge axe.

Seeing this axe, Feng Hao immediately guessed who the person in front of him was, and the mystery in his heart was solved in an instant.

"Pangu God Venerable."

Feng Hao's eyes tightened for a moment. He already knew the person in front of him. Although it was a bit unexpected, it was not beyond his imagination. However, he never expected that God Venerable Pangu was really in Yanshen Mountain, and It is to be attached to the willow tree.

But at the next moment, Feng Hao's expression became even weirder, because after the phantom in front of him completely showed his appearance, he was stunned, because the appearance of the person in front of him,

Almost exactly the same as myself.

What exactly is going on.

"Pangu, this is just a name I used to have, or to put it another way, I am just you who used to be." The phantom said slowly.

Feng Hao held his breath, he suddenly realized why he could be a refining spirit bead, this already explained everything!

"But it's not absolutely saying that." The phantom said slowly: "I am your past, but you are not my future."

Such a mysterious sentence made Feng Hao completely confused. He didn't speak, but just listened like this. In reality, the phantom that had appeared before became much clearer all of a sudden.

"Who the hell am I?"

Feng Hao said hoarsely, looking at the phantom in front of him, he seemed to feel that he knew a lot for a while, but he didn't know anything at all, everything was a mystery, but all this needed to be explained by the phantom in front of him .

"As I said, you are you."

God Venerable Pan Gu spoke slowly, looked directly at Feng Hao, and said: "Although this is a very early move, I never thought that it would be you who will eventually grow to such an extent that you will eventually get all the power to do it. to things I can't even do."

"What exactly do you mean?" Feng Hao asked calmly.

"Countless years ago, Nuwa and I created this world, and even established the rules between heaven and earth, including the way of heaven, but because of the arrival of the demons, Nuwa and I have to pay a heavy price for it .”

"However, at that time, neither I nor Nvwa noticed that the Heavenly Dao created by myself actually wanted to rebel and control this world."

God Venerable Pangu's voice was unusually bitter, but Feng Hao was famous. He already knew this, and Tian Dao kept trying to deal with him, because Feng Hao knew that once he let himself grow up, Tian Dao might not be able to control this side. heaven and earth.

"Although it's ridiculous, it's true. Nuwa and I were both aware of Tiandao's intentions when we suffered indelible trauma back then. But at that time, we no longer had any strength to deal with Tiandao."

"So I left a remnant of my soul behind, let him enter the six realms of heaven and earth, and reincarnated as a human being continuously, hoping that one day, this remnant soul could be reincarnated to grow to my height, but unfortunately, it has not been successful. "

When he heard this, Feng Hao finally understood everything in an instant!

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