Martial Inverse

Chapter 285 Origin and End

Chapter 85 Origin and End

Feng Hao finally understands that he is the remnant soul of the former Pangu god who entered the world of mortals, and it is through constant experience that he has evolved into what he is today. . .. ..

To be precise, he, Feng Hao, is indeed this remnant soul, but now that Feng Hao's cultivation level is constantly improving, he has little to do with Pangu God Venerable.

"As long as you collect the nine spirit beads, then you will become the second me." God Venerable Pangu said hoarsely.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and now he finally understands everything, as long as he collects the ninth Lingzhu, then he will be able to become an existence like Pangu God!

"The ninth spirit pearl is in your hand?" Feng Hao asked in a deep voice.

God Venerable Pan Gu did not answer this question, but continued to stare at Feng Hao and said, "Are you sure you want the ninth spirit bead?"


Feng Hao replied firmly, he is bound to get the ninth Lingzhu!

"You have obtained the ninth spirit bead, what are you going to do?" God Venerable Pangu continued to ask.

"I want to re-establish new rules of heaven and earth, and I want the demon world to disappear completely in the Penglai world!" Feng Hao said firmly, his injustice was indeed true, and what he was thinking at the moment was to establish a new way of heaven and bring the world to a level. True balance!

Pangu God Venerable remained silent for a long time, finally he sighed and remained silent for a long time, and Feng Hao did not continue to ask, he knew very well that even though Pan Gu God Venerable in front of him was a phantom, he could not look up to him exist!

Even though he is a strong man in the fairyland, God Venerable Pan Gu is the origin of all things, this is not a level opponent at all!

The ninth Lingzhu is in the hands of the god Pangu, whether to give it to Feng Hao is just a thought of the god Pangu.

"Actually, as long as you get the ninth spirit bead, you can directly become the master of this world, and the way of heaven will not be able to compete with you. The new rules of the world will be born again." God Venerable Pan Gu slowly Authentic, looking at Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's eyes widened slightly, which seemed to be beyond his expectation, as long as he becomes a powerhouse at the level of Pangu God, new rules will be directly born in this world!

"As for the matter of the demon world, in the current Penglai world, apart from the remnants of the demon world somewhere, it is impossible for a real demon to come to this plane again." Pan Gu said slowly, even if it is He is in the Yanshen Mountain, but the outside world cannot be hidden from him at all.

"I will definitely do my best to eliminate all of this!" Feng Hao also lowered his head slightly and said sincerely.

"No, I don't need you to eliminate this remnant."

Feng Hao's answer to God Venerable Pangu is undeniable, and he doesn't need it?

"I was wrong in the past. I thought that the world would be truly beautiful if we could eliminate the people in the demon world." Pan Gu said hoarsely: "After so many years, I observed silently, and I really understood. Becoming a demon is all about one thought.”

"If the heart is good and there are no selfish thoughts, demons will not appear. If a person's heart is not righteous, and demons appear instead, this is a real demon."

"Man's most terrible enemy is nothing but his own heart."

"If the heart is right, external forces cannot shake the heart."

God Venerable Pangu said slowly, this is his understanding for many years, whether it was him or the Queen Nuwa, they were all wrong. Everything in this world has its own thoughts, but the choice of good and evil lies in their own hearts. Things.

Even if they kill all the monsters in the world, they can't ensure real peace!

This, Pangu God Venerable has understood this truth for thousands of years. To achieve true peace, everyone in the world must have no evil thoughts in their hearts. Without evil thoughts, naturally there will be no demons appearing.

Everyone wants to be kind, and everything in this world will naturally become different.

However, to do this,

It's not so easy, even Pan Gu is not sure to do it.

"Teach all races that people's hearts are good, so that we can stop demons?" Feng Hao seemed to understand everything.

"That's right, the power you possess can indeed calm everything in the world, but the real enemy of everyone is not the devil, but their own hearts."

God Venerable Pangu said slowly, and then he also smiled easily: "Okay, after so much nonsense, what you want to become the master of this world in the future depends on your one thought."

After that, the phantom of Pangu God Venerable suddenly became dim, Feng Hao's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help asking in a surprised voice: "Senior, what are you going to do?"

"To truly be with the heaven and the earth, Fenghao, you have to remember that the ninth spirit pearl is bestowed on you, and you have to take on your due responsibilities. The future of everything in this world depends entirely on your thoughts." between."

In an instant, the phantom of God Venerable Pangu disappeared completely, but only a light blue bead remained.

This is the ninth spirit bead!

This spirit bead didn't stay any longer, it directly submerged into Feng Hao's body, and in an instant, Feng Hao's whole body erupted with a kind of radiant light, illuminating the entire Yanshen Mountain!

At the same time, everyone in the entire Penglai world, including the Hundred Clans Continent, had a feeling in their hearts, and they all looked up at the sky in unison, showing shocked expressions.

There were bursts of thunder, as if the heavens were angry!

Although Feng Hao's body is located in Yanshen Mountain, but in an instant, it is everywhere. After experiencing the world of Penglai, the mainland of hundreds of tribes, and even the sea of ​​the East Pole, he seems to be a real heaven and earth at this time. dominate!

Under his divine sense, he saw everything, including the unreconciled Heavenly Dao that was silently dying! At this time, as he is refining the ninth spirit pearl, he has gradually become the ruler of the world. The previous way of heaven will naturally be abandoned by the rules, so that Feng Hao can achieve a new rule!

For this, Feng Hao didn't pay much attention to it, because he knew that the new rules would be truly born, and the previous way of heaven would disappear directly, and the new rules would be controlled by him at that time!

Afterwards, Feng Hao saw the place where the immortals organized, there was indeed a monster waiting for an opportunity to come out, but Feng Hao remembered the words of Pangu God, the real devil lies in the human heart.

Ignoring the need to destroy the monster, Feng Hao also thought about it, and continued to strengthen the seal here, at least during his existence, the seal here will not disappear! As long as the seal does not disappear, the monster inside will not reappear.

With his eyes closed for a hundred years and his eyes open for a thousand years, Feng Hao opened his eyes suddenly after completing the inheritance of the Lingzhu. In other words, he is already the real master, let him formulate the rules of this world!

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