Martial Inverse

Chapter 286: Dao Ancestor

Chapter 286 Dao Ancestor


Just when the new rules were about to take shape, an explosion that pierced the world suddenly resounded, causing the whole world to be in turmoil.

Feng Hao raised his head and saw, above the sky, a pair of bright eyes were looking straight at him.

This thing is extremely huge, with a pair of eyes like two scorching suns, and a pair of big wings covering the sky and the sun, it is unknown how far it has traveled.

It just floated above the sky, causing all things in the world to panic, and all beasts have already surrendered under its feet, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

Only Feng Hao could clearly see that the appearance of this thing directly hindered the formation of the new rules of the world, and where it was, the rules shattered like glass.


Feng Hao frowned slightly, his eyes shone brightly, and he recognized it.

It is one of the four ancient gods...Kunpeng who hinders the formation of the rules.

Looking at its hostile eyes, Feng Hao suddenly understood the words of Pangu God Venerable.

Good and evil are only in the mind of one's mind.

"Pangu, this time the rules are for us to decide." The deep voice resounded through the entire world like thunder, making the entire world lose its color.


Feng Hao suddenly became alert, and with a glance, he saw that there was a figure holding a jade butterfly on top of the Kunpeng.

There is no doubt that it must be Hongjun.

They are here to fight for the control of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Where is Nuwa?" Feng Hao said, his voice was thunderous.

"She has already entered reincarnation, this time, you go too."

Hongjun opened his mouth, and the jade butterfly in his hand fell down. Wherever he went, the rules of heaven and earth were shattered, and he pressed down on Xiao Yu with the momentum of truly destroying the world.

"Here comes the axe."

With a shout, Feng Hao put his head on the Immortal Mansion, holding the sky-opening axe, and slashed at Yudie without hesitation.

A world-shattering war officially broke out, and the lives of all worlds were devastated. Countless creatures wailed and died. The whole world was like an abyss and hell.

Those who survived all knelt on the ground and prayed without any resistance.

This is a war between the ancient gods, and no one can participate. Even the slightest aftermath can turn any person in the Supreme Realm into ashes.

The world is collapsing and the world is falling into chaos.

Seeing all this happening, Feng Hao was anxious, but he was helpless. Under the bombardment of the two ancient gods, he was also forced to retreat again and again, at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, at this moment, a sad emotion spread across the entire world, and everything in the world wept for it.

As for the two ancient gods, Kunpeng and Hongjun, their expressions changed drastically.


Their gazes all turned to the Saint Heaven Academy of the Human Race, where the light was shining brightly, and a huge aura spread out, and all the destroyed things around them recovered quickly at this time.

Then, a holy figure appeared, waved his hand casually, the surrounding dust fell away, and everything flourished.


There was a touch of extreme astonishment in Feng Hao's eyes.

This holy figure turned out to be... Yu Ning.

At this moment, he remembered every detail of the first time he saw Yu Ning.

She always does good, saves the world, does not ask for anything in return, and has no complaints or regrets.

It turned out that she was the reincarnation of the ancient god Nuwa.

Before the figure arrived, the five-colored divine stone had already pressed against Kunpeng, and Xiao Yu's pressure was greatly relieved.

The four ancient gods gathered together, the battle became more intense, and the rules of heaven and earth became even more chaotic. The entire Penglai world collapsed because of this, hundreds of clans fell, and the entire world was in an unstable state. It seemed that it might collapse at any time .

"Stop it."

Yu Ning wept, and couldn't bear to see Wan Ling wailing.

"Let the world return to chaos, and I will open the world again." Hongjun roared, making all creatures despair.


When the jade butterfly and the sky-opening ax collided again, a piece of chaos emerged, like a black hole, swallowing everything, rules, anger, all chaos.

"I grant your wish,

Seal you in the chaos, and you will never be reborn forever. "

Feng Hao saw that the chaos had been completed, and his feet landed on the ground. Suddenly, a great momentum spread out from his body, and the whole body magnified infinitely, as if it had become the whole world.

The heaven and the earth are its body, and its divine power is infinite, and the sun and the moon are its eyes, which can see everything.

This is the real Pangu Divine Body, the form that Pangu Divine Venerable was in when he opened up the world, and the entire world and everything were fused with him.

With the help of the power of the whole world, he presses down on Kunpeng and Hongjun, forcing them into chaos.

"You and I were born in Chaos, immortal and immortal, so what if you force me into Chaos." Hongjun's roar came from within Chaos.

They struggled in the chaos and wanted to get out.

"The tree comes."

Feng Hao opened his mouth, and the willow tree in Yanshen Mountain appeared in his hands. Without hesitation, he planted the willow tree on Chaos.


The willow tree shakes, life suddenly appears, and it expands to the surroundings. Wherever it goes, the rules are re-established, and the chaos disappears.

"Do not."

Hongjun and Kunpeng wanted to break free, but it was too late, leaving behind two wails, and completely disappeared into the world.

The chaos is gone, only a willow tree stands there, and it is full of vitality when it is slightly swayed.

"Husband, let's make the rules."

Yu Ning walked over, looking at the dark world, she couldn't help crying again.


Feng Hao nodded, looking at the devastated scene, he groaned softly, "In the future, all things in the world should cultivate the 'Tao', if the 'Tao' is clear, it will be strong."

In the previous world, strength was the most important thing, and with big fists, there was no need to reason, and taking by force was regarded as a normal behavior, so it led to chaos in the world, and there was no distinction between good and evil.

He re-established the rules as the 'Tao'.

Tao is reason, and only when the reason is clear can one control the Tao and possess great power. Such a person, with strong power, will be able to bless the world.

Following his words, the rules of the world were re-established, and everything recovered. However, the surviving people found that their own power was being stripped away and integrated into the world. Brand-new rules were imprinted in everyone's minds.

Since then, there is only one supreme god in the world... Daozu Fenghao.

And Feng Hao himself pulled out the fairy grass in his body, reshaped the two strands of remnant souls attached to his body, and recovered.

There is no doubt that they are Huang Shuiyue and Fen Lao.

From then on, Feng Hao and a group of beautiful wives lived a shameless life in the highest school in the world.

[ps: So far, Wu Ni has ended. For more than two years, Xiami sincerely thanks all readers for their support all the way, and it is your support that gave Xiami the motivation to keep writing. The new book, Wu Ni’s update is relatively slow, I am deeply sorry, but the new book already has a million words, as soon as it is decided, it will be published, and I will notify you in the reader group "233434395" at that time, so that you can have a good time reading it. 】

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