Wu Ni's Extraterrestrial Chapter



A deafening strange sound made Feng Hao frowned. He stood up and found himself on a strange bridge, and around him were some strange iron boxes.

What's even more strange is that there are still people sitting in these strange iron boxes!

And those noises came from these iron boxes.

"Grass mud horse, you are looking for death, stand on the elevated!"

"Where is the beggar? I don't know how to go to the subway station..."

"are you crazy……"

Some strange shouts came from the mouths that came out of the iron box.

"You... are you okay?"

Feng Hao was wondering what that meant when a female voice caught his attention.

This is a woman wearing a strange dress. The collar is V-shaped, revealing a large area of ​​white skin, and the trousers are even more weird. They are only one-third of the length. Underneath is a pair of slender long legs. Weird shoes that come out a few centimeters.

Although it is weird, but, I have to say, there is still a different sense of beauty.

Liu Ye had an oval face with curved eyebrows, but at this moment, anxiety and panic were written on her small and pretty face.

The reason is that her iron box hit Feng Hao.

However, the strange thing was that the front of her car was dented, but the ragged guy in front of her seemed to be fine.

"Is this the earth?"

Looking at everything different around him, Feng Hao's heart skipped a beat.


Fortunately, before opening the teleportation array, he had learned the language of the earth, so it was handy.

"Sir, I'm in a hurry to sign a contract now. Why don't I sign the contract first and then send you to the hospital for an examination. Do you think it's okay?"

The woman seemed to be in a hurry to do something, and Feng Hao was dragged into her iron box in a daze.

With a roar, the iron box moved forward as if it had regained its vitality.

Although it feels weird, but this is not enough to scare Feng Hao.

After all, he is the supreme god of a world!


Just as he was thinking about it, Feng Hao was astonished to find that he had disappeared without a trace of his divine power.

"what happened?"

Feeling carefully, he found that there was not even a trace of energy in this world.

What kind of world is this? !

If there is no energy, how are these cultivated?

Feng Hao can't understand why everything in this world is so strange, and the women here are so revealingly dressed, it's really indecent.

After careful inspection, he found that although he could not invoke the laws of heaven and earth, his power of the supreme divine body was still there.

The power of the unicorn.

Xuanwu's defense.

Qinglong's speed.

Suzaku's wings.

Although he doesn't know how strong the strong people in this world are, he has absolute confidence in his supreme divine body.

"You wait for me in the car for a while, and I will come as I go."

The woman parked the iron box at the entrance of a hotel called 'Lianyuan Hotel', and after saying a few words, she hurried in with a beautiful leather bag, leaving Feng Hao alone in the iron box.

"This iron box is called a car? What a strange name."

Feng Hao muttered.

Because he didn't know if there was any danger in this world, his wives did not follow.

Fortunately, they didn't follow, otherwise, they were scattered all over the world, and he really didn't know where to find them.

After all, without divine power, looking for someone in a world is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Through the car window, he looked out.

The houses here are very tall, and there are strange things like night pearls hanging around them, emitting light, making the night as if it were day.

He got out of the car.

I found that the air here is not good, and there is a strange smell mixed in it.

"That's the skate shoe I want, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing on this slippery ground, rubbing..."

A few young men and women in strange clothes walked by, humming songs that he didn't understand, and looked at him with strange eyes.

"Hey buddy, go buy a suit and wear it."

One of the teenagers looked at the cloth strips hanging on his body, walked over, handed Feng Hao a piece of red paper, and said.

"Be careful!"

Feng Hao was about to take the strange paper, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw an iron box crashing into a little girl crossing the road, and then he moved, and these boys and girls in strange clothes saw it. A scene they will never forget...


One kick directly penetrated the front of the iron box. The man in cloth strips stood there majesticly, and then calmly picked up the obviously frightened little girl. came over.

If it wasn't for those guys from the Extreme East family who told him that he couldn't kill people at will in this world, his kick could easily crush the iron box and the people inside.

[PS: This is the first chapter of the Earth chapter. If you have any good suggestions, you can contact Xiami. I hope to serialize the reply 1 of the Earth chapter, and I hope to continue to read the reply 2 of the Tianwu chapter.]

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