Wu Ni

At the same time, on the third floor of Lianyuan Hotel, the two women also saw with their own eyes the scene where Feng Hao's kick directly penetrated the front of the Land Rover.


One of the women covered her mouth and exhaled softly. f

She is the female driver who brought Feng Hao here.

"Xiaomei, do you know him?"

Standing next to her, the woman who was also wearing tight white-collar overalls asked.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang."

Xiaomei nodded, and said what happened on the high shelf.

"You mean, you hit him, but he's fine?"

The woman named Mr. Zhang narrowed her beautiful eyes, picked up the coat on the chair, and walked towards the elevator.

This woman's name is Zhang Yi, and her father is the boss of the well-known Zhang's enterprise. Logically speaking, she only needs to be her eldest lady at home, and she doesn't need to spend money to travel around.

However, her stepmother wanted her to get married so that her stepmother's younger brother, who was less than ten years old, would monopolize all Zhang family's property in the future.

Then, Zhang Yi asked her father to run out of the house with 20 million yuan and start his own business.

However, the son of the Yun family that her stepmother promised had no intention of letting her go, and often came to harass her, and even disrupted several of her businesses, which annoyed her very much. (fastest update)

Just when he was about to find a strong bodyguard, Feng Hao appeared...




After Feng Hao walked over, a few words that he didn't understand popped out of the mouths of those boys and girls.

"Are you OK?"

Ignoring their shock, Feng Hao bent down and asked the little girl.

The little girl shook her head, but she also looked at Feng Hao with little stars in her eyes, and asked in a childish voice, "Big brother, are you Ultraman?"


Feng Hao was confused, patted the little girl's head, and said, "If you want the big brother to be Ultraman, then the big brother is Ultraman."

good lw.

The foreheads of those boys and girls were covered with black lines.

There are even people who say that they belong to Ultraman.

"This Mr. Altman."

Zhang Yi, who had just walked down, couldn't help laughing at his title, and greeted him with a smile.

"This is me, Mr. Zhang."

The woman who brought him here introduced him.

"Mr. Zhang? What a strange name."

Feng Hao glanced at Zhang Yi and found that this person was indeed good looking. Although there was a gap between him and a fairy like Le Xin, her attire gave her a different flavor.

Of course, the current him, of course, does not have words such as strong woman, beautiful president, etc. in his mind.

"My name is Zhang Yi. I don't know what Mr. Altman's name is?"

Zhang Yi also looked at the man in front of him with some surprise.

Although Feng Hao was dressed in rags, he had an air of contempt for all living beings. In ancient times, he could definitely be called an emperor.

Although he has long hair, it doesn't look messy, but instead gives people the feeling of a romantic.

"Feng Hao."

"Oh, I don't know if Mr. Feng has found a job. If not, I have a job here that is very suitable for Mr. Feng. The monthly salary is not low."

Zhang Yi showed her fox tail, hooking up with this peerless master.

After all, with Feng Hao's appearance, he looked very much like a person who came to a big city like Shanghai.

"Work? Monthly salary?"

Although he doesn't quite understand what these two words mean, Feng Hao probably understands that this woman should want to do things with her.

Suddenly he couldn't help feeling amused.

Ever since I became the Supreme God, even my own clansmen have treated me respectfully and sympathetically. This woman is so good that she wants to be her servant herself. This courage is really extraordinary!

However, I just came into this world,

I don't know everything about this world yet, so it would be better if someone taught me.

It has to be said that beautiful women have advantages.

Even Feng Hao, the Supreme God, agreed to her unreasonable request.

However, in fact, Feng Hao also wants to enjoy the feeling of being an ordinary person.

To be honest, he is not used to the reverence and admiration of other people. It is an excellent experience to live in a different environment and identity.

"Feng Hao, did you learn the iron cloth shirt? Or the golden bell cover? Are you a Shaolin monk?"

In the car, Zhang Yi kept asking non-stop, but our Supreme God, Fenghao, didn't understand a word.

"Which ravine did you just come out of?"

Zhang Yi thought of the plots in some martial arts novels. Speaking of which, Feng Hao's situation is really very similar.

"That's right."

Feng Hao touched the bridge of his nose.

A good Tianwu Continent has become a small valley. I don’t know how the people of Tianwu Continent feel when they know about it...

"Then you don't even know how to use a mobile phone or a computer?"

Then, Zhang Yi took out something that Feng Hao couldn't understand at all and dangled it in front of him.

Following her explanation, Feng Hao's face was full of surprise.

He really didn't expect that this mobile phone, which is not as big as a palm, can talk to people anywhere in the world anytime, anywhere.

Wouldn't such a thing allow everyone in this world to have the perception that only the Supreme God possessed?

Computers are even more amazing.

For the next month, our Almighty devoted all his energies to understanding the world.

Fortunately, he has a powerful brain and has a photographic memory. Let’s not talk about it. After reading financial information, he is already an invisible financial master. As long as you give him enough money, he can Over-control the stock market of any country, if you want it to rise, you have to go up, if you want it to fall, you have to fall... After studying management, he is already a senior executive... such as art, music, etc. Go, chess... and what about hackers, Feng Hao discovered that the firewalls of some of the most secret departments in a certain country, which claim to have never been conquered, are full of loopholes and unbearable in his opinion. As long as he wants to, he can paralyze the network of any place and any country in minutes... etc. In short, he is already an all-round super master figure.

However, our Miss Zhang Yi doesn't know what kind of monster this kid who came out of the ravine has become within this month.

ps: Because the WeChat public platform can only update one piece of information a day, I will update the first few chapters of the Earth chapter first, and then update the Tianwu chapter, is that okay? If everyone is not satisfied, those who join the group can directly qq me and put forward their valuable opinions.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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